Never Have I Ever Tag [Writer's Edition]

 Yup, I'm doing another writing tag, but it's raining, and what better time to write, right? Right.
Anyway, let's get on with doing this tag.

Never Have I Ever
........started a novel that I didn't finish?
Yes. I have this problem where I get a good idea, and start a project, but then I get another good idea, and want to use that instead. Anyway, it's slowly getting better, I think. Maybe. I don't know.
Moving on!
..........written a story completely by hand?
Nope! I have horrible handwriting, and, fun fact, for a long time I didn't even like to write. That is, until my Mom let me use her computer, which was WAY easier than paper and a pencil. So, I seriously doubt this one is ever going to happen. Like, ever.
......changed tenses midway through a story?
Unfortunately, yes,
......not researched anything before starting a story?
Again, yes. I rarely research, which doesn't matter much in sci-fi/fantasy [which is what I usually write], but, yes, I struggle with researching.
......changed my protagonist's name halfway through a draft?
Generally, no. I stick to my original name. And, if not, I change it very early on.
.......written a story in a month or less?
Uh, maybe. Some of my old stories may have been written in a month or so.
........fallen asleep while writing?
I used to get up REALLY early [around 4:00], so I think I did this once.
.........corrected someone's grammar IRL/online?
Nope, I can't say that I have.
.......yelled in all caps at myself in the middle of the novel?
No, I don't think so.
........used ''I'm writing'' as an excuse?
Yes, definitely. It rarely works, but I still try.
''Yes, I'd love to go to that party, but I'm writing. Maybe another time? Like never.''
......killed a character that was based on someone I know in real life?
No. It sounds like something I might do, though.
......used pop culture references in a story?
Yes, definitely. Even in my high fantasy/sci-fi ones, I will almost certainly sneak in a few.
......written between the hours of 1 a.m and 6 a.m?
Yes, I have. When I was getting up at 4:00.
........drank an entire pot of coffee while writing?
I'm not a coffee fan, so no.
......written down dreams to use in potential novels?
No, my dreams are too weird for that. 
.....published an unedited story on the Internet/blog/Wattpad?
Yes. I don't really edit, I just go through, and check for spelling mistakes [which I sometimes don't catch].
......procrastinated homework because I wanted to write?
No, because I'm homeschooled, so I don't really have homework.
......typed so long that my wrists hurt?
No! And not for lack of writing for hours on end. Maybe I just have tough wrists?
......spilled a drink on my laptop while writing?
Thankfully, no.
.......forgotten to save my work/draft?
I think my computer does it automatically, so no.
.......finished a novel?
Yup! Several, actually.
.....laughed like an evil villain while writing a scene?
Yes, I have. It's the best.
....cried while writing a scene?
No. Apparently, I have no feelings, because I almost never cry.
.....created maps of my fictional worlds?
No. I'm a pretty terrible artist, so I've never attempted this.
.....researched something shady for a novel?
Yes, this is pretty much the one thing I do research. Hopefully, no one finds that I search for 'deadliest poisons' or 'how lethal is a dagger'.
Alright, that's all for this tag. It was fun.


  1. I loved reading about this, thanks for sharing and it really gives insight into your writing habits

  2. This was an interesting Tag to do! I'm glad I found it. 😊
    I had no idea that you finished several novels already! I'm very interested...😃
    I once researched a list of poisonous plants for names, such as Oleander, Belladonna, Tamarack, etc. Anything for a good story, right? 😉


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