Tags #2

 Hello. I think I love doing tags a bit too much. Oh, well. Let's get started.

First up is the Awesome Food Award. 

[This picture is not mine. It's Madison's, from www.delightfulworldofdolls.com
Absolute Favorite Food of All time that you couldn't live without?
That would definitely be pizza.
Do you like spicy food?
Yup. I put hot sauce on lots of things.
What's something you refuse to eat?
I probably would eat anything, but I'm not a fan of marshmallows, broccoli, or chocolate.
What's your favorite pizza topping?
Uh....cheese. And meat, like Italian sausage, pepperoni, and hamburger.
What did you last eat for breakfast?
Eggs, a smoothie, and leftover coffee cake.
What did you last eat for lunch?
A sandwich, raisins, carrots, and leftover potato chips.
What did you last eat for dinner?
Last night was pizza night, so pizza, chips, and brownies for dessert.
Do you have snacks?
Yeah. Not all the time, but sometimes.
What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Rainbow sherbert or Summer Dreamsicle. I also like butter pecon.
What's your favorite restaurant to go to?
I like a lot of fast food places, and there's a couple really great local restaurants.
This next award is from Loren, at www.blueeyesgrayeyes.wordpress.com
Answer the ten questions given to you
Tag ten people
Give them ten questions
Loren's Questions:
Cats or dogs?
Ooh, that's hard, I like both..... Cats probably.
Fiction or non-fiction?
Definitely fiction.
Favorite band?
Queen. Maybe The Runaways. Idk, it's one of those two.
Favorite pair of PJs?
Uh, these dark blue ones, with cats on them.
Fall or spring?
It really depends what the climate is overall like, rather than the season. So, with where I live now, spring.
Unicorns or griffins?
I don't really have a strong opinion on that......I'll say griffins.
Favorite TV show?
That's too hard! *glares*
Fine, probably Battlestar Galactica or Firefly. Currently, it's Glee.
Do you like rain?
Sometimes. I prefer sun to rain, but sometimes rain can be cool.
Do you collect anything?
No. I don't think so.
Do you read the AG mag?
Don't know what that is, so no.
JLY, Historical, or GOTY?
I don't really have an opinion on that.
Alright, these next couple awards are from Madi's blog [link is above].
This next one is the Selcouth Award [I swear I could not find a picture for this.....].
Anyway, onto the questions.
Which fictional character are you in love with and why? Would you marry this character?
I can think of several [I'll leave you to guess who they are]. And, yes, I would.
Which fictional character is your BFF and why?
Hmmmm, well, I think Kaylee Frye from Firefly would be my BFF. Or April Ludgate, from Parks and Rec [these two are nothing alike]. 
Chose a fictional family to be your own. What place would you play in that family?
Okay, so I can't think of any family, so let's just say team or crew [like in Lord of the Rings, anything Marvel, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, LOST, any of the Star Treks or even something like Parks and Rec or Glee]. Anyway, I'd be the rebel with the bad temper, who never listens to directions, but almost always has good intentions.
How late have you stayed up reading 'just one more chapter'?
I think around 12:00. Which is pretty impressive, considering I was eight,
What character do you resemble most from your favorite book/series? Are you likely to do any of the things said character has done?
I'm quite a bit like Vi from The Last Summer of the Garrett Girls [which is my favorite standalone book]. And, yes, definitely.
Most embarrassing rant about writing or reading you remember making?
I don't usually get embarrassed, so I don't know if there is one....
If you could swap places with one author, who would it be and why?
I have no idea. Someone who's really successful, I guess.
Would you rather have the characters from your favorite book/series come into your world or enter their world?
Definitely go into their world.
Narnia or LOTR?
Lord of the Rings, for sure.
Is there any movie adaptations of a book you actually like?
Oh, yeah. There's several.
If you could have a book-related superpower what would it be?
Speed reading. Imagine how many books I could get done.
The questions
Do you have a pet?
Yes. Two cats, a dog, some chickens, and three incredibly naughty goats.
What would you tell your younger self if you could go back in the past?
Okay, so, kid. Stop being so uptight, and stop being recklessly impulsive. I have no idea how I managed to be both. 
If you could get a unicorn what would you name it and what would it look like?
Uhhh, it'd be purple and black, and be named Champion [did you get that reference?], and it'd be a powerful fighter. Gender is still undetermined.
What is your favorite book series?
