7 Characters Who Deserve Their Own Spin-Off

Hi, again. So for my post today I’ll be doing…...7 Characters Who Should Have Their Own Spinoff Show/Movie. Again, as I watch more movies and TV shows I’ll probably make another later but for now….
1-Sarah Walker-Chuck
First of all Sarah’s a spy, and it’d be interesting to see what her life was like before she met Chuck. So maybe we could see some of her spy training and maybe some of her work with the C.A.T Squad, and some past missions, and see some of her missions with Bryce, as well. Actually, all of the C.A.T Squad deserve their own spin-offs but I’ll stick with Sarah for now. 
Lonnie is the daughter of Mulan in the Descendants movies, and I’m so disappointed that she won’t be in the third movie [due to filming another project] so I’d love for her to have a spin-off movie or TV show. Plus, she has a very interesting personality: she’s a pretty, sweet and helpful, pastel-loving, dress-wearing princess who’s an expert at martial arts and fencing.
3-Ziva David-NCIS
Again, I think this would be sort of like a prequel to when she’s on NCIS but since she is a former Mossad agent, and she’s hinted at a number of times about several interesting sounding events from her past. Also, to be totally honest who wouldn’t want to see a Ziva spin-off?
4-Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
Actually, I think they are actually making a Black Widow movie set to come out in 2020. *squeal* Are you excited for that?! I’ve been wanting Natasha to have her own movie since I first saw The Avengers. She’s totally awesome, and she has a TON of fans so it would probably do really well. In a Black Widow movie we’d also most likely see lots of fight scenes.
Is it just me or does she look kind of sad in this picture?
5-Carla-Burn Notice
Mmmhmm, would this even be a list I made if it didn’t include a villain of some kind? Ok, ok, it really would probably be an interesting TV show, since Carla’s so reserved and elusive we don’t get to hear or see very much [if any] of her past, and, while I have a few theories [somebody please say they want to hear one so I can tell you in the comments] I would like to know more about her, and she’s a spy so there’d probably be some good action scenes in there as well.
6-Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch-The Avengers
While this will probably never happen due to Wanda being too powerful and Elizabeth Olsen not necessarily wanting to do a spin-off movie it’s a neat idea. I love Wanda as a character, and I really, really want to see more of her. Besides there could potentially be something with more power than Wanda. This is Marvel, after all.
7-Fred and George Weasley-Harry Potter
Well, unfortunately that will most likely not happen *refrains from giving Harry Potter spoilers* but still at least ONE movie? They’re so funny, and goofy, and lovable. Basically if a movie was made about the twins it would definitely be a comedy.
Well, that’s all for now. I’ll most likely make a Part 2 soon since I didn’t include every character that deserves a spin-off so I wouldn’t bore you all to death [and pick too many side-villains played by Tricia Helfer, which I would totally do]. Do any of you agree with me that these characters should get a spin-off? Would any of you like to hear one of my fan theories? Follow up question: should I make a whole post on fan theories? Bye for now. 


  1. YESSS, Black Widow totally needs her own movie! I can't wait for it!

  2. YES! Sarah needs her own TV show. :D And maybe that would even allow the writers to tell you what EXACTLY happened to Sarah and Chuck at the end.

    Some spin offs I want to happen are:
    1. I would also like a spin off focusing on Tauriel (from The Hobbit), since we need to know more about her...
    2. A spin off series focused on Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson (this would be a book...)
    3. A sequel to Good Omens with focus on Pepper just because she is awesome character, and needs her own story! :) Also I want to see more Aziraphale and Crowley, again, just because.
    4. A tv show or movie focusing on Jareth's past before he became Goblin King (just because there is a comic of it, but I want to see a movie version of it, though we couldn't get David Bowie to play him, unfortunately. :( )
    5. A spin off of Death in Paradise focusing on Camille, I don't know what it would accomplish story wise, but it would be fun to watch.

    And that's all the spin offs I could think of right now. I love your spin off ideas, and I loved that you used the Sarah one.

    1. Oh and I forgot one.
      6. A spin off focusing on Legolas Greenleaf.

  3. All those spin-offs would be awesome! Even though I haven't watched Good Omens yet but since you said Pepper's an awesome character I trust your judgement. Yes, I had some book characters that I think need their own book series but I decided to save that idea for another post.


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