100 Questions Tag

Hello. I got this tag from Rose’s blog. www.unicornishthoughts.wordpress.com

1] What’s your favorite season?
I don’t know if I have one. Spring, maybe since it’s track season and April is my favorite month, too. Summer is nice, too, since there’s less school and swimming. 
2] Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18 and find line 4
‘’You gave me the better room,’’ said Skye, The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall.
3] Who was the last person you texted?
I think it was my dad. I’m not big on texting.
4] Before you started this survey, what were you doing?
Reading, I think.
5] What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Warehouse 13. To be more specific, Warehouse 13, Season Three, Episode Eight.
6] Without looking guess what time it is?
7] Now look at the clock-what time is it?
8]With the exception of the computer what can you hear?
My sister talking.
10] Do you like fish?
Sometimes. I don’t love fish or hate fish.
11] Mac or PC?
12] Do you remember your dreams?
Parts of them, yes.
13] When did you last laugh?
I was thinking of something weird earlier, and that made me laugh.
14] Do you remember why/what at?
15] Have you ever been to Canada?
No, but it sounds fun.
16] Shoes, socks, or bare feet?
Depends on the weather, and whether I’m indoors/outdoors. 
17] Do you wear perfume?
Sometimes. Not very often
18] What is the last film you saw?
Nacho Libre.
19] If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Los Angeles, CA. Good job opportunities, beaches, pools, and Comic Con, sounds like my heaven.
Oh, and also I’m pretty sure Tricia Helfer lives there.
20] If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
I’d give a lot of it to other people, but I’d get more pets and a pool. With the leftover money I’d buy DVDs, books, toys etc. etc.
22] What’s your favorite band?
Queen, maybe. I’m not a huge music person.
23] Have you ever had surgery?
I had three teeth removed once, does that count?
24] Do you enjoy school?
Sometimes. I’m homeschooled, so that’s good. There are parts I really like, and parts that I loathe. Overall, I’d much rather do something else, but there are definitely worse things.
25] What do you think of these questions so far?
Pretty cool.
26] Are you a righty or a lefty?
27] Who made the last incoming call on your phone?
No idea.
28] What is the last thing you downloaded on your computer?
Probably some pictures for a blog post.
29] Last time you swam in a pool?
About a month ago. I want to go again soon.
30] Type of music you dislike most?
31] Are you listening to music right now?
32] What’s your favorite color?
Probably blue
33] Is there anything you’re disappointed about?
Not at the moment
34] What was the last thing you bought?
I actually don’t remember. I hate shopping, so I rarely buy things.
35] Sun or rain?
36] Would you rather go bungee jumping or skydiving?
BOTH. It sounds epic.
37] What’s your zodiac sign?
38] What’s your hair color?
Honey blonde.
39] What quote do you live by?
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken-Oscar Wilde
40] What’s your favorite zoo animal?
All of them, especially snakes, wolves, and tigers.
41] Do you have any pets?
Two cats and a dog, plus two other cats we’re just taking care of.
42] What color are your eyes?
Medium brown
43] Do you wear any jewelry 24/7
Earrings, I guess
44] Do you turn the water off when you brush your teeth?
45] Do you know how to change your car’s oil?
I don’t have a car, but I’ll make sure to learn when I get one
46] Do you have any phobias?
47] What’s your lucky number?
Six. For reasons that are fairly obvious if you know me.
48] Have you ever eaten a crayon?
49] can you solve a rubix cube?
I’ve never tried.
50] What are you listening to right now?
51] Do you like unicorns?
Well, they’re cool mythical creatures, but I think the unicorn craze has gone way too far.
52] Do you wear the hood on hoodies?
53] Is the glass half-empty or half-full?
Well, it’s probably both, but I’d say half-full.
54] What’s the furthest away place you’ve been?
55] Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
No. That’s why I wear boots a lot.
56] What’s your favorite radio station?
I don’t really listen to the radio.
57] Are you allergic to anything?
Thankfully, no.
58] Were you named after anyone?
I don’t think so.
59] Do you wear glasses/contacts?
60] Have you ever walked out of a movie theater before the film was over?
61] What’s your least favorite school subject?
62] Put your iTunes library on shuffle, what song comes up?
Wicked Ones by Dorothy.
63] Do you wear jeans or sweatpants more?
64] Where in the world would you like to travel?
Lots of places. California, New Zealand, Germany, Australia, Japan etc.
65] Are you traveling anywhere soon?
Not that I know of.
66] Have you ever built an igloo?
I don’t think so.
67] Best thing at Starbucks?
I don’t like coffee so none.
68] Do you like watching scary movies?
I’ve never seen one so I don’t know.
69] What’s the best thing about school?
Well, I’m homeschooled so science, and any extracurriculars.
70] What were you doing at midnight last night?
71] What’s under your bed?
Clothes, and other random stuff that got lost under there.
72] How do you really feel about what you’re doing right now?
73] Think fast, what do you like right now?
My cat, Parks and Recreations, and Warehouse 13. Oh, and Tricia Helfer.
74] Are you sarcastic?
Me? Sarcastic? Never.
*whispers* Yes.
75] What time do you get up?
76] What was the name of your first pet?
Three fish named Andrea, Angela, and Audrey.
77] What color are your sheets?
78] How are you feeling right now?
79] What was your favorite food as a child?
81] Can you whistle?
82] Do you drink soda?
83] Have you read the Harry Potter series?
Yes, and I loved it.
84] Can you drive a stick shift?
I can’t even drive yet.
85] What’s your favorite candle scent?
I don’t know, maybe vanilla?
86] Have your pants ever fallen down in public?
87] Do you sing in the shower?
88] Can you speak another language?
Not fluently, no.
89] Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows?
90] Dogs or cats?
91] Do you make wishes at 11:11?
I didn’t even know people did that.
92] What’s your favorite type of chapstick?
I don’t really have a preference.
93] Which came first-the chicken or the egg?
Chicken, I think.
94] What are your reading now?
Serafina and the Twisted Staff by Robert Beatty.
95] Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
No. My nose is too small, and my tongue isn’t long enough. 
96] Can you walk in heels?
Yes. I actually don’t find it hard at all.
97] How many rings before you answer the phone?
Normally quite a few because I don’t keep my phone with me at all times. 
98] Any new and exciting things you’d like to share?
Ummmmmm, oh, my yellow belt test is in April.
99] What is most important in life?
God, animals, hobbies, family, friends, fandoms.
100] What inspires you?
Movies, TV shows, books, video games. Stuff like that.

This was really fun, and I hope you learned some more about me. 


  1. This looked fun! It's weird how we're both so similar, yet so different. Like, I don't like texting, but I love shopping(I used to at least...)
    Anyway, it was nice to learn a bit about you!

  2. It is very fun.
    Yeah, that is cool. I mean, we both like Marvel so there's that.
    Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.

  3. It was neat to learn more about you, McKayla. :)


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