Tags Part 2

Hi, everyone. So, Diamond from www.buildabears.furever.wordpress.com nominated me for a bunch of awards, so first of all huge shoutout to her. She said I could do whichever ones I wanted so we are going to start with…….
This is such a cool-looking tag. Now, hopefully my answers will be interesting……
Iron Man-a book that made you laugh
This book is just the funniest thing, ever. I mean, pretty much all of Rick Riordan’s books could fit in this category but I’m gonna go with The Lightning Thief since it was the first one I read.
The first chapter is called ‘I Accidentally Vaporized My Pre-Algebra Teacher’ 
Even if you don’t like reading, I’d give this book a try.

Captain America-a book that sends a positive message
Wow, this is ridiculously hard. I’m going to go with……
Actually, trust me, the movie is better. The rest of the books have great messages but the first one really sticks out to me. The moral is ‘You don’t necessarily have to be a certain way because your parents were or you were expected to’ Also, ‘Villains don’t have to be villains’
That seems like a positive message to me, anyway.

Thor-a book with a character’s strength you admire
So, not only is Katniss Everdeen an expert archer and great fighter with incredible street smarts, but she also volunteers to compete in The Hunger Games, even though she knew she would probably die, and she helped and inspired a rebellion that needed to take down the evil government.

Black Widow-a book with a kick-butt female protagonist
I already said The Hunger Games…….
Well, The Lunar Chronicles have five kick-butt female protagonists: Cinder, the mechanic with hidden powers, Scarlet, the farm girl fighter who’s great with a gun, Cress, the sweet and innocent talented hacker, Winter, the determined and brave princess and Iko, the shoe-obsessed, fashion-loving android who you do not want to mess with.

Hulk-a book that made you incredibly angry
Okay, I didn’t dislike this book by any means and the book itself didn’t make me angry. However, one of the characters made me extremely angry. I’m not saying who because that would spoil it but she’s right up there under Dolores Umbridge and Admiral Cain on my Characters I Want To Strangle list.

Hawkeye-an underrated book you think more people should play attention to
Okay, this is a seriously underrated novel. I read it a year or two ago and I remember it was funny, and I liked the MC. Aaand, I also liked the cover but we don’t mention that part. XD. Seriously, though, just look at it.

[Bonus] Loki-a book with a twist or surprise that tricked you
Uhhhhh, wow, I can’t think of any books I’ve read recently with a plot twist that I didn’t see coming. If this were a tag for TV shows I’d have said Battlestar Galactica……
The ending, though. I never could’ve predicted it. It’s the one book I’ve read in awhile with an actually good plot twist. Also, the Pretty Little Liars series by the same author had some good plot twists…….

[Extra Bonus that I added] Scarlet Witch-a book you didn’t think you’d love but you did
This book didn’t seem like my type at all but I actually really enjoyed it. It’s pretty underrated, too and I like the main character. I honestly thought I would hate it but I really liked it. And that cover……..Yes, I judge books by their covers.

I needed to add that last question because Wanda Underrepresentation. Anyone? Seriously. Show your love for this amazing character.
Okay, I nominate 
Charis Rae at www.charisrae.com 