Percy Jackson, The Hunger Games, A Sea of Ink and Gold, KOTLC, 39 Clues, Magnus Chase, Wings of Fire, etc.
What's your hair color?
Sort of a honey blonde [which is a mix of blonde and brown. I call it bronde]. Although, it's been so sunny and warm, and, because of summer vacation, I've been spending so much time outside that it looks blonde.
What is your favorite show/movie?
Okay, so, movie.
Hmmmmm, that is hard. We';ll just say stand-alone movie, because there are too many movie series that I like, so I'll say The Breakfast Club or Avatar.
And, for shows, probably Battlestar Galactica.
If you could be rich for a day, what would you buy?
Okay, so, I'd give most of it away to animal shelters or people who live in poverty, and I'd probably give lots to my friends and family.
For myself, I would buy a pool, a motorcycle, various weapons, books/movies/TV shows, some more pets, and some jewelry.
What's your favorite food?
Pizza, but really any fast food. And certain desserts. Like rainbow sherbert. 
Who's your favorite Disney princess?
Okay, confession time: I'm not really that into Disney, and never have been *cue gasp*, so I'll have to say Evie from the Descendants movies. 
What's your favorite social media thing?
I don't really use social media, so definitely blogging. Or maybe Twitter, since it's more about words than pictures.
 What is your biggest dream?
To be a published author.
Alright, next up is this one.
The next one is The Liebster Award.
This one is pretty famous, so I won't bother listing the rules.
What is your biggest dislike?
Ooh, that's a hard one. Probably hypocrites. Or people who micromanage. Or people who abuse animals.
Would you say you were more introverted or extraverted?
I'm definitely an introvert. I like spending time with people but only certain people, and I have to have at least an hour of alone time each day. Otherwise, I'm not fun to be around.
Where is one place you would visit in the U.S?
Hmmm, well, California, Maine, Wisconsin, Alaska, Hawaii, Utah, all of them, really.
Do you use mouthwash?
No. Not really.
Have you had braces or a mouth appliance?
Braces. And I had a pallet widener when I was younger.
What is your favorite kind of shoe?
Uhhhhhhh, probably boots. I like heels, too, but I wouldn't want to wear them all the time.
What is your life purpose?
To write lots of really good stuff. I don't know if it would be books, articles, blog posts, etc, but I hope I can write something that changes someone's life for the better.
Pink or blue?
White or black?
What is your favorite sweet?
Um, well, rainbow sherbert, cookies, cake, and brownies.
What did you think of these questions and this award?
They were super awesome.
Next one.....
Yes, again.
Madi's Questions:
What's your favorite season?
Hmmm, all of them for their own reasons. I guess I don't really have a favorite.
Do you like to dress in vintage-style clothes?
How vintage are we talking? If it's '50's or '60's clothes, then sure [even if I don't really own any], but you wouldn't catch me in a Regency dress or something like that.
Do you prefer colored Christmas-tree lights or white ones?
Do you have any hobbies?
Yes! Writing, reading, watching movies/TV shows, listening to music, sports of all kind, anything outdoorsy, and playing with my sisters.
What's your favorite kind of cake?
Vanilla. Or this kind called golden cake [I think that's what it's called].
Do you prefer white, milk or dark chocolate?
I'm not too fond of chocolate, but I guess white chocolate.
Do you like to sing?
Not particularly. I mean, I'll sing along to songs in the car, but I've never taken singing lessons, or been involved in choir or something.
Do you like Disney movies [if, so which is your favorite?]
Do Star Wars and the Marvel movies count? If not, then probably Descendants.
What do you like to do in the summer?
The same things as usual, normally. I really like swimming, though!
Do you like old TV shows?
I guess so. I mean, I haven't watched a lot of old TV shows, so I wouldn't know.
This next one is another Sunshine Blogger Award.
The Questions:
What is your shoe size?
8 and 1/2.
Do you watch Once Upon A Time?
I used to, but then it got kind of boring and predictable, so I stopped watching it.
If you had to dye your hair an unnatural color, what would it be?
Quick, look to your left! What's the first thing you see?
A shoe rack, my sister sitting in a lawn chair, and a bunch of sports equipment, bikes, scooters, and skateboards in a pile.
What kind of pants are you wearing?
I'm wearing a dress, actually. It's a pink sundress.
If you had to become anyone else in the world, who would you want to be?
Oh, gosh......um, probably a Firefly character. Preferrably one that didn't die.
What's the meaning of life?
