A Whole Bunch of Awards ft. me squealing and obsessing over things

Hi. So I’m waiting for Christmas which is TEN FREAKING DAYS AWAY, ARE YOU KIDDING?????
Stating the obvious much, aren’t we, McKayla?
Anyway, here’s some more tags. Why? Because we all love tags and we want to be overwhelmed by them.
Maybe that’s just me…..
For the first tag we have…..
Yes, I stole this from Cait. I also stole the tag from Charis Rae.
Maybe I am on the naughty list this year…..
So we all know how much I LOVE LOVE the villains. 
And I already know what you’re thinking.
Yes, I’m a mind reader.
See, you all have assumed I will make this tag all about Tricia Helfer.
Which is actually a very reasonable assumption. 
But I won’t answer alllllllllll the questions with Tricia Helfer characters. 
*cough* Or I’ll try not to.
Here’s the link to Cait’s site.
Now for the questions.

Villain You Absolutely Despise and Hate
I’m going with a classic. At least we can understand why Voldemort was so evil but Umbridge?
No matter if anyone wrote an Umbridge redemption story you cannot change my mind on this one.
She’s pure evil, she’s cruel and doesn’t listen to the truth, and she puts a bad name on cats.
Actually, I was debating between her, Admiral Cain [nobody deserves to be hurt the way Gina was] and Thanos but I’ve hated Umbridge the longest so……

Villain Who Is Entrancing
Ummmm….ugh, this is hard for me, surprisingly.
I keep wanting to say these two characters that I already planned for other answers…..
So with that being said, her.
She was only sort of a villain in Chuck, and c’mon, guys, she’s played by Tricia Helfer.
And she’s cold, and sort of heartless. And entrancing.
And heartbroken, though that’s in the fanfiction I wrote….*sobs* Poor sweetie.

Book You’d Like To Read From the Villain’s Perspective
All of them???
Okay, fine *sigh*. If I had to pick one I’d choose…..
I know she’s not from the book but I really, really, really want to see some of the story from her perspective.
I mean, I’m writing a whole fanfiction about her, what more can you ask for?????
And she’s a little more sympathetic in my story. I mean, you understand why she’s the way she is [Edward is also runner-up for most hated villain but I created him so that might not be fair…..].
Plus, she has a lot of issues to deal with. And also, she’s my amazing, precious morally grey little misunderstood sweetheart, and she’s going through a lot of pain so no haters.
Wow, that was…...weird.

Worst Antagonistic YA Parents
Does it have to be YA? If so than Queen Levana from The Lunar Chronicles.
If not then I would say
What? I did add non-Tricia Helfer characters, Besides, almost blowing up your son’s best friend is not a good way to get him to like you or agree with you. Plus, she causes lots of destruction and doesn’t even apologize. Seriously. She killed lots of people. Oh, and I also kind of love her anyway. *shrugs* We don’t question my morals.
Or him. He’s not really a great parent. *shrugs again* I just like Goddess [I need to know her real name] better because she’s beautiful and hilarious and Rumplestiltskin is, well, Rumplestiltskin.

Antihero who is a little bad, little good
Gaius Baltar.
He’s more self-serving than antihero but he will do good and bad things. Gaius Baltar cares about one thing in life: Gaius Baltar. So, that’s kinda an antihero, I guess.
Also, he’s hilarious. So while I may not like him I find him very entertaining.

And Loki, duh. I sort of feel like he’s more well-known than Gaius, and he has a bigger fanbase [I mean, he is more likeable than Gaius so…..]. Hang on, Cait, did you create this question about Loki?

Villain Made From Tragic Circumstances
It doesn’t get any more tragic than Gina. I won’t say what happened due to spoilers but it’s just so tragic and painful to watch. And she has a perfectly good reason for anything bad she did. 
I just want to hug her and let her cry. And I hate hugs.

Antagonist Who Gets in the Hero’s Way but Isn’t Pure Evil
I know what you’re thinking. 
‘’Um, McKayla, why would someone who killed innocent people not be pure evil?’’
Because of her horrible family life, and how they pushed her to perfection, and she had to hide parts of herself because they aren’t ‘’perfect’’, of course.
And, also, she won’t allow herself to date the person she loves because she’ll feel like a failure, and who she loves wasn’t tolerated in her house. She would’ve literally been disowned. 
And, yes, I made that all up.

A Non-Human Villain
By this point you all know who it’s going to be, right?
She’s a wonderful, amazing, sort-of evil Cylon. Personally, I believe she isn’t evil but she’s precious and perfect even if she is. I just love her. 
We don’t judge. Besides, she’s sort of a villain from tragic circumstances.

