My Favorite Media of 2024

Hi, everyone! As I'm sure you're aware by now, it's almost the end of 2024 (how? Genuinely how has time gone by so fast? How are we almost HALFWAY THROUGH the 2020s???). Anyway, before 2024 ends, I decided I wanted to make a post about my favorite new media from 2024 (music, books, movies, etc). This isn't necessarily all things that came out for the first time in 2024-----some of it is years old at this point but it's all things that I've read/watched/listened to for the first time in 2024. I'll try to keep it down to ten but this may end up being more than that because I've enjoyed a lot of things this year. So, without further ado, let's get into it. Wicked Wicked has been everywhere for the past month but I didn't see the movie until mid-December so I was a little late to the Wicked hype but I'm so glad I had the chance to see it because I absolutely loved it! This mayyy be cheating because, like any self-respecting musical theatre ner...