
The Top Struggles Of Being A Fangirl

 Hello again, wonderful people of the blogosphere! Apologies for my absence-----school has been keeping me busy. Due to how many essays I've been writing, I wanted to do something fun and silly without just doing another tag, sooo....I present to you The Top Struggles Of Being A Fangirl.  Note that just because it says ''fangirl'' in the title doesn't mean these are exclusive to women. I just happen to be one and I needed an easy title, but I'm sure that these can also be applied to fanboys as well as anyone in the nonbinary/genderqueer/genderfluid spectrum. Also, just because you don't relate to all of these, it doesn't mean you're not a fan. With that being said, let's get to it, huh? #1: You Always Find Yourself Falling For Fictional Characters Now, I'll admit that I tend to fall for people I can't have, but being a massive fangirl certainly doesn't help that. There's definitely no shortage of talented, attractive people fo

Lately I've Been Watching.....

 Hello, fellow bloggers and blog-readers! So, I've been watching.....a LOT of TV/YouTube this summer (probably more than I should, hehe) and since we're at the end of the summer, I thought I'd give you guys a little summary on the shows that made my summer. Without further ado, let's get into it.  Murdoch Mysteries Me and my sisters used to watch this ALL THE TIME when we were younger (to be honest, maybe a little too young to be watching murder mysteries) but I hadn't watched it in years. Well, earlier this summer, I got a sudden urge to rewatch it and, what do you know, all of the seasons were on FreeVee. I have this habit of getting addicted to murder mysteries (it's like a puzzle! They're so fun to try to solve), which definitely happened here. I may or may not be on Season Five already......whoops.  I found this on Pinterest. It's so funny, I love it.  I'd forgotten what a fun show it is to watch! While I do prefer Miss Fisher's Murder Myste

Tags (again)

 Hello everyone! I've been feeling very uninspired lately but I still want to blog so I decided to re-do some tags that I did several years ago------mostly from 2020. Like, am I being lazy? Yes but I also wanted to see how my answers have changed over the years so I'll leave links to the original post so you can read them.  Link #1 Link #2 First up, the Elegant Blogger Award! The Questions What made you start blogging?  The doll blogging community, actually! Back in 2018, I had gotten my first American Girl doll as well as my first phone so I spent A LOT of time reading AG blogs and watching AGTube. That inspired me to try blogging for myself, though I didn't get around to starting one until May of 2019.  What is your fashion style?  I have a pretty eclectic sense of style so I have a wide variety of different styles but I think I could sum it up in three C's: cozy, creative and colorful.  What is something your followers don't know about you?  Honestly, I don't

Barnes and Noble Haul

 Hello everyone! I'm sorry for the long wait between posts------I really did mean to post more but just didn't get around to it. Anyway! Recently I went to Barnes and Noble (aka one of my favorite stores in the world) and they were having a sale so I got a lot of cool things and I wanted to share you what I bought. This isn't me trying to brag or anything, this is just me sharing some cool book-and-fandom-related things that I bought. I know that I'm very lucky to afford luxuries like these. So, without further ado, let's get into it! So, here's the full haul (and the pic that I will be posting on Instagram lol). Honestly, I'm surprised at how well this picture turned out (maybe my photography skills are slowly starting to improve....). The first thing I got was Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli. I've actually read this book before! I borrowed it from the library last year but it hasn't been available since then and I really enjoyed it so I was v

I Went To A Fan Convention Pt. 2

 Hello, all! I don't know if you remember but last year I went to a fan convention for the first time and made a post about it. This year I was lucky enough to go to one again, I took a lot of pictures and I'm excited to show it to you guys. So, let's begin, shall we? Day One The first (and biggest) thing I did on the first day was going to see Catherine Tate's (aka Donna from Doctor Who ) panel. It was genuinely one of the best panels I've ever gone to. She was very engaging and kind and she was absolutely hilarious. She spent the whole time answering fan questions so, needless to say, we got through a lot of them.  After that, we did a lot of shopping (I'll show you my haul at the end of the post) and we went to a panel on writing romance. I don't have a lot of experience with writing romance, so it was interesting to see.  I also saw this amazing Weeping Angel cosplay and a really great Simon and River one as well.  Day Two Friday was definitely my busies