The Top Struggles Of Being A Fangirl

 Hello again, wonderful people of the blogosphere! Apologies for my absence-----school has been keeping me busy. Due to how many essays I've been writing, I wanted to do something fun and silly without just doing another tag, sooo....I present to you The Top Struggles Of Being A Fangirl. 

Note that just because it says ''fangirl'' in the title doesn't mean these are exclusive to women. I just happen to be one and I needed an easy title, but I'm sure that these can also be applied to fanboys as well as anyone in the nonbinary/genderqueer/genderfluid spectrum. Also, just because you don't relate to all of these, it doesn't mean you're not a fan. With that being said, let's get to it, huh?

#1: You Always Find Yourself Falling For Fictional Characters

Now, I'll admit that I tend to fall for people I can't have, but being a massive fangirl certainly doesn't help that. There's definitely no shortage of talented, attractive people for me to drool over in the entertainment industry. However, due to not wanting to be creepy or parasocial, I am resigned to pining quietly over people twenty years older than me who have no idea who I am. 

And, if you thought it was bad with celebrities, it gets way worse with fictional characters. I'm pretty sure I've met my soulmate at least five times, but there's one problem; none of them are real. How's a girl to cope when she's found someone perfect for her but who only exists on celluloid? Seriously, it's a struggle. 

#2: You Spend Way Too Much Money On Fandom-Related Things

This one isn't necessarily a requirement buuuuut I've found that fandom-related things cost a lot of money (capitalism, amiright?). Concerts may be a great way to support your favorite artist (and see them live) and comic cons may be the best place on Earth, but, damn, they get expensive really quickly, which is a struggle if, like me, you have limited finances. Even things that seem inexpensive (books, DVDs/CDs/T-shirts) cost more than you'd think. Of course I don't technically need these things, but having a physical, personal copy of something just hits different, y'know? Also, who am I kidding, I definitely need more books to add to my personal library. 

#3: Shipping

This may not seem like a struggle until it's 2 am and you're in the middle of a 500,000 word slow burn fic and you just need the main couple to kiss and you're starting to realize that you have a problem. 

*clears throat* I've definitely never done that. Who would do that? That's insane, hahaha. 

*whispers* the fic was ''To Light and Guard'' if you wanna read it. It's truly a work of art. 

You may not think that shipping would really be considered a ''problem'' but, if you've ever spent time in fandom spaces, you'd know that it can be Serious Business. Especially if 90% of your favorite ships are non-canon rarepairs. 

Let me break that down for those of you who are not chronically online and have actual lives. A ''canon'' ship is a couple that is together in the fandom. A ''non-canon'' ship is one that is not canonically together. A ''rarepair'' just means that it's a ship that is more, well, rare! And guess which ships your girl always gets attached to? 

If you guessed semi-obscure, non-canon ships, you'd be correct! While there are plenty of canon couples that I squeal over (TaiVan, Brittana, Chaggie, etc), so many of mine are relatively obscure and there's just NOT ENOUGH CONTENT for them. 

Please please please, fanfic writers, get invested in my ships. I promise they're cute. 

#4: Making References Other People Don't Get

I make soooo many references to my favorite fandoms in everyday conversations and, because all of my favorite fandoms are awesome and quotable (because I have Taste), I quote a lot of my faves. Like, A LOT. Constantly. But y'know what happens when I quote things? People. Don't. Get. My. References. 

This actually hasn't been that big of a problem lately because my siblings are into some of my fandoms and I WILL make the reference anyway but sometimes I just wish people were more invested in my fandoms. 

#5: Having To Do Regular Life Things

Actual footage of real life hitting me
As someone who (probably) has ADHD, I'm easily distracted by nature but being invested in a shiny, new fandom doesn't help. I'm not kidding when I say that sometimes I think I'm more invested in the lives of fictional characters than my own life. Unfortunately, life doesn't seem to respect my fandom issues and I'm expected to keep up ''adulting'' while I'm going through fandom feels. What do you MEAN I'm supposed to focus on my math test when I'm bubbling over with excitement from my newest obsession? What do you MEAN that I have to do laundry when my favorite character just died? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?! 

