Character of the Day: Santana Lopez

 Hi, again! I'm back with the first post in my new series. Let me know if you want me to continue these. Today I'll be focusing on Santana Lopez, who's a character from the TV show Glee.

Santana is definitely my favorite character from Glee. At the beginning of the show, Santana doesn't seem particularly interesting. She's your typical snarky, aloof, mean girl cheerleader. Of course, even back then she was super sassy, and had excellent comebacks.
In season two, Santana started getting a bit more focus. She was definitely one of the most talented singers on Glee, and she slowly started to get more solos [which she totally deserves, because she's ridiculously talented], and started getting some more development. Her insults are iconic, her outfits are amazing, and she was getting more episodes focused on her. She was still a bit stereotypical, but she started becoming more of a main character, instead of an extra so the Glee Club could have twelve members. While Santana isn't a particularly nice character, she has a lot of admirable qualities. She's very loyal, she's determined, she's brave, she stands up for her friends. I think that Santana is a good person at heart, even if she won't admit it. 
The biggest thing that made her character interesting was her relationship with Brittany. It was sort of used as a joke before then, but sometime in season two it seemed like she actually cared about Brittany, which was very different from the way she was about all of the guys she dated. She even admitted that she loved Brittany. And that was when her character went from great to one of the best characters on the show. 
Seeing Santana vulnerable, as she struggled to come out as gay, made her relatable to so many people. It also gave her depth, and made her much more likable.
While I love Glee, the show isn't exactly known for sticking with storylines [especially with Quinn] but Santana's was consistent. And when she and Brittany finally started dating, I was so happy for her. Brittany was one of the few characters that she was consistently nice to. And, while I hate season six, I loved seeing her and Brittany get married [they went through six seasons of drama. They deserve it.]
One of the best things about Santana is that she's not a one-note character. She's the hot one, she's the cheerleader, she's the snarky one, she's a really good dancer, etc, etc. She felt like a real person, and is, in my opinion, the best character on Glee. Brittany is a close second. I mean, come on, you couldn't have Brittana without Brittany and Santana. 

Sorry for the overload of Brittana pictures, but they're probably my favorite TV couple, and they're awesome, so they deserve it.

I love seeing her and Brittany together, and I love Santana as a character (if you couldn't tell already). 

So, did you like this post? Favorite Glee character? Favorite Glee ship/couple [Brittana is obviously mine, but Klaine and Faberry are nice too]? Should I do more posts like these?


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