Reviewing Every Book I Read in December 2020

 Hey, everybody. As you all know by now, it's almost the end of 2020. 
*minor freakout*
Anyway, I read a lot of good books this December, so here are my thoughts on all of them in the order that I read them.
Ali's Pretty Little Lies, Wicked, and Killer by Sara Shepard

Genres: YA/thriller/drama
My Rating: 3 stars
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't dislike this series, but it's not super well-written. I mean, it's great when I need something simple and easy to read, and I do like them a lot, but it hasn't made a big impact on me or anything. Ali's Pretty Little Lies is a prequel novel, and it's one of the best in the series. It's thrilling and creepy, as are all of them. Also, of the characters Spencer is my favorite [she's a snarky anti-heroine, so of course I love her], but Aria is the most like me, so I like her, too. Emily's a bit boring, but she's sweet and I love her. However, I can't stand Hanna. She annoys me so much.
Anne of Green Gables by L.M Montgomery
Genres: Classics, Drama/Comedy
My Rating: 5 stars
This is my only reread for this month, and just let me squeal about this for a minute because it's one of my favorite books. First of all, I love Anne as a heroine. I read this book for the first time when I was around 8 or 9 and it was one of the first times I saw a heroine who was like me in a book. I mean, we're both imaginative, we're both dramatic, we both have strong tempers, we're both stubborn, we both like to read, we both like pretty things, etc. In fact, I think we might be the same person. Or we're 'kindred spirits' as Anne likes to say. 
Aside from that I love Anne, I also love how sweet this book is. Without being sappy. And, also, all of Anne's mistakes are so fun to read about [and sound like mistakes that I'd make]. I feel like this book is kind of the perfect blend of everything, and, if you haven't read it yet, you definitely should. It's one of my very favorites. 
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Genres: Classics, Drama
My Rating: 5 stars
I mean, technically, I've started this book before, but never finished it. Not until this month, that is. And there were parts I didn't like, but the good outweighs the bad. See, for something to get five stars, it has to have an emotional connection to me. That's why, even if something is well-written, it may not get five stars from me, and a less well-written book will get five stars. This one was definitely well-written, though. Basically I had a strong connection to this book from the beginning. I love all of the sisters, and, really, they made the book for me. They all had their flaws, but I loved their interactions, and how they all handled tragedy differently. Characters have a huge, huge impact on why I like or dislike certain books/movies/shows/musicals. I'm definitely most like Jo, in case you were wondering [I guess you could say 'kindred spirit', too, if that's more your thing]. Although, unpopular opinion here: I think Laurie and Amy made a better couple than Laurie and Jo. 
Also, question for you all: There's about a million movie adaptations. Are there any that are worth seeing? Or am I better off just reading the book. 
Fall Into Me by Mila Gray
Genres: YA/romance
My Rating: 2 stars
So, I was attempting to try something different, and branch out into different genres, but this book was just....blech. I mean, the main characters were fine, and had obviously been through a lot, but I didn't connect to either of them. Also, the romance just....wasn't well-written. I mean, sure, you could tell that the characters were going to get together from page 2, and it could've been really interesting if their relationship had been developed more. I mean, I've read fanfictions where I knew two characters were going to get together, but the relationship was developed so much better. I was really forcing myself to finish it. No offense meant if you like it. It just wasn't my thing. 
Of Thorn and Thread by Chanda Hahn
Genres: YA/fantasy
My Rating: 4 and a half stars.
I'm kind of cheating because I haven't finished it, but I really like it! I haven't read a good YA fantasy in awhile. Now, this is the fourth book in a series, and I didn't know that so.....whoops. It's a little confusing, but not too bad or anything. Anyway, I'm ALMOST done with it, and I still have two days before the end of the month, so I'm sure I will. I love the magic in it, I love the adventure, and I like the main character! At the beginning of the book she kind of reminds me of Movie Critic [or, how I imagine her to be], and she's super sweet and amazing. Also, the romance in this book is well-developed, so yay! I may end up giving this book five stars if I read the rest of the series, but, as of now, it stays with its current rating. 
So, those are just some mini-reviews for all of the books I read this month. 
Have you read any of these? What books did you read in December? Did you like them? Any book recommendations for me? 


  1. Out of all these books I've only read Anne of Green Gables but it was awesome to read your reviews of them. :D As a side note if you haven't already, you may want to check out the Netflix series Anne With an E it's really good and you may like it. :)

  2. Ooh, it's such a good book! Thank you.
    I've been meaning to watch that. I'm going to have to try it out. I finished Riverdale, so I could use another show to watch.

  3. You read some good books in December! Anne of Green Gables is my favorite book of all time! Ah, Little Women is wonderful. I love how relatable Jo is to so many people. Hey, someone else who likes Amy and Laurie as a couple! High five! As for good film adaptations, I recommend the 1994 (it has the best Laurie ever! I've been watching it as long as I can remember) and the 2019 (Jo is exactly how I pictured her! It has a unique filming technic with a broken timeline which many people don't like, but I love it).

    Oh my word! You comparing me to a character who you call "super sweet and amazing" made my day! I've been smiling non-stop since I read that. You are awesome. That is so nice of you! Thank you, McKayla!! :D

  4. I did! It's amazing! Definitely one of my favorites, too.
    Yes, it's so good. I can't believe I've taken this long to read it. Awesome! High five to you too.
    Ooh, great! Thanks for the recommendations. I've heard the most good things about both of those adaptations, actually, and the casts for both look great.
    Of course! You're super sweet. And thank you. Aw, I'm glad. You're welcome.

  5. I got a copy of Little Women for Christmas, can't wait to read it.

  6. Ooh, that's exciting. It's really, really good.

  7. I should reread Anne of Green Gables at some point, it's been a really long time. I think it might have been the first 'novel' that I ever owned actually.

  8. It's so good! Wow, that's so cool. It was one of the first ones that I ever bought.

  9. Anne is definitely a lot like you :)


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