#6: Canceling (you know, the Netflix version) 

Have you ever scrolled through Netflix and been like, ''hey, look, there's a new show. That looks fun'' so you start watching it and it is! It has great characters and an interesting story and ends with a cliffhanger so you're really invested in getting to see the next season. find out that the show has been cancelled! Yep, that's right, the amazing show will never see a season two, while terrible shows get renewed for season after season. It's just unfair and it's been happening so much lately. Genuinely, screw you streaming services who cancel your best shows because they don't instantly make you a billion dollars. 

#7: Halloween

You may be thinking that this would be the best time of the year. After all, what's better than dressing up as fictional characters, eating a ton of candy and watching a ton of creepy movies? It's really no secret that Halloween is my favorite holiday and I love most things about it but there is one downside: You have to pick one character to dress up as. 

One?! Excuse me, that just seems insane. I think we should have at least a week of Halloween. I'm an incredibly indecisive person by nature and I have so many favorite characters and I can't help wanting to dress up as all of them. Besides being indecisive, I'm also a massive perfectionist so I'm always wanting my costumes to look as amazing as they possibly can, which can add a layer of not-so-fun stress to an otherwise very fun holiday. 

#8: Having To Deal With Criticism Gets Rough

Look, I understand that criticism is a part of life and that people have the right to dislike things. However, I am a sensitive bean and I hate when the things I love get dragged to Hell. Often times I even agree with the criticism (just because I love something doesn't mean I consume it uncritically) but when other people from outside of the fandom try to tell me why I shouldn't like something, I take it personally. 

Of course I don't actually say anything because people have a right to their own opinions, buuuut I'll still be in the corner sobbing. 

#9: Fanfiction

I am of the opinion that fanfiction is one of life's greatest joys and I am seriously so glad to be able to live in a world where it exists. I also think it's wonderful by design. Ever wish your fave character didn't die? There's at least five fics where they don't.  Still, that doesn't mean that it doesn't add challenges to my life on occasion. As mentioned in the ''shipping'' category, I have stayed up way too late to read ''just one more chapter'' of a story. There's also the fact that sometimes fic writers don't have very good grammar, which, if you're a grammar nerd like me, can get a little annoying (I try not to be too harsh, though because they are making art for free). Also, have you ever gotten super invested in a really good fic only to be unable to tell anyone because they don't read fanfiction and would have no idea what you're talking about? 

And if you thought reading fanfiction got crazy, just wait until you start writing it. It will take over your life. Also you mayyyy end up getting obsessed with the lore you've created for your own fic. Whoops. 

So, there were originally going to be ten struggles but I couldn't think of another so y'all will have to make do with nine. Hopefully this was entertaining to read. 

Until Next Time,


  1. Yay, another post from one of my favourite bloggers! ๐ŸŽŠ
    Hm, I wonder how much of a fan-girl I am? Let's see:
    #1 Not really... maybe to a small degree though? I do find several characters attractive, yes (Odysseus and Circe from EPIC: The Musical, for example), but I haven't ever thought of any of them as my soulmate ๐Ÿคท‍♀️
    #2 Nope, I almost never buy official merchandise. Every once in a while I'll get a little object or piece of jewelry that somehow relates to my character(s) or the story I'm currently into. Recently I bought a quartz-point ombre stone for around $3 because it made me think of a Void Crystal.
    #3 Yeahhh, I'll admit I do low-key ship characters, and perhaps I spend a little too much time thinking about the ships from my own stories... ๐Ÿ˜ถ
    #4 Oh my gosh, yes! Luckily my sisters get pretty much all the references I make. But recently I made a reference from Deltarune to my friend who actually introduced me to that Fandom... and he didn't get it! ๐Ÿ˜ญ It was tragic.
    #5 EXACTLY, 100% so relatable!!!
    #6 I don't have Netflix, but I still know what you mean with other shows ๐Ÿ’”
    #7 I love that meme! I need to come up with a plan to frighten the little neighbourhood children this Hallow's Eve... *evil witch cackle* ๐Ÿ‘ป
    #8 Eh, so-so. I don't think I've been criticized much for the things I like (at least, not yet). I definitely get teased by my family though.
    #9 I almost never read fan-fiction because I'm not interested in most head-canons. BUT I write fanfictions with my own OCs and stories based on or inspired by one! Now, if only I could actually finish something......


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