8 Characters I'd like to play someday

8 Characters I’d Like To Play Someday
Hellooooooo. Hi, again. Quick question: how many of you are actors? No, I don’t mean professionally, I just mean how many of you are interested in it or have it as a hobby? You may or may not know that I am an actor, and so here are 8 already created roles in books and movies that I would like to play someday [and yes they are not all originally played by Tricia Helfer. I made an effort, m’kay?].
#1: Elle Woods, Legally Blonde
Originally Played By: Reese Witherspoon
Why I would like to play Elle: Well, first of all I’d get to wear stylish costumes everyday. That would be fun. Seriously, though, I think Elle would be a fun character to play. I’d love to channel both her ambition and humor. She’s a great character, and I LOVE how she proves that liking pink and dresses doesn’t make you less smart. It’s what makes Elle, well, Elle. Besides, it just seems like a fun movie to be in.
#2: Charlotte Holmes-A Study in Charlotte
Author: Brittany Cavallard
Why I would like to play Charlotte: I just started reading A Study in Charlotte and it’s basically a gender-swapped Sherlock in modern times, and Charlotte is Sherlock’s great-great-great-great granddaughter, so basically I want to play Sherlock Holmes. Except, since the original Sherlock is a man and I’m a girl that doesn’t seem to make sense. So…..I’d like to portray that smartness, and complete social awkwardness, and random bursts of energy. And I like the name Charlotte. By the way, I highly recommend A Study in Charlotte. Great book.
#3: Sophie Foster-Keeper of the Lost Cities
Author: Shannon Messenger
Why I’d like to play Sophie: KOTLC is one of my favorite book series [also Sophie’s a blonde with brown eyes, which In like because I’m a blonde with brown eyes, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a character with blonde hair and brown eyes before. It’s not that rare, is it?]. Anyway, I like how Sophie’s so quiet and bookish and brave and one of the most selfless characters I’ve ever seen before. I love her for that. I hope if I ever can play Sophie that I could ever play her even half as good as Shannon Messenger’s written her as.
#4: Natasha Romanoff
Originally Played By: Scarlett Johansson
Why I’d like to play Natasha: Well, first of all those stunts would be an insane amount of fun to do. Also, while it’s a somewhat stereotypical role I like the idea of playing ‘the emotionless spy’. Besides, Black Widow is awesome, and honestly who wouldn’t want to play her? Seriously, I’d love to be in The Avengers [I’d also love to be an Avenger but unfortunately reality just had to step in and ruin everything]. Sooooo, yeah, definitely want to play Natasha.
#5: Number Six-Battlestar Galactica [if I’d put her next and put someone else at #5, then it could be #6-Number Six but I’m bad at waiting].
Originally Played By: Tricia Helfer
Why I’d like to play Six: I want it noted that I would actually like to play every single female character on Battlestar Galactica. Every. Single. One. But there’s no time for all those characters on one list [though there will probably be at least one more later down on this list]. Anyway, so as mentioned in other posts Six is a Cylon so there are multiple copies of her. Which would translate to I get to play more parts. Which means I’d get to play the really cruel ones, the femme fatale ones, the one who’s actually nice. Btw, since they’re Cylons they are all very physically strong and highly intelligent so that’d be fun.
#6: Abby Sciuto-NCIS
Originally Played By: Pauley Perrette
Why I’d like to play Abby: Well, first of all Abby would be so much fun to play. Plus, she’s basically my spirit animal [spirit human in this case, I guess] and I absolutely LOVE energetic characters. Aaand she’s super smart which is AWESOME. I also love her outfits. Very random but I love her, and she’d be fun to play.
#7: Ruby Tucker-Renegades
Written By: Marissa Meyer
Why I’d like to play Ruby: Did I forget to mention that she’s a superhero? Pretty cool, right? Anyway, I’d really like to play Ruby because she’s pretty perky and upbeat while still being practical, strong, loyal and resourceful, Besides, she is a superhero and it’s kinda becoming well-known on this blog that I want to play a superhero.
#8: Cress Darnel-The Lunar Chronicles
Written By: Marissa Meyer
Why I’d like to play Cress: Well, Cress is a hacker, which I find interesting. She’s incredibly sweet, imaginative, intuitive, optimistic and compassionate. I’d also like to play Scarlet, so just a note there. Oh, and also I find Cress an incredibly interesting character.
Okay, that’s all I could think of for now. So are you an actor? What characters would you like to play? And most importantly: how many of these characters are you familiar with?


  1. I'm only familiar with...one of these characters. I think you can figure out who she is.
    I liked how you included both characters who have already been in movies, as well as book characters.

  2. Hmmm, Black Widow, right? I think you'd probably like the Renegades series. Oh, thank you. I just included all the characters I wanted to play. Well, there are more but listing all of them would take at least a day. Thanks for commenting.

    1. Yep! Maybe I would, honestly I just need to read more.

  3. Yay. I don't read A TON but I think I get about 1-5 read a month. That seems about how much I read.

  4. I happen to be an actor, and I have SO many roles I want to play. :) (Most of which I should add are roles that are normally played by boys.) But the roles you want to play look AMAZING (though I don't know very many of them.)

  5. YES, YES, YES. I always have SO MANY roles I want to play.
    Hmmm, yeah, I guess lots of the shows/movies/books I like are lesser known in the blogging community.

  6. Also, just wanted to say, you'd make an amazing Elle Woods. :) And I hope you get to play her one day in a remake of the movie or even a play/musical version of it.

  7. Aww, thank you so much, Quinley. That'd be so fun.


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