The Sunshine Blogger Award [which I may or may not have stolen]


Hellllooo. So, Sam did this award, and I loved her questions, so I decided to steal this tag (although she did give me permission to, so does it really count as stealing?). Let's get to it, shall we?
Sam's Questions
What is a genre that you didn't think you would enjoy when you first started reading [or watching] it, but now really do?
Man, that's hard. I'm usually pretty open-minded when it comes to trying new things. Okay, you know what, I do have one: romance. Why did I hate romance? Oh, because my slightly judgemental past self thought that it was stupid and boring, despite not having read any romance books, and then I gave it a shot and, what do you know, it wasn't so bad. Sure, some of them are cliche and boring, but so are books in literally every single other genre. I am definitely a romantic when it comes to fiction [not so much IRL]. Like, I love to ship other characters together, I love to read other people's fanfiction, and I love to throw things across the room in a fit of annoyance because these two characters should just kiss already.
Wow, that was way more rant-y than I expected. Romance isn't my all-time favorite genre, but I like it, and I'm glad I tried it out. 
Speaking of cute, I present you all with a random Cadnis GIF [aka one of my many, many ships]. You're welcome.
What is the best piece of advice someone has given you?
Okay, I can't remember who said this. Maybe it was a friend, maybe it was a family member, maybe it was a fictional character [it was probably a fictional character] but somebody said to live life in the moment, and to try to make the best out of things, even if your situation isn't the best [I feel like the fact that this is my favorite piece of advice just goes to show how much of a Gryffindor I am]. I mean, life is short, so make the most of every second.
What is a weird food combination you enjoy that your family [or housemates] think is weird?
I enjoy lots of weird food combos. In fact, I am the queen of weird food combinations. So, here are some that most of my family members think is weird.
-Cold pizza for breakfast
-Hot dogs with just mustard
-Ice cream with mashed up bits of cake/pie/brownies/cookies
-Peanut butter and carrot sandwiches [this has got to be the weirdest one on this list]
What is your favorite book to reread, and how many times have you reread it?
The Last Summer of the Garrett Girls. I've read it five or six times, which doesn't seem like that much, but I read it for the first time this summer. Yeah. It's my all-time favorite stand-alone book. It has nearly everything that I love in it [it's missing fight scenes, dragons, and vampires, but, hey, we can't have everything]: great sisterly relationships, a great aesthetic, witty writing, cute ships, and relatable characters. 
Who is your favorite artist? What is your favorite piece of art by them?
Erm, Janis from Mean Girls? Oh, wait, we're using real people. My sister, Amber, and my favorite piece of art of hers is this drawing of me as a goat man [she wanted it to upset me. I found it hilarious]. 
Have you ever traveled out of your home country? Where did you go?
Unfortunately, no. I want to, though. I'm not picky about where I go. I just want to go somewhere. 
Who are your favorite and least favorite authors?
I don't really have favorite or least favorite authors.  I just choose based on individual books. My favorite author is anyone in the blogosphere who has published a book or story. Yes, all of you. I also like most of Rick Riordan's books, so maybe him.
What is the best book you've had to read for a class?
See, being forced to read something automatically lowers my enjoyment of it, so I don't know. There was this one Greek tragedy called Oedipus the King that was pretty interesting. And I remember liking Understood Betsy, but I was, like, ten, so I don't really remember what the book was about.
What is your favorite season [or month]? 
I could never pick a favorite season. My favorite month, however, is December, because of Christmas, which is my favorite holiday of all time [yes, yes, I can be basic sometimes]
Why did you choose your blog name?
Story timeeee, yay. When I first started this blog, I wanted to be a famous performer [hence the triple threat part]. Since then my goals have changed, but I like the name, so I'm keeping it. 
Who is a blogger that you think everyone should follow [you're not allowed to say me, even if you want to, which you probably don't]?
Hmmmmm, that's hard. I really can't choose. I love so many of you guys. So, those of you who are nominated, you are my favorite bloggers. All of you. I did tag the majority of you for the 30 song tag, so, uh, you don't have to do it unless you really like my questions.
The Nominees
MovieCritic at Movies Meet Their Match
Skye at Ink Castles
Katie Hanna at I'm Charles Baker Harris [And I Can Read]
Hamlette at Hamlette's Soliloquy
Olivia at Meanwhile in Rivendell
Rachel at R's Loft
May at Forever and Everly
Quinley at Adventure Awaits
Nicole at Legend of a Writer
Christine at Fairy Dust on My Pen
Ivy at Revealed in Time
Livia at Rose Petals and Faerie Dust
Rakayle at A Story Detective
Emily at The Ones That Really Matter
Lanie at From the Desk of a Dragon
Sam at Bookshire [are tagbacks even allowed? Oh, well. You're one of my favorite bloggers, so you're automatically on here].
Andrea at Endless Wonder
Kenzie at Spaceland
And, um, anyone else who wants to do it.
What have we learned from this post? That I am very, very, very, very, very, very bad at choosing favorites.
My Questions
What genre was the last movie you watched? What are your three favorite movies in said genre? 
If you were to attend Hogwarts, which subject do you think you'd be best at? 
Would you play Quidditch? If so, what position?
Favorite fantasy subgenre?
What is a book that you think should have a movie adaptation?
What is a book that you think shouldn't have had a movie adaptation?
What is your favorite type of donut [man, now these are just getting weird]?
Does Aaron Samuels' hair look sexy pushed back (or are you with me in the Aaron is Overrated group)?
If you had to spend 24 hours locked in an elevator with three fictional characters to keep you company, which three characters would they be?
If you could rule the world for enough time to make one law that everyone had to follow, what would that law be?
What is your love language?
(Bonus Question for my fellow Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans) Do you think you'd make a better Slayer or Watcher?

