August Recap

Hi, again. Basically I’m going to start doing a recap of each month. It’s popular among the blogging community. So, let’s see how August went.

Posts Made in August
Yeah, so there were quite a few made in August.
My favorites were all of the chapters of my fanfic, doing my Q&A and answering all the awesome questions Diamond gave me.
My most popular post this month was the answers to my Q&A
Books Read In August
Yeah, so I actually only read one book this month. Ideally, I would have read more but I enjoyed this one. 5/5 stars. It was very exciting and intriguing. Now, if only I could find the next two books in the series……
Best and Worst Book Read This Month
Like I said earlier I only read one book so that’s my favorite.
Movies & TV Shows Watched This Month
Great movie, good music, way better plot than the second one. There were still some inconsistencies but overall it was very good. 4.5/5 stars.
Hilarious movie. I mean, it is a comedy so it’s not meant to be serious, just entertaining. And it certainly was that. It’s worth seeing. Another 4.5/5 stars.
I wished I liked it better than I did. There were too many storylines, and it felt like they didn’t focus enough on the Avengers. It still had good fight scenes and special effects, and great characters. 3/5 stars.
Great movie, great special effects and a satisfying finale to the Avengers series. They did kill off one of my favorite characters, and I’m sad she died but if she had to die I suppose it was a good way to. Also, not enough Captain Marvel but it’s still a great movie. 5/5 stars.
Seasons 1 and 2.
Wow, this is such a good show. Even if you aren’t a Marvel fan, watch it anyway. It’s worth it. And sooooooo hard to pick a favorite character. Also, Lucy Lawless guest-starred in the first episode of Season 2, and she does such a good American accent [she’s actually from New Zealand]. And Skye reminds me of one of my sisters.
Season 7
Great show though the episodes this season aren’t as good as in some of the other seasons. It’s definitely worth watching, though! Btw, Abby Sciuto is my favorite character.
Season 3
Again, it’s a great show, and a bunch of episodes ended in cliffhangers so, of course, I had to watch the next one.
I kind of skipped around through the various seasons, and I’m so happy to be seeing more episodes. I love the team, and the episodes have the plot make sense and have it be entertaining,
Definitely watch this if you haven’t already. I’ve seen the entire series before
 so I just re-watched some favorites. If you like Leverage you’ll probably like this show since some of the writers and producers are the same. Also, Christian Kane [who plays Eliot in leverage] plays one of the main characters. And Tricia Helfer guest-stars in it.
Again, just some rewatched episodes [mostly in Season 2]. Since I’m writing a fanfiction on it I want to get the details right.
Favorite Movie
Endgame. 100% Endgame. Don’t ask me to pick between the TV shows, though.
Least Favorite Movie
Uh, I guess Infinity War. I didn’t hate it by any means. In fact I thought it was a good movie but I had high expectations that it didn’t fill so…...
Events of August
-I got a bad cold. Which basically meant spending three days lying in bed under a mound of covers, watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 
-My family had to stay at a hotel with no wi-fi for a few days because there was something wrong with our water pipes.
-I got a skateboard! Still don’t have any pictures yet but hopefully I will soon.
-I went bowling for the first time. It was fun and I was actually really good at it. Still don’t see why it’s considered a sport, though……
-My grandparents who live in a different state visited and we got to go out and eat dinner at Tony’s Pizza [you can pick your own toppings for pizzas so I picked spicy Italian sausage, extra cheese, pepperoni and hamburger meat].
So, that’s pretty much it. How was your August?


  1. My August was good, I just got into Doctor Who, and recently became a fan of the series. (I'm currently watching the tenth Doctor's (David Tennant's) first season, and am hoping to see the 13th doctor soon, because I think it's awesome that the doctor is now a woman.) I also got some time to work on the Silver Key and an animation project this August so that was good.

    I agree with you about Infinity War I personally don't think it's very well written...there are too many characters in it after all, and also it doesn't really give you information about how all their powers can work well together. I also I kind of wish that in Endgame that Captain Marvel had defeated Thanos, she was the one they called after all...So why not use her?


  2. Doctor Who sounds like a great show. My best friend who's not in the blogging community likes the show, too. I've never seen it but it seems great to have a female doctor.
    Yes, Infinity War wasn't as good as it could have been.
    Exactly. If they called her why not use her more? She was probably powerful enough to defeat Thanos. Her and Scarlet Witch together could probably have defeated Thanos but I think they wanted a good ending for Tony Stark.

    1. It is. :) Though sadly some people are upset (for some reason) about the Doctor being a woman now, they got upset about Captain Marvel the same way though for slightly different reasons along the same lines. But other than that I am SO happy that they have a quirky female doctor. :D

      That would have been awesome. :) But I suppose they wanted that for Tony though I am upset that he died because I liked him...

