Hello everybody. 
Well, the title says it all. I'm doing a Q&A for blogging for a year-and-a-half [so, technically, I should have done this yesterday, since I started blogging on May 12th.....whoops]. I'll answer these questions a month from now, on November 13th. I wanted to do one this May, but then I got busy [don't ask me how I managed to get busy in the middle of a pandemic, because I don't even know myself]. 
Feel free to ask as many questions as you want. And think outside the box. Ask me about my hobbies, ask me about my writing, ask me about fictional characters [please, please, please, ask me about fictional characters]. Just don't ask me where I live or anything inappropriate, and we should be good. If you think of more, comment them below. And feel free to go through previous posts, and see if anything catches your eye, and ask me about that. 
And please spread the word on your blog. I'd like to answer everybody's questions. 
Okay, that's all for now. 
Adios, and have a good rest of October.


  1. 1. Who is your favorite fictional villain?
    2. If you could switch bodies with any fictional character who would you switch places with?
    3. What inspired you to write "The Untold Truth"? Why did you choose Carla in particular to write about?
    4. Who is your favorite Greek god or goddess?
    5. If you could join the Hunters of Artemis would you?
    6. Which Greek god or goddess would be your godly parent?
    7. Would you rather be chaotic neutral or chaotic evil?
    8. Would you rather be a bard or a ranger?
    9. You come across a ghost, what do you do?
    10. If you had to summon Beatlejuice would you?

    1. 11. What is your favorite type of character to write?
      12. What is your least favorite type of character to write?
      13. Have any songs inspired your writing?
      14. What is your favorite type of character to act as?
      15. What is your least favorite type of character to act as?
      16. If your novel was going to be a movie, which of your characters would you act as?

    2. 17. What's your favorite part of Halloween?
      18. Do you have a favorite candy?
      19. What's your favorite Halloween themed book or movie?

    3. Thanks for all of your questions. It's going to be so much fun answering them.

  2. 1) What's the best book you've read lately?
    2) Are you currently writing anything? If so, what is it about?
    3) Would you rather have a fictional character come into the real world and meet you, or visit a fictional world yourself?
    4) Do you prefer cookies or cake?

    Can't wait for your answers! (Also, is that gif from Warehouse 13?? I LOVE THAT SHOW XD)

  3. Thanks so much for your questions. And, yes, it's from Warehouse 13. I can't believe I found another blogger who likes that show. It's one of my favorites.

  4. 1. If you had a time travel machine, where and when would you go?
    2. What is your biggest inspiration for writing?
    3. What is your favorite book and movie that you've read and watched this year?
    4. What is a book or movie that EVERYONE needs to read or see?
    5. Movies or music? (You asked me this one, so it's your turn!)

  5. Thanks so much for your questions.
    Those are such good questions.


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