My Favorite Superheroes

Hi, again. Today I’ll be doing a post on my favorite superheroes. In my review of Captain Marvel I asked if you wanted to see a post with my favorite superheroes. Diamond [] said she would like to see me do a post like that and since I was somewhat lacking other post ideas it seemed like a fun thing to do today.
Note: There is no particular order to this. Also, images are not mine. 
Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
First of all, Natasha’s awesome. That’s just a fact. Second of all, I find that a lot of movies/TV shows/books sort of make all the female characters the same: tough, smart, unemotional. Black Widow was probably the first or one of the first characters made that way and they developed it in such a good way and Scarlett Johansson plays her perfectly so I didn’t mind. Besides, she is an assassin so it actually makes sense that she’d be this way.
She had a very sarcastic/dry/witty kind of humor which I love. Also, while she’s clearly the best fighter they have on the team, and one of the smartest she’s not perfect. She’s just good at lots of things. Not to mention, she doesn’t even have superpowers, and she’s still amazingly powerful and close to unstoppable. I mean, could you imagine how deadly she’d be with powers?
So, to conclude that she’s still a hero. And she’s a hero without powers. Obviously, she’s done some bad things in the past but she’s still a great character, and a good person.
Tony Stark/Iron Man
Tony Stark is one of the most hilarious characters in the MCU. He’s awesome. And he knows it.
Despite his extreme arrogance [which is actually quite entertaining in my opinion] he’s actually a good person. At least most of the time. He’s sort of the charming jerk that most people want to hate but can’t because he’s so well-developed.  OH, and he has some of the best lines in the history of Marvel.
[I also really like the quote where he says to Thor, ‘’Does mother know you weareth her drapes?’’ but I couldn’t find a GIF of that.]
Ah, yes, Thor. Where shall I begin? Well I like his hammer. Okay, that was weird. Seriously, though, it is a pretty darn cool hammer. Also, his personality always struck me as interesting. I’m not sure why but it did sooo…...yeah. Maybe part of the reason I like Thor is because I really, really like Norse mythology [thanks to the Magnus Chase trilogy]. Actually, my entire interest in mythology started with the Percy Jackson series [and The Librarians but that show just had mythology incorporated into it for several episodes i.e ‘’Horns of a Dilemma’’, ‘’The Reunion of Evil’’ and any episodes with season three’s main antagonist]. Anyway, back to why I like Thor: Well, he’s just a likeable guy [to me] I guess. It’s really hard to explain why I like him: I just do.
You know, the guy with the metal claws? X-Men isn’t quite as popular as The Avengers so fewer people know who Wolverine is [and I admit to not seeing any of the Wolverine movies, though I have watched all the X-Men movies except ‘Appocalypse’ because I’m horribly behind on Marvel movies. So Wolverine’s the stereotypical grumpy tough guy and I admit that trope can get really old but with Wolverine I actually like it. Actually, the claws aren’t his power: his power is he can’t be killed.
Rocket Raccoon
Where do I start with this guy? Well, he’s a raccoon for starters. He’s also hilarious. He’s actually my sister’s favorite Guardians of the Galaxy character, and she said maybe her second favorite Marvel character [second to Tony Stark], and I have to agree that this cute, furry raccoon managed to make me laugh quite a few times. Actually, a lot of the time. 
Here’s a little bit of trivia: Guardians of the Galaxy was the first Marvel movie I watched. I think it was 2017, and we were looking for a movie to watch during a family movie night, and my dad suggested this. And one of my sisters, and I LOVED it. I didn’t fully get ‘’into’’ Marvel until I watched Thor in summer 2018. 
Peter Quill/Star Lord
Heyyyy, it’s another Guardians of the Galaxy character. He is incredibly awesome, though. I mean, he stopped Ronan through a dance off [that might be inaccurate since it’s been nearly two years since I saw that movie: I need to see it again], and he’s hilarious, and picked his own superhero name. The case for some superheroes is that the public sort of chooses the name for them. Nope. Star Lord chose it himself. And he’s awesome.
While we’re talking about Guardians of the Galaxy let’s talk about Gamora, shall we? I sort of expected to like Gamora since when we first saw the trailer that was when I was in my ‘ninja/assassin phase’ aka obsessing over swords, martial arts, mostly wearing black and liking any character that was an assassin. Actually, I’m not over the being into swords and martial arts part, and I probably never will be. So, I actually turned out to like her character even more than I thought I would [partly because it’s Zoe Saldana who plays her, and she’s one of my favorite actresses]. Even though she was a tad stereotypical I still liked her character.
Pietro Maximoff
Okay, he’s not really an Avenger but still. I mean, if you’ve seen Age of Ultron you’ll know why. He’s very fun and flirty, and I LOVE his accent. To be fair, he [and Wanda] had a pretty good reason for working with Ultron. It’s hard to say much more about him without giving spoilers [which I REALLY don’t want to do in case any of you haven’t seen Age Of Ultron, and intend to.] so, uh, I’ll just put more GIFs here.
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
Of course this list wouldn’t be complete without Pietro’s little sister [only by twelve minutes], Wanda, now would it? I’m not going to go fully into details about Wanda but I will say that she’s way underrated. I mean, I’ve heard people say they like her but she’s almost never anyone’s favorite. And while people have different tastes I personally think she’s a good character [though I like Natasha and Tony better], and I found her to have an interesting personality, Plus, I love her semi-gothic style of dressing.
And I love her powers. They are kinda weird and almost all-powerful but she’s a flawed character and doesn’t always win so it’s not annoying. And besides, they’re just plain awesome.
[I could watch this GIF all day]
See? And for that matter, Wanda’s awesome. Or Scarlet Witch, if you prefer she be called by her superhero name. I’m definitely a fan.
Kitty Pryde
She’s also from X-Men, and has sort of a playful, fun, mischievous personality while still maintaining her morals, and compassion. She had pretty cool powers, too, although it seemed like later that she had two powers, but it’s Marvel so they can basically do whatever they like and make stuff as weird as they like. 
LEGO Batman
Yup, I really like his character, and his humor. Actually, I like Batman in general. Though, I prefer Marvel over DC [as you can probably tell by the fact that there’s mostly Marvel characters on this list] Batman’s one of the few DC characters I like.