  3. Honestly that doesn't seem fair. I mean, it doesn't really change the story just because the Doctor is female.
    Yes, I liked Tony as well. He was a great character and I liked him. I'm also upset about Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow's death. She was the first female Avenger to be shown on screen (even though Carol is the first female Avenger) and such a great character. We luckily still have Wanda, Carol, Valkyrie, Nebula and all the ladies of S.H.I.E.L.D. Melinda May is particularly awesome though Jemma and Daisy are pretty great, too.

    1. Agreed. Also it gives girls a role model to look up too. Also I think anyone can play the Doctor after all the Doctor's personality changes so to say she can't do it is just not fair.
      Also she is opening doors for other actors who couldn't play the Doctor before to play The Doctor if they want. If it had been a male doctor again, new possibilities for the series would never happen.

      That is frustrating, I really wish Marvel would stop killing off the best characters or not give characters who have potential a chance. I agree about the Natasha thing that is just sad...But at least Carol didn't die or any of the other awesome female characters.


  4. Yes; There are some great actresses that would probably be amazing as the Doctor. So from what I've heard about it the Doctor is kind of a different person each time.
    Yes. Natasha was amazing [at least she's finally getting recognition and she'll have her own movie]. Yeah, it would be very sad if Carol died. It would also be sad if Wanda died again. She kind of died in Infinity War but I sort of knew she was coming back. I feel like she and Carol needed a bigger part in defeating Thanos. After all, because of Thanos she had to kill Vision and then watch Thanos reverse it and kill Vision again.

    1. The Doctor is. In fact the Doctor went from being a touch guy at one point to this absolutely weird character in one regeneration. XD So there is no defined trait for the doctor other than the Doctor knowing who actually they are (and of course recurring gadgets). So then I think that anyone in the world could play the Doctor because of this trait, in fact I think Gates Mc.Fadden would make a great Doctor, and so would Evangeline Lilly, or even Emma Watson. :)

      I agree, but I am glad Natasha is getting a movie, but it still doesn't mean I forgive them for killing her and not using Carol as much as they should have.

  5. Ohhh, makes sense. So then it seems really stupid for everyone to hate the idea of a female doctor if the doctor has no defined traits.
    Me, too. I mean, people have been wanting her to get a movie since 2013. I'm glad it's finally happening.

    1. I agree, I might have forgotten to mention one trait, but it was more of a want the Doctor has than a trait which is the Doctor wanting red hair and not getting it (because the Doctor is very bad at regenerating). But other than that I am sure many amazing actresses could do the doctor amazingly well.

      That's awesome that she is getting it then! :D


  6. Yes. Doctor Who is a BBC show, right?

  7. Ok, cool. Have you seen Sherlock? It's also BBC and I think it's really good. If you have seen it please don't give spoilers I've only seen a little of it.

    1. I haven't seen it yet sadly. But I really like Martin Freeman (John) and Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock), because I've seen them both in the Hobbit...though one was a dragon in it, so I at least heard his voice in it. XD

      Also, (random question) have you seen Death in Paradise? It's also a BBC TV show and it has detectives in it (like Sherlock) except it's on an island.

  8. It's good. I'm pretty sure it's on Netflix. I really like both of the actors, too. And Benedict Cumberbatch plays Doctor Strange in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and he was good in that.
    I haven't seen Death in Paradise but it sounds good. I do like detective shows.

    1. Death in Paradise is really good. :) If you ever get the chance to you should watch it...though I don't know where it is available exactly since Netflix got rid of it for some reason. But it's really neat, since the man detective is usually a very quirky character who the other characters find very weird. It is very refreshing since none of the detectives so far have been tough guys, though I would like sometime for the main detective to be a girl, since there has never been a female detective (yet).

    2. Ooh, it sounds good. Maybe I can find it on Amazon or something.

  9. You watched Endgame! I actually liked Infinity war a little better(my Guardians got more screen time!), but Endgame was also really good. And, AOS! I've been catching up on season 6, now that it came in the mail. (fun fact, I got it in the mail the same day it came on Netflix, oh the irony!)
    My August was actually pretty good. We bought a car, so there's that.
    Tony's pizza? That place is really good. Probably not the place I'm thinking of though.

  10. Yes. I liked Endgame. Yeah, I did like how certain characters got more screen time in Infinity War. It was a good movie: it just didn't quite live up to my expectations.
    Haha. Yes, irony. I'm still somewhere in Season Two. Right around the time where Bobbi Morse shows up.


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