Villain Who You Think Is Wicked but Intriguing
Bellatrix Lestrange, obviously.

Antagonist Who Gets A Redemption Arc
Regina Mills!
 She has the best redemption arc. And I really like her character, she’s well-developed. Plus, she wasn’t even fully evil, just out for revenge. And she’s not anymore, but it felt natural.
And she always cared about people [like Henry].

Soooo, that was only 6/10 Tricia Helfer characters. Not too bad.
I nominate anyone who likes villains.
Next tag!
OOH, MARVEL. Christine created this tag

How Were You Introduced to the Marvel fandom?
I think it was when we watched Guardians of the Galaxy in summer 2017.
But I think it was after Thor that I really got hooked.

What’s Your Favorite Marvel Film?
Ugh….here’s my top couple.
The Avengers
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Endgame
Guardians of the Galaxy
Captain America: Civil War

Top Favorite Marvel Character?
All of the characters from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, really. And Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff, of course.
And Wanda Maximoff, obviously. I think she’s my all-time favorite.

If You Were Transported into the MCU and had to trade places with one of the superheroes who would you pick?
Bobbi Morse from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D because she doesn’t have a ton of emotional damage and she’s an awesome fighter, and gets a happy ending. I have put wayyyyy too much thought into this.

What are some of your favorite quotes from the films?
I couldn’t find GIFs for all of these but here’re my favorites.
‘’I told you I don’t wanna join your super-secret boy band.’’
‘’I wasn’t stealing anything! I was just returning something I stole.’’
‘’’Cause if we can’t protect the Earth you can be d*** well sure we’ll avenge it.’’
‘’I’m gonna die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy.’’
‘’The soap made me do it.’’
‘’Loki’s beyond reason but he is from Asgard and he is my brother.’’
‘’He killed eighty people in two days.’’
‘’He’s adopted.’’
‘’Keep up, old man.’’
‘’I have a very specific skill set. I don’t care who I use it for or on.’’
‘’Are you kidding? I’m working.’’
‘’Dr. Banner your work is unparalleled. And I’m a big fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster.’’
‘’Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?’’
‘’You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?’’
‘’I realize the council has made a decision. But given that it’s a stupid-*** decision I’ve elected to ignore it.’’
‘’You didn’t see that coming?’’
So basically all the snarky ones, and everything Tony says.
Which Crew would you want to be part of the most: Guardians, Avengers or Revengers?
Avengers, of course!

Favorite and least-favorite ship?
Um, what’s a ship?
Okay, I looked it up.
Sooooo it means thinking that two characters should be a couple. I LEARNED A NEW WORD TODAY, GUYS.
Pepper and Tony
Wanda and Vision
Fitz and Simmons
Bobbi and Hunter
And Clint and Natasha
Yes, it never actually happened but I can dream, can’t I?
Least favorite is definitely Bruce and Natasha. It just seemed forced.
Favorite and Least-Favorite Villain?
Favorite: Loki, Hive and AIDA
Least Favorite: Ultron

Unpopular MCU Opinion?
*clears throat* Wellllllll
-Tony is really underrated. 
-Pietro should come back
-Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D is also underrated. 
-The Thor movies are really good
-Captain Marvel is also really good
-Black Panther is overrated
-Infinity War is a really good movie
-Age of Ultron gets way too much hate
-Captain America is too good for the first few movies. I started to like him around Civil War

What’s your favorite Stan Lee cameo?
This one.

I tag…..anyone who loves Marvel and hasn’t done this tag [Diamond, I don’t think you’ve ever done this, have you?]! 
The Rules
Answer Every Question Honestly
Use as many GIFs and images as possible
Incorporate at least one YouTube scene of a favorite character
If you can’t choose just one, that’s okay
Tag at least three people
Use fictional characters from any fictional story
If you get nominated please put a link to this original post.
First off
Goody-two-shoes: A character who was just so morally good
Captain America, of course.
Steve always does the right thing, and he has such strong morals. He’s sort of a classic hero that way. While I do looooove morally grey characters I actually do like Steve. He’s not my favorite but I appreciate his good work. He’s someone you’d want as a friend. And he’s just such a nice guy.
Runner Up: Snow and Charming
No explanation needed.

