My Favorite Fashion + Gracie's Awesome Campaign

Hello, everyone. How many of you like fashion? I know I do but I tend to talk more about my career ambitions [or on my doll blog, my dolls] and post more videos then post about my style. So today I’m doing a post on my style. My style is hard to describe. It’s very feminine, and tends to be either somewhat wintery or beachy depending on the weather. Even if I’m wearing jeans I never wear loose, baggy clothes [not that there’s anything wrong with them, they’re just not my style], and I try to look professional and very put-together.  I LOVE trying out new makeup, hairstyles and accessories, too. Anyway, here we go:
I love these form-fitting shorts that I’m wearing today.
I love these two shirts, too.
This is maybe my all-time favorite skirt I’ve ever had. It’s a Faded Glory skirt that fits sizes 4-6. The waist is a little loose but it still fits very well.
The tags were taken off these pants [pretty much all my clothes were bought at the thrift store, and the tags were cut off so I can’t tell the brand]. These leggings are soft, and super high quality. I have them in brown, and black.
Again, I’m not sure where these jeans are from but they are also super high quality.
Due to the extreme shortness of this Cat & Jack skirt [mostly because it’s meant as a skirt to wear over a swimsuit] I wear this skirt with leggings, but I still really like the ruffles.
Okay, so these skinny jeans are purple [aka my favorite color of all time] which is why I love them so much. They’re also really comfy.
These shorts are really cheap, and they last for a really long time. I have them in teal and black.
This long-sleeved T-shirt is really, really awesome, and I really like the look of it. It’s not typically my style *shrugs*. It’s super cool.
This is pretty much the only blouse I own [because I went through a phase where I despised dresses, makeup and anything feminine. Not that that’s bad but it wasn’t me. Did you guys want me to do a post on that?]. It goes great with skirts. It’s a pinkish/lavender color.
This is so great for cold weather, and it goes well with both skirts and jeans.
I’ve been told I look good in this color, and I love how soft and comfy this is.
You can probably hardly say that it says Platform 9 ¾ anymore. It’s a pretty color, and it’s HARRY POTTER! What’s not to like?
A must-have for anyone who likes pink or cats or both!
My mom actually gave me this shirt really recently. It’s a little big on me but I don’t mind.
I love this sundress so much! It was super cheap, also, and I love the bright, happy color. So pretty!
It’s a little longer than the last one, and, of course, I love the color and pattern. It zips up in the back.
I love these fluffy slippers! They have little bows on them!
These GORGEOUS heels are my favorite shoes EVER. I’ll show you a picture of me wearing them.
See, I REALLY love them.
These shoes are not allowed inside because they’re so dirty. They’re great for outdoor games.
I love my cowboy boots! They’ve got a bit of light pink on them, and are super heavy duty.
These are my favorite [only] two bracelets, and I love them both [and layering them].
My best friend gave me this necklace, which is why I love it so much.
I love these sunglasses! I think the TV show Burn Notice really got me into sunglasses, and I’ve loved these ever since.
Important Announcement!
Gracie over at and her family have been doing some VERY important things. You can read all about it here:
She's also been launching a campaign about how to stop racism with haikus. Here's the link:
Well, that’s all for now! What are some of your favorite clothes?


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