 And now for the grand finale…….
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel
Grand finale does not mean I like her better than the other characters on this list. I do however think she gets way too much hate. I actually found her quite relatable, I enjoyed her movie, and she has all the traits of a true hero while still maintaining an interesting personality.

OK, that’s all for today. So, did you agree with any of this? Who are your favorite superheroes? Would you like to see me make a post about my favorite supervillains?


  1. Thanks! Who are your favorites?

  2. Awesome! I like most of those superheroes. I actually named my dog Rocket. We actually have a very similar story about watching Marvel movies - I watched Guardians of the Galaxy in 2017 and got hooked. About Star-Lord, yes he saved the galaxy with a dance off, but he didn't choose his own name. His mother used to call him Star-Lord, and I guess it just stuck! He's definitely my favorite, but I also like Ant-Man, Spider-Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, and some of the characters from Agent's of Shield.

  3. Oh my gosh that's so cool! Yes, so at first we watched Guardians of the Galaxy, then Thor, and I was like, ''I'm watching every single Marvel movie ever made.'' Haven't quite made it that far but I think I've watched about fourteen or fifteen. Oh, okay, thanks for the information. I really need to watch that movie again. Those are all great characters!

    1. XD There's like 23, and so of course I decided to buy all of them last summer.

  4. AWESOME. So I've seen about half then.

  5. I agree, I love Captain Marvel. :D

  6. Yay, I do, too, (kinda obvious from the blog post but still).

  7. cool post! my favorites are captain marvel, captain america, black widdow, thor, spiderman, and baby groot :D

  8. Ah, yes. Baby Groot is adorable. And thank you. Looks like we have quite a few favorites in common. I like Spider-Man, too, but I haven't seen a ton of Spider-Man movies so I don't know much about him.


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