Annnnnd that's a wrap.  May the odds be ever in your favor. 


  1. I enjoy romance books too but it's not something I like reading a lot of and yes, I might also throw a book about if the romance keeps getting delayed.

    I also love cold pizza any time of day, I don't know what makes it tastes good but it does. That ice cream combo is not weird at all but the peanut butter and carrot? Maybe a little odd but pretty much anything goes with peanut butter, at least, from what I've heard.

    Here I was wondering why you've used name for your blog and now I have my answer. I think it's the normal process with blog name - they either change with you or you keep your original name.

    This was fun. It's always nice to get to know the blogger behind the blog a little bit. And thanks for stopping by blog.

    Have a lovely day.

  2. Yup. It depends on the day, of course. Yesss. Reading can be incredibly frustrating at times.
    Yeah, I didn't think those were that weird, but most people in my family don't seem to enjoy them. Absolutely. Peanut butter goes well with just about anything.
    Yeah, that's what I thought, too.
    Thanks. No problem. I love finding new blogs.
    Thank you so much! You too.

  3. That is a piece of good advice, although it's definitely a very Gryffindor thing to say.
    I...actually like all the weird food combos you mentioned. Not sure what that says about me.
    Ooh, I had to read Oedipus the King for a class too, and I loved it! Not as much as Antigone, though.
    December is a good month. :)
    Aww, thank you for the tag! (Or tag-back, I suppose). I'm looking forward to answering your questions! (Although I might wait a little while to do it, so I'm not JUST doing the Sunshine Blogger Award. XD)

  4. Oh, definitely.
    Right? They're so good. I think it says you have great taste in food but, of course, I'm biased.
    Ooh, I haven't read Antigone yet, but I've heard a lot of good things about it.
    Yes, absolutely.
    No problem. I'm looking forward to seeing your answers.

  5. Thanks for the tag! The questions are great!

  6. No problem!
    Thanks. I can't wait to see your answers!

  7. Thank you for tagging me, I'm going to try to do it sometime. :D I'll see if I can fit it in my blogging schedule.

    I'm not a huge fan of romance novels, I much prefer reading adventure novels or novels with only a subplot of romance. But I must admit I did end up finding a webcomic where the romance was used as a way to explore the MCs's personalities and to world-build which I really enjoyed. Partly because of the art and the characters, and the Science Fiction world itself.

    I also have a bit of difficulty choosing favorites too. :) It was fun reading your answers McKayla. :)

  8. Ooh, I hope you can. I'd love to see your answers.
    I love adventure novels, too. So much fun. Ooh, sounds like a good webcomic.
    Hehe, I have.....a lot of trouble choosing favorites.
    Aw, thank you.

  9. Thanks for tagging me!
    Cold pizza is so good especially for breakfast.

  10. No problem!
    Yessss! It's the best. I'm starting to think it's not even that weird, but both of my siblings hate it, and my mom doesn't like having pizza for breakfast, so I just always thought it was a strange thing to like.

  11. thank you so much for nominating me, mckayla! i feel the same way as you did about the romance genre -- i still haven't read much romance now, but i think the "stigma" around it definitely influenced my opinion about it at first. and yes to christmas and december!! i think december's one of my favorite months too -- for christmas, and the fact that i don't have school haha! great post <3

  12. No problem! Absolutely! I feel like it gets a lot of unnecessary hate.
    Yess! Christmas is the best, and having no school is just a great bonus.
    Thank you so much!

  13. Thanks for the tag! I love cold pizza even though I don't like it hot and everyone thinks that I'm insane, so I'm glad to see that it's not just me.

  14. No problem! Yes, it's soooo good.
    Nice to know. Most of my family thinks I'm insane, too.


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