Okay, the next award is the Mystery Blogger Award created by Okoto Enigma at www.okotoenigmasblog.com 
-Put the award logo/image on your blog
-Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
-Mention the creator of the award and leave a link to their blog as well
-Tell your readers three things about yourself
-Nominate 10-20 people
-Ask your nominees any five questions with one weird or funny question [specify]
-Share a link to your best post[s]
3 Things About Me
-I used to be really messy and now I’m really organized.
-I absolutely LOVE fictional characters. I dream about them, write about them, think about them, talk about them. They become real to me. That usually only happens with movie/TV characters.
-I have braces. The color bands I currently have are lavender and dark purple.
Diamond’s Questions
What is your favorite movie?
That’s a tough one. Maybe The Avengers. 
Yeah, I think I’ll go with this one.
Which type of weather do you like best?
60 degrees and sunny
Have you ever taken a personality test? What is your personality type?
I took the 16personalities test awhile ago but I’ll retake it to answer your question.
Okay, I just retook it. Usually I get ENTP but this time I got ENTJ-A so I guess I’m an ENTJ. The description was pretty accurate but it didn’t say anything about being super energetic or being a fangirl…...And I’m not that intolerant of emotions….
What is something you wish everyone knew?
About myself or the world in general?
I wish everyone knew that people cannot be put in boxes. That’s something I wish everyone knew. There’s more but that’s all I can think of right now.
[For fun] How long do you think you could do a handstand?
Uh, maybe ten or fifteen seconds?
Okay, I nominate anyone who likes the color deep purple
And, finally I got nominated for….
-List three things you’re most grateful for
-Answer the seven questions given to you by the previous nominee
-Ask seven new questions for your nominees
-Tag 3-7 bloggers that made a positive difference and state why beside their name
--Congratulations and enjoy unlimited positivity from all of us
3 Things I’m Grateful For
Passion [because without passion I wouldn’t have any talents or fandoms]
Friends and family
Media [like movies, books, music, blogging etc. etc.]
Diamond’s Questions
Who is your favorite singer or band?
My favorite singer is Taylor Swift.
My favorite band is Little Mix
What song can you play over and over?
Soooooo many! Right now it’s ‘’You Need To Calm Down’’ by Taylor Swift.
What piece of clothing is your favorite?
I love all of my clothes but I have a few choice favorites…..
I love this dress.
I also love my swimsuit.
And this isn’t a piece of clothing but I love these shoes. They are one of my favorite things I own.
Without leaving the country where would you most like to go?
Los Angeles. It just sounds so glamorous, there are beaches and that’s where most Hollywood movies are made.
Do you write in a journal?
Funny story. Um, no. I always wanted to but I always got bored because my life wasn’t exciting enough.
What type of phone would you get if money wasn’t an issue?
I’d like to get an ultra eco-friendly phone that never gets stuck loading, and has unlimited storage space, and fits into any phone case. Until that gets invented I’m happy with the one I have.
What color would be your theme color?
Yellow, since it is the color of happiness. 

Okay, so I am going to be nominating….
Quinley at www.adventure1359.blogspot.com. Her posts are amazing, and I always want to read more. Also, she’s my secret twin. At least in terms of interests.
MiddleEarthMusician at www.musicmysterymiddlearthandmitochondria.blogspot.com. I love her posts, and especially her writing snippets. 
Madi at www.lifeundefeated.org. Okay, so Madi’s blogs were what originally got me interested in having a blog. Plus, she’s awesome, and is always finding ways to honor God.
Jaclynn at www.jaclynnmarieauthor.com. She gives great tips, and I love her blog posts, and she’s just amazing.
Nicole Dust at www.legendofawriter.blogspot.com. I did already nominate you for The Avengers Book Tag so if this is too many tags, you certainly don’t have to do this one. I love Nicole’s blog because she is so, so sweet and creative. Also, we both love The Lunar Chronicles and Marvel. 
And anyone else who wants to do it. This is just who I can think of off the top of my head, If you want to do this award consider yourself tagged. 


  1. Nice! I enjoyed reading your answers. The books that you did seem pretty good(though Skyward reminds me of Agents of SHIELD, Skye, Ward XD) I like your addition! Wanda is pretty awesome.
    You do that with fictional characters too? That's why I get so upset during certain deaths(Make sure you have tissues for the AOS season 5 finale)
    Taylor Swift is my favorite singer too! What's your favorite song off "Lover"?(Mine would be either Afterglow, Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince, or Cruel Summer. I really can't choose.)

  2. Thank you! Haha, yes. Yessss, she absolutely is.
    And, yes, i do that with fictional characters! Me too! There have been times where I was watching a movie or TV show and I was literally thinking ''Please don't die. Kill off someone I don't like but please don't kill him/her.'' Okay, I have been warned.
    Yay! Ooh, i like the beat of ''You Need to Calm Down'' but I think ''Cruel Summer'' is my favorite. ''Miss Americana'' is the runner-up.

  3. Thank you so much for tagging me. :) I finally did the tag on my doll blog.
    The questions were so fun to answer. :D



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