Heartbreaker: A character who made you cry

So hard. I have never cried over a movie so I guess I’ll just list some who made me sad.
Again, the entire Gina storyline really broke my heart. It’s just so sadddddd. And tragic. And I just want to erase all the horrible, awful things she’s seen and felt from her mind. Seriously, I feel sorry because nothing can make that pain better. Cain is an absolute monster, and nobody deserves to have what happened to Gina happen to them. Yes, she’s a Cylon but that’s no excuse.
Runner Up: Carla
I mean, it’s kinda my fault. I gave her a tragic story. But her parents disowned her because she made a simple mistake, have always treated her like dirt, and what happened with Edward completely traumatized her. At least she has Jacob [although now she’s, y’know, pregnant and I’m not sure how she feels about that].
 Did I just spoil my entire fanfic? Yes, I did. #SorryNotSorry.

Parrot: A Character who won’t stop talking
Anna from Frozen. She talks a lot, and tends to ramble and say things without thinking.
She’s also very impulsive. People even comment on how she talks so much.
I feel like the actress who plays her in OUAT does such a great job channeling Anna and her chattiness.
Oh, yeah, and also Luis, Scott Lang’s friend. He’s very chatty.

Devilish: Your Favorite Villain
Hehe, so I love the villains but with that being said ALL THE VILLAINS PLAYED BY TRICIA HELFER.
Nah, I’m not obsessed with Tricia Helfer. What gave you that idea?

Love Interest: A character who, if alive in reality, you would want to marry
Ugh, I don’t have any characters in particular. Um, can I just repeat the answer from my last question? XD. 

Honestly, I think I’d like to marry someone like Ella Lopez.
Ella is the cinnamon roll of Lucifer. She’s sweet, smart, hardworking, adventurous, fun, funny, good with kids, generous, and a complete geek. What more could you ask for?
I don’t really have any romantic feelings for Ella but I would love to marry someone like her. Did that make sense?
Plus she has great graphic T-shirts.
So to whoever I marry in the future, I hope you’re a lot like Ella.

Sidekick: A Character Who Was Always Loyal No Matter What
This one stumped me for the longest time.
Ummm, I need to not repeat myself so with that being said….
Evie! She was always there for her friends. Honestly, I feel like all the VKs were, but Evie gets a special mention.
She’s given up on the things she’s wanted for her friends countless times, and she was always there for the people that she cared about. Plus, she helped her people she didn’t even like.
She was there during all of their quests, and she didn’t give up.
Besides she’s very underrated, at least in the blogging community.

Complicated: A Character You Love and Hate
I guess D’Anna Biers [did I spell that right?] from Battlestar Galactica. It’s kind of hard to explain without giving away MAJOR SPOILERS but she’s so clever, and I like that about her. But also she does such cruel things! And I do like the villains…..but is she really a villain? I don’t know, you tell me. She’s just so…...complex. As are all Battlestar characters.

Oddity: A Character Who Was Strange But You Loved Them That Way
She’s so quirky and strange, and I think we all loved her that way. She was the only one who believed Harry, plus she kept on being herself even if other people didn’t accept her. And she was pretty brave, and the perfect Ravenclaw. 
Anyway, Luna was delightfully strange, and I wouldn’t want her any other way.
And I also really like Mazikeen ‘Maze’ Smith.
Maze is a demon, torturer, bartender, part-time babysitter, and now LAPD bounty hunter.
She has a very dark sense of humor, and she’s, well, more than a little strange [all those years of torturing people, y’know.]
Despite all of her strangeness I love Maze and all of her stabbiness. Seriously. She solves all of her problems with knives. Someone’s crying? Stab them. Someone didn’t pay the bills? Stab them. Someone bothers Lucifer or anyone she likes? Stab them.
Strange, gorgeous, and awesome.
King/Queen: A Male/Female Character You Aspire to Emulate
Why are these questions so hard for me?
I’ll go with Daisy Johnson.
No, not this Daisy.
This one. Daisy always follows her heart, she’s smart, she’s brave, and she’s faced her fears on multiple occasions.
Or Wanda. She’s been through so much, and keeps on fighting. Probably Daisy a little bit more but I do love Wanda.
Savior: A Character Who Oddly Reminds You of Christ
Aslan, of course.
I think we’re all gonna say that though, right?
Sooooo, the last tag is the 50 Things That Make Me Happy Tag. 
I already did one similar to this so I won’t go into detail on these things. And they’re in no particular order.
1: Movies/TV shows
2: Jesus
3: My friends and family
4: Acting
5: My dolls
6: Catsssss
7: Animals in general
9: Sports
10: Photography
11: Video Making
12: Writing
13: Watching new movies
14: Rewatching old favorites
15: Christmas
16: Marvel
17: Battlestar Galactica
18: Nature
19: Traveling
20: Packing for trips
21: Pizza
22: Taylor Swift songs
23: My favorite clothes
24: Adventures
25: Sassy comebacks
26: Fictional characters
28: Fandom everything
29: Obsessing
30: Getting comments on my posts
31: GIFs
32: AG dolls
33: Performing on stage
34: Tricia Helfer characters
35: My fandoms 
36: Sarcasm
37: Trees
38: Working out
39: Q&A posts
40: When people ask me questions in the comments section
41: My favorite celebrities
42: Giving gifts
43: receiving gifts
44: My favorite books
45: Riding four-wheelers [which I, like, almost never get to do]
46: Compliments
47: HISHE vidoes
48: Saschavos videos
49: Dresses
50: Orange-scented products

