Ant-Man and the Wasp Review + the Awesome Blogger Award

Hello. So I'll be on a short trip Friday through Sunday so I won't be making my usual post.
Sooooo...I'm doing it today. Let's start with the tags that I stole from Nicole (with her permission).
The Rules
Thank the person who nominated you 
Again, thanks, Nicole. Here's the link to her blog (
Tag your post with #awesomebloggeraward
Answer the questions you were asked
Nominate at least five bloggers and inform them of their nomination
Uhhhh, I'll just say whoever wants to do this can.
Give them ten new questions to answer

Nicole's Questions
What's your preferred method of planning (bullet journaling, Google Calender, etc)?
Uhhhh…..none? But if I'm in a planning mood I'll normally set a certain amount of time I have to do something (like write a post for forty-five minutes). I'm not terribly organized.
Favorite type of chocolate?
White chocolate. However, I do like dark chocolate with peanut butter.
What's a trope that's very overused but you still like? (Your guilty pleasure, if you will)
Ninja. Seriously, almost every one of my stories has a character that's great at fighting but that's not really their personality so maybe the eternally snarky character or the misunderstood villain (I blame Tricia Helfer. But also I don't blame her because I like her so much so, on second thought, don't blame her).
If you won 10,000 dollars what's the first thing you would spend it on?
I'd probably give like 75% of it to charity but the first thing I would buy for myself would be a giant pool. And with the rest of the money I'd get Schleich, books, movies, maybe some clothes, and fandom stuff.
Oh! And I'd also get my own horse, and about five more cats. Breeds have yet to be determined.
Who's your favorite YouTuber to watch?
I don't really watch YouTube but, um, do HISHE videos count? I also like Saschavos. She does fandom videos, and they are E-P-I-C.
Least favorite emoji?
I don't use emojis, really. Ummmmmm, maybe 😰 because it just looks so weird.
Who was your first fictional crush?
Ummm, weeeellllll, I have kinda, sorta never had a fictional crush. But if just being obsessed with someone counts I'm 99% sure it was Lamia from The Librarians. Why? Because she's a ninja.
What's your MBTI type and do you think it fits you?
Yay, MBTI questions. 
For those of you who don't even know what the heck that is here's the link.
I'm an ENTP-A and I think it's pretty accurate (except minus the intolerant part, and I don't think I'm usually insensitive). All the other stuff? Yessss. Especially the 'easily distracted' part.
Noodles or rice?
I'm not really fond of either. I do really like Spanish rice, though, and this really good chicken rice thing-y that I forgot the name of, so, rice.
What is your opinion of the rating system of Goodreads?
Hehe. Ummmm, I’m not on Goodreads so I have no idea what the rating system is like. 

My Questions
Which fictional character can you relate to the most and why?
Favorite and least favorite subject in school?
Can you skateboard?
What’s a book/movie/show that seems like something you’d love but you hated?
What’s a book/movie/show that seems like something you would hate that you love?
Would you rather be an expert hacker or an expert psychologist?
Amazon Prime, Disney +, Netflix, none, or all of them?
If you chose your own name what would it be? Or are you happy with your name.
Which form of combat would you rather learn [i.e Kung Fu, archery, sharpshooting, Taekwando, fencing, nunchucks]? 
What is something you could talk for hours about without stopping?
Let’s get on with my review than, shall we?
Ant-Man and the Wasp was directed by Peyton Reed, and written by Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers. 
It stars Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Michael Douglas, Michael Pena, Walton Goggins, Michelle Pfeiffer, Hannah John-Kamen, T.I, Judy Greer, David Dastmalchian, Randall Park, Abby Ryder Forston, Laurence Fishburne and Bobby Cannavale.
As Scott Lang balances being both a superhero and a father, Hope van Dyne and Dr. Hank Pyme present an urgent new mission that finds Ant-Man fighting alongside The Wasp to uncover secrets from their past.
-Summary from Google
I’ll start by saying that Ant-Man and the Wasp is a really fun movie. It’s lighthearted, and full of comedy and good morals.
I’ve always thought the Ant-Man movies were underrated [well, once I saw them anyways]. Plus, Scott Lang is just such a nice guy. How can you not like him? Plus, he has a sweet daughter, and awesome friends. I mean, the truth serum scene is my favorite one in the entire movie. Luis is hilariously awesome. 
The cast did a fantastic job, with special mention to Michael Pena for being hilarious, Paul Rudd for being an awesome Ant-Man, and Evangeline Lilly for giving Hope some fantastic depth.
For fans of action you get plenty of that here. There are multiple fight scenes and car chases. The timing is great, too. It never feels dull. 

So, all in all, Ant-Man and the Wasp is a highly entertaining action/adventure/comedy/sci-fi movie, and I highly recommend it.
Just watch Ant-Man, Captain America: Civil War, and Infinity War first.
So, yeah, that’s it. Have a great weekend, and remember…..
You are the world’s greatest grandma. 


  1. Oh, I really want to see the Ant-Man movies! I've really liked his character in Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Endgame.

  2. They're good. I think you'd like them. Scott Lang is a cool guy.

  3. This was a really fun post to read, McKayla. :) The Ninja trope is a pretty awesome trope (I also like the strong girl trope, perhaps it is because it shows up in my writing...a lot).

    I haven't seen Ant-Man and the Wasp , but Evangeline Lilly is in it, so I may be a little bit interested in it because I would love to see her in another role, that isn't Tauriel.

  4. Thanks. That is a pretty cool trope. I just try to add variety to the Ninja.
    Oh, yeah, she's pretty good in this movie. I'd recommend seeing Ant-Man first, though.


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