To bring glory to God, and make the world a better place.
Why did you start blogging?
I honestly just thought it looked like fun.
If you had to describe the color yellow to a blind person, what would you say?
Hmmmm, well, I'd say it was bright and warm and happy.
Google or Bing?
Is it bad that I have no idea what Bing is?
Google, obviously.
This next one is the One Lovely Blog Award. I couldn't find a picture for that one. 
Anyway, I'm supposed to list seven facts about myself.
1: My ancestry is all European. I'm mostly English, Irish and Scandenavian [like Thor], but I have a little bit of German and French, too.
2: I love to travel [especially road trips!]
3: My favorite song recently is ''Don't Stop Believing''' from Glee
4: I love black lipstick
5: I love climbing trees, and, even better, reading books in trees
6: I'm a really good bowler [ask Ron]
7: I'm kind of a tomboy, kind of a girly girl. I'm the type of girl who loves to get dressed up, but also loves sports, the outdoors, and adventures
Alright, this next one is from Ivy Miranda's blog revealedintime.blogspot.com.
The Questions
What made you start blogging?
Like I stated above, I thought it was fun, and I'd been following many blogs before then, plus I like writing.
What is your fashion style?
Hmmm, well, I've always had a thing for ultra-feminine clothes, so dresses, skirts, heels, or jeans, blouses, and boots. I don't always do makeup, though.
What is something your followers don't know about you?
Uhhhhhh, I really can't think of anything. And the things I can think of are pretty private, and I'd prefer not to say.
What are some of your blogging goals?
I don't really have any. More followers would be nice, though.
Where are your favorite places to shop?
I loathe shopping, so thrift stores because things are cheaper and easier to find. Or online shopping.
What would the ideal amount of blog followers be?
Around 100.
What are your talents?
I'm a good writer. I'm also quite physically strong, fast, and have good hand-eye coordination. Anything else, I'm either okay at, or laughably bad at.
Are you a leader or a follower?
Definitely a leader. Or a rebel. I will never be a follower. 
What is one of your favorite quotes?
Be yourself: everyone else is taken.
Do you have a favorite book or series?
Many. But Percy Jackson, and A Sea of Ink and Gold are pretty high up there.
Out of all the synonyms for elegant [dainty, fine, graceful, stylish, smart, dressy], what would you describe yourself as?
Probably dressy, or smart.
What is your favorite flower?
I really don't have an opinion on flowers.
And one last one [I'm just making this a massive post today].
The Questions
Favorite movie genre, and why?
Sci-Fi is my all time favorite genre. I'm also a pretty huge fantasy fan, but I generally like sci-fi stories slightly more. I enjoy the worldbuilding, the action scenes [most sci-fi movies are also action movies] and most of the characters, in general. Plus, the very, very, very, very, very slight possibility that it could actually happen.
Favorite movie that's an adaptation of a book you've read?
Probably the Harry Potter movies. Most of them were pretty accurate to the story, the casting was great, and it just had the right feel.
An actor or actress you're enjoying who you've only recently noticed?
Michelle Forbes. I think it started when I 'casted' her for a character in my book, then fan-casted her as Tanin in The Reader, and I'm just starting to realize how good of an actress she is [I think that was overshadowed by my hatred of her BSG character], and she's one of those actors who almost always ends up with guest star roles. Seriously, look her up. You've probably seen her in something.
And she really is gorgeous.
Favorite ''unexpected surprise'' movie?
Definitely the Descendants movie. I'm not a fan of Disney Channel, or Disney in general, but I loved those movies.
A movie that has a cast catered to you?
Probably the Jumanji movies. I love that cast.
An obscure movie that you think is great, and wish more people knew about?
Well, I wish more people in the blogosphere had seen Battlestar Galactica [although that's not obscure by any means].
Your life will be changed......,watch the show.
A movie that has a great soundtrack?
Not a movie, but Glee has an amazing soundtrack.
A movie that reminds you of summer?
Again, Glee.
A movie you loved as a kid, and still love now [not because of nostalgia reasons]?
Anything Scooby Doo, and any superhero cartoon.
Plot device pet peeve?
I could mirror Ivy's answer, and say love triangles, but I'll say the 'it was all just a dream' thing. Like, dude, be more creative than that.
Ending preference for movies, and why?
I actually like bittersweet endings, for the most part. Happy endings are good, too. 
Okay, that's it. If you read it all, I admire your stamina.


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