That’s a wrap!
So, let’s chat. Which award did you like best? Do we share any favorite characters?
Do you like the villains? What makes you happy? ARE YOU SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS?????????


  1. The Thor movies are SO UNDERRATED. I don't understand why they get so much hate. Sure, I don't think they are the most perfect movies ever, but they're actually pretty decent. *shrugs*

    Great post, McKayla! (also, yessss, HISHE videos are the best)

    1. Absolutely! Yeah, I mean, you could make a case for why even the most popular Marvel movies are bad. I just don't get why some get so much more hate......
      Thanks! HISHE is the best.

  2. I always have a ton of tags to do, too. Great answers for these! I could make a comment on almost all of these, but I'll try to keep it short.
    Marvel! I'll have to do that tag when I finally watch all of the movies. I only learned the word ship about a year ago and was very confused before that. Oh, and Anna, Evie (Descendants!), and Luna are perfect for all of those questions!

    1. Thanks! Yes, Descendants is soooo underrated.
      Yes! I haven't seen alllllll of the Marvel movies so I guess maybe once you reach the halfway point it'd be enough. *shrugs* That's pretty much what I did.

  3. Wow, you do seem a bit obssessed!
    Regina is awesome, and Rumplestiltskin is...definitely not. Where are you at with OUAT?

    Oh my gosh! We literally have the same Marvel story! I began my obssession in summer 2017 with GOTG. That's kinda weird...
    I love those quotes...especially the "The soap made me do it." one. XD
    Also, Clint and Natasha are so amazing, and I really wish it would have happened.
    AoS is sooooo underrated! It's amazing!
    Haha, you called me out! I have not done that tag yet, I will have to do that!
    Honestly, I don't really like Snow and Charming. They're just a little...well, I don't know.
    You made really good selections for these! At least, for the ones I know.

  4. Hehe.....maybe just a little.
    Totally. I like her redemption arc.
    Halfway through Season Four.
    OH MY GOSH, that's so weird.
    Huh. But also kinds cool.
    Yeah. I wanted to add more AoS quotes but that was the only one I remembered at the moment.
    Yeah, totally.....they seemed to have good chemistry.
    YES! It's my second-favorite show of all time.....and I've watched a lot of shows.
    I hope you do it. It's a fun tag.
    Yeah, I'm not fond of them either but they fit the description.
    Thanks so much.

  5. Oh, these were so fun to read. :) I'm glad I am not the only person who likes Captain Marvel since she is an AWESOME super hero (and strong female character). I loved the quote you included
    "I don't do apologies. But I don't wanna kill you anymore." Is quite relatable if you are a writer.

  6. Thanks, Quinley.
    She is a really awesome hero and character. I don't get why so many people didn't like her movie.
    Haha, yes, it is. It's also really fun if you're trying to freak someone out. And it's cool when someone gets the reference, and they're all ''You're a very, very deranged person.'' And then I've decided they're my new friend.

    1. Me neither. I love her movie, and I wish she could have defeated Thanos...
      Also this is a very unpopular opinion about Endgame but Thanos was an abuser and none of the women who were abused by him really got to...defeat him. Someone else did (Iron Man to be exact), and it really annoys me.

      Oh, yes. XD I don't actually know the show or movie where it is from, but I know if I quoted one of Edgar Allan Poe's stories...I would get a reaction like that.

  7. Yes. She should have gotten to defeat Thanos.
    Agreed. I always like seeing characters get their comeuppance.
    Although, I suppose, Iron Man was a better choice than Bruce Banner or something.
    Definitely! His stories are so delightfully creepy.
    It's from the show Lucifer, which is on Netflix. I greatly recommend it.


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