Running Wild in Impractical Outfits Tag

 Hello! Elizabeth tagged me for this, and I've been super excited about filling it out. Thank you so much!
The Rules
-Put a link to her blog, Autumn Ink
-Put a link to your post in the comments section of the original post
-Tag people if you want to
-Have fun with this tag, and feel free to add things, change locations, or whatever you want
-The outfits you choose can be from anywhere you like [movies, books, TV shows, real life, etc.], and they can be as practical or as impractical as you want. Choose with as much flagrant disregard or custom for the rules as you choose. 
-You have to bring a different fictional character of your choosing to each location.
At The Beach
Well, if I were at the beach, I'd probably want to wear a swimsuit, wouldn't I? 
I'm not really sure what specific type of swimsuit I'd like, though. Probably just something similar to what I have. 
This one is just a picture of a model, but I like the style. I would wear something like this.
And I'd bring Percy Jackson with me [idk, son of Poseidon, beaches, it just seemed to fit].
Car Wash
Honestly I'd probably just wear shorts and a T-shirt. I guess you could wear jeans, but wet jeans are kind of terrible.
Something similar to this, probably.
Except with more casual shoes. I would not wear those shoes to a car wash.
And I don't know who I'd take. For most of these, I had a little bit of an idea, but I'm drawing a blank on this one.
University of Glasglow
Honestly, anything that Spencer Hastings wears. Probably this one [she's the girl on the left, FYI].
Tbh, I'd take Spencer with me to the University of Glasglow. I think she'd appreciate it.
Abandoned Castle
Probably one of Drusilla's [Buffy the Vampire Slayer character] outfits. They're kind of gothic, and, I mean, if I'm going to be in an abandoned castle, why not go all out?
Um, probably this one.
And, honestly, I'd probably take Buffy Summers with me. Abandoned castles are known for having vampires, so she could fight them off. Or maybe Sherlock Holmes? I feel like there are a lot of mysteries involving abandoned castles, and he's a great detective. 
Summer Picnic
This outfit of Cassandra's from The Librarians. 
I don't know who I'd have a picnic with. Ummm....maybe Rose Tyler?
Summer Roadtrip
Honestly, I feel like I'd probably just wear jeans and a T-shirt, so let's go with one of Rose Tyler's outfits.
Maybe something like what she's wearing here.
I'm cheating here, because I'm not picking one character. I want to go on a summer road trip with every main character in Stranger Things. Because I love them all. 
In The Woods
Something like this dress, I think. 

Impractical? Yes, but I'd still wear it [I'm under the impression that I'm a fairy princess, apparently].
Idk who I'd take to the woods, honestly. Maybe Luna Lovegood?
Dancing In The Rain
Something like this. I've always liked the idea of dancing in the rain in a white dress.
And, ummm, I don't know who I'd bring. Maybe Anne Shirley. I think she'd appreciate the romance of dancing in the rain.
The dress on the left, to be more specific. Idk, it just has a Paris-y vibe.
I'd probably bring Aria with me to Paris, honestly. She's already been to Iceland, and I feel like she'd appreciate visiting Paris.
In a cottage with a garden
Something like Tara's dress here.
I know the fact that I would actually wear that dress IRL probably tells you that my fashion sense is, um, let's just go with unique. 
And I'd also totally bring Tara with me to a cottage with a garden. That'd be #livingthedream.
Circus or Masquerade
For a masquerade, I would definitely wear this.
I think I'd bring the Tenth Doctor with me, honestly. It'd be chaotic, but fun.
On the Moor
Okay, so I'd wear this top with either these jeans or this skirt. 

I would probably bring Jo March with me. I think I could have lots of interesting conversations with her.
Fun Bonus Question: It's the '20s [or some other era], and your husband's been mysteriously murdered. What's your outfit?
See, when she mentioned the '20s, I immediately thought of Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, so I decided to pick an outfit from there. I also decided that my husband had probably been murdered at a party, so this is what I'd be wearing at a party in the '20s. 
And, really, I'd probably bring Miss Fisher. If my husband has been murdered, I'm going to be the primary suspect, so I'd want a good detective to figure out who actually committed the murder.
So, that's it for this post. I tag
Ivy at Revealed in Time
Quinley at Adventure awaits
Jan at The Doodlecrafter
So, let's talk. Which characters would you bring to each location? What would you wear? Which of my answers do you agree with [if any]?


  1. Thank you so much for tagging me. :) I'll do it soon. :D I really love Tara's dress, it's so pretty. <3

    1. No problem! Can't wait to read your answers. I know! It's so gorgeous.

    2. Once again, thank you again for tagging me, this was so fun. :) Here are my answers:

  2. This looks like fun! Thanks for tagging me!

    1. It is! No problem. Can't wait to see your answers.

  3. You did the tag! I've been really excited to see people do answer this. I still have to answer it myself actually.
    I love all your answers and fictional character choices!! I was planning on bringing a vampire with me to the abandoned castle too XD And Rose and Ten! I would love to go places with them.
    Thanks again for doing the tag! I loved every bit of this.

    1. I didn't realize until now but I'm not sure I linked my blog link to the original tag post so it's easier to find. Just in case I didn't here's the link.

    2. Yes! The questions were great. Can't wait to see your answers.
      Yes, Rose and Ten! I love both of them so much.
      Oh, no problem. It was a lot of fun. Aw, thanks.

  4. Love all the outfits, and characters. I think you have a fun fashion sense.

    1. Me too. There are so many great characters, and I had such a hard time picking. Oh, thank you so much.

  5. Ooh, that striped skirt is really pretty. I think I'm a fairy princess too.

    1. It's one of my favorites, and she looks so good in it.
      Awesome! I think the world needs a few fairy princesses.

  6. Taking Luna Lovegood to hang out in the woods is a great idea! You have a nice range of colors in all of these outfits. I'll probably have all blue, lol!

    1. Thanks! I feel like she'd be fun to hang out with. Oh, thanks. Blue is such a pretty color, so all blue outfits wouldn't be a bad thing.


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