May Recap

 Well, it's now the end of May, and that just seems insane to me. Why are the months going by so fast? 
Book I Read in May

Movies/TV Shows I Watched in May

Events of May
-I worked on my WIP more. I think it's going pretty well.
-I got to go out to eat at a restaurant for the first time in, well, a really long time. 
-It was my blogoversary this month! 
-Normal hobbies. 
-Fandom stuff, per usual. 
I introduced my family to Julie and the Phantoms, and am now obsessed with One Day at a Time. Feel free to squeal with me about it in the comments. 
-I helped out with some of my parents' work. 
-That's pretty much all. It was a pretty quiet month.
So, how was your May? Did you do anything exciting or fun? Have you seen One Day at a Time?


  1. Eeeeeeeekkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!! One Day at a Time is THE BEST🤩

  2. I haven't read Becky Aberthalli's books yet????? But then I'm seriously behind all the hyped books. I just finished reading most of Leigh Bardugo's books - have you read Six of Crows??
    I really really want to watch Julie and the Phantoms!
    Ahh happy blogiversary!

    1. They're really good! I definitely recommend them. I'm always behind on hyped books, too. I'm reading Six of Crows, but I haven't finished it yet. It's such a fun show! Thanks!

  3. It sounds like you had an awesome May. Also you read Coraline , AWESOME! :D I'd love to know what you thought of it. :)

    1. I did! Ooh, maybe I'll make a post on it. I really liked it.

  4. Oh, what did you think of Coraline and Emma? I don't think I've read the actual novel of Coraline, just a graphic novel. It still enjoyed it.

    Ack, you introduced your family to Julie and the Phantoms!!!! What do they think of it?? I loved watching Justina Machado on Dancing With the Stars, but haven't seen One Day at a Time. I loved her energy!

    May was so crazy because I went to places I hadn't been in ages! My other highlight was the new Twenty One Pilots album!

    1. I loved both of them for completely different reasons!
      I did! I think they liked it. Especially one of my sisters.
      It's a really good show. I might do a review of it, once I finish it.
      I know that feeling! It's great and weird at the same time.

  5. Glad you've had such a good May from the sounds of it!
    You read Coraline and Emma! Have you seen the Coraline movie?
    I can't believe May is already over either. I was going to be so productive this year and now we're already halfway through the year I'm mildly freaked out but it's fine.

    1. Thanks! I did! Yes! I really liked both of them. No, I haven't. Is it good?
      I know. It's crazy. It seems like it was just the end of 2020.

    2. Personally I think it's really good. I think you might like it if you like the book.

    3. Ooh, I might have to watch it sometime then.

  6. The Coraline book is so creepy but in a good way. Community, Buffy, and The Librarians is a great combination.

    1. Right.
      It is! They're all such good shows.


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