Musical Characters I Would Love to Play

 Hellooooo. *zooms in on spinny office chair* So, it's not exactly a little-known fact that I love musicals, and I have lots of favorite musical characters. I tried out acting for awhile and, while it's fantastic, it's not my thing. However, I would consider coming out of retirement if someone offered to let me play these characters. I'll also explain why I love all of these lovely ladies so much. And it really is all girls. Is it just me who gets way more attached to female characters? I love male characters, too [like the ones in my books], but it's just different. *shrugs*. Let's just get into the post before I start rambling.
#1: Janis Sarkisian, Mean Girls
JANIS. MY QUEEN. Okay, but, first of all, her songs are actually in my vocal range, so I wouldn't have to strain my voice. And all of the songs from Mean Girls are so amazing, and I'd love to sing them.  Second of all, Janis is so snarky, and her lines are the best. Third of all, I've identified with her character since I first listened to this musical, and she was one of the first fictional characters that I related to, so she has a special place in my heart. I've also been told that I'd make a good Janis, so that's something. And I love this musical so much, and being a part of it would be so fun.
#2: Veronica Sawyer, Heathers
Oh, look, another Barrett Wilbert Weed character, what a surprise. So, Veronica's the main character, and I never play main characters, so that'd be fun. The actress who plays her also plays Janis, so her vocal range is similar to mine. Again, the songs from Heathers are really great, and I'd love to sing some of them. Also, let's talk about the costumes. Veronica has style, and I sure wouldn't mind wearing some of those costumes. Again, she has great lines, and I just really like her.
#3: Lydia Deetz, Beetlejuice
Lyyyddiiiaaaa! In case you can't tell by now, I really love Beetlejuice, and Lydia is one of my favorite characters. I mean, her songs are amazing, she's sarcastic, and she has a really great character arc [are we sensing a pattern here? Maybe]. Beetlejuice would be such a great musical to be in, and there's no way I could make a believable Barbara, so that leaves Lydia. Not that I mind. She's a fantastic character.
If you think about it, these three actually have quite a few things in common. They're all kinda edgy, definitely sarcastic, and a little bit of a rebel aka something that I can actually do.
#4: Katherine Parr, Six
Catherine Parr is my personal favorite queen from Six, and it'd be awesome to play her. She's smart, witty, strong, and has great songs. Plus, her part in Six and Ex-Wives are great, and she just seems like a fun character to play. Plus, she is the wife who survives, and I have to admit that's appealing. And, again, Six is a great musical, so I'd love to be in it.
#5: Katherine Plumber, Newsies
 Hey, looky here, another Katherine. Well, first of all, Katherine is the only girl in Newsies, and I love Newsies, so I'd love to be a part of it. Never mind that her vocal range is totally different from mine. Second of all, she's a journalist, and that's a type of writing. Third of all, she's so likable, and so sassy, and I love her so much.
#6: Peggy Schuyler, Hamilton
Is the only reason I want to play her because of her ''And Peggy'' part in The Schuyler Sisters? Yup. Peggy is super sweet, and she's so underrated. Plus, The Schuyler Sisters is such a good song, and I'd love to sing it. Plus, she's a good character, and I've always liked her. Is that weird? Is anybody else here a Peggy fan?
Also, her name is so fun to say. 
#7: Karen Smith, Mean Girls
So, Janis is my favorite Mean Girls character, and I obviously love her, but Karen is my second favorite. She's a total cinnamon roll, and super sweet, and she's hilarious. Her songs are a little outside of my vocal range, but not by too much. Also, being able to sing Sexy onstage would be awesome. And her lines are so iconic, and she's so iconic, and playing her would be so much fun.
#8: Katherine Howard, Six
 Annnnnd now we have three Katherines. K. Howard is my second-favorite queen from Six. Her song All You Wanna Do is great, and I love it. Plus, she has so much more depth than what you'd expect, and you can definitely see that in All You Wanna Do. It goes from being super upbeat to super dark. Also, her costumes are great, and I love Aimie Atkinson, and I would want to do her character justice.
#9: Eliza Schuyler-Hamilton, Hamilton
Eliiizzzzaaaaa! Yes, I know that's the second time I've done that in this blog post, but, seriously, who doesn't like Eliza? She has a lot more depth than what you'd think, too, and, again I'd get to sing The Schuyler Sisters. And Burn, which is another favorite of mine. Never mind that her songs are wayyyyy outside of what I could ever sing. Plus, her story is one of my favorites.
#10: Heather Chandler, Heathers
Okay, so, if I couldn't play Veronica, Heather C would be my second choice. She has so much sass, and she's so vastly different from me that I think it'd be fun to play her. Also, I'd get to sing Candy Store, and that song is amazing, and the choreography for that song is amazing. Her part in The Me Inside of Me is really great, too. I believe Jessica Keenan Wynn is a mezzo-soprano, so it'd be outside of my vocal range, but not by much. 
So, that's all for today. Are you familiar with any of these musicals? What musical characters would you like to play?


  1. I like how you have a second option for almost every musical! I'm curious about The Six now and I might listen to some songs from it. It would be so awesome to be in a musical, but I never sing so I don't know what my vocal range is. But, I agree, it would be fun to be Peggy in Hamilton.

  2. Thanks.
    Ooh, yes, you should listen to it. Such a good musical.
    I found out through an online quiz that Amber gave me. She knows way more about singing than I do, but I still think it's fun.
    It would be. She's just so sweet and fun.

  3. Great choices! I don't think I could sing any of these parts, but playing Veronica or Katharine from Newsies would be amazing!

  4. I probably couldn't sing most of these parts either, but oh well. Yesss, those two are amazing.


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