Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Review+ Q&A Announcement

[Creative title, I know]
Anyway, how many of you seen Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D? I know Diamond has, and Nicole’s seen part of it. So, here’s my review of it. This is only for the first three seasons, though because I haven’t seen the rest.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D is Marvel, action/sci-fi TV show following Agent Coulson [Clark Gregg], Melinda May [Ming-Na Wen], Daisy ‘Skye’ Johnson [Chloe Bennet], Grant Ward [Brett Dalton], Jemma Simmons [Elizabeth Henstridge], and Leo Fitz [Iain De Caestecker]. Later additions include Lance Hunter [Nick Blood], Bobbi Morse [Adrianne Palicki], Alphonso ‘Mack’ Mackenzie [Henry Simmons],, Lincoln Campbell [Luke Mitchell] and Elena ‘Yo-Yo’ Rodriguez [Natalia Cordova-Buckley. The series is created by Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon, and Maurissa Tancharoen. I already listed the cast.
Now, let’s talk about the show itself.
Acting: 5.0 stars. That’s one of the best parts, and they’re all really talented. I feel like they fit their roles really well. It seemed cast super well.
Writing: 4.7 ½  stars. Some of the writing isn’t as good as it could be but it’s still good writing. Parts of it doesn’t make sense but it’s a Marvel show so it makes sense, it’s just…...a little confusing.
Directing: 5.0 stars. I didn’t notice anything wrong with it, and it seems like it’s well directed.
Special Effects: 4.8 stars. I’ve seen better special effects but these certainly weren’t bad. Especially for a TV show, as it seems like movies generally have better effects.
The characters are all well-developed, and likable. Coulson is a really good leader most of the time, May is just awesome, Fitz and Simmons are adorable, and Skye is so sweet and kind of adorable in her own way. I wasn’t a big Ward fan, though. Let me know if you like him or not in the comments. 
Bobbi, Mack, and Hunter are all awesome, too, and have their own distinct personalities.
[There is no limit on the amount of Daisy Johnson GIFs that you can put in one post, randomly just for the fun of it]
It’s rated TV-14, mainly for violence [though the violence isn’t any more intense, then say, Endgame]. There is also some language, and suggestiveness, if any of those things bother you. Nothing more intense than any other Marvel movie, though. 
All in all, I rate it 4.9 out of 5 stars. It’s a really great show, and you should totally watch it. Especially if you like fight scenes. There’s probably a fight scene in every episode. It has some pretty good funny moments, and is, overall, a show that is definitely worthwhile watching.
I’ve discovered that reviewing things is really fun so if you have a review request comment it below.
Now, announcement, I will be doing a Q&A where I answer your questions about Carla. You can ask her one, specifically or ask me one about her. 
Also, my best friend IRL is coming to visit for a week, and I haven’t seen her in a few months since we live in different states now so posts will not be consistent this next week. I will post the next chapter, and answer your questions and it’s not fully a hiatus, I just want to have time to do things with her. I may post, it just won’t be consistent, and I probably won’t post many videos.
Peace out, lovelies!


  1. This is a great review of a great show. If you're looking for ideas of what to review, just think of items you have, or things you've experienced(music, tv, movies, books, trips, etc) that were either good or bad, and you just feel like sharing your opinion about.

  2. Aw, thank you, Diamond. It IS a really great show. Hmm. Ok, thanks. I tend to like a lot more things than I dislike but recently I've been trying to review things other than just saying I like or dislike it.

  3. I haven't seen the show yet, but it sounds neat. :) I agree about what Diamond said, and I would also love to know what you think of Coraline or Good Omens (either the movie, the TV show, or book you decide).

    I have some questions for Carla:
    what is your favorite type of weapon to use?
    If you were to be anything but a spy, what would you be?
    Why did you decide to become a spy?
    What's your favorite color?


  4. It's really good. I think you would really like it.
    Ooh, those are great questions. Thanks, Quinley.


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