May Recap

Well, it's now the end of May, and that just seems insane to me. Why are the months going by so fast? Book I Read in May Movies/TV Shows I Watched in May Events of May -I worked on my WIP more. I think it's going pretty well. -I got to go out to eat at a restaurant for the first time in, well, a really long time. -It was my blogoversary this month! -Normal hobbies. -Fandom stuff, per usual. I introduced my family to Julie and the Phantoms, and am now obsessed with One Day at a Time. Feel free to squeal with me about it in the comments. -I helped out with some of my parents' work. -That's pretty much all. It was a pretty quiet month. So, how was your May? Did you do anything exciting or fun? Have you seen One Day at a Time?