Awards Part 1

 Hi, everybody! So, back in January, I stole [and stole with permission] a couple tags that looked interesting. Later, Skye and Ivy each tagged me, then I found out about the whole February is Fantasy Month thing, and wanted to fill out that tag, so things got a little out of control. Today I'll just be filling out the three original tags I stole. 
So, this first one I stole from Nicole's blog.
The Rules
Thank the person who nominated you [thanks, Nicole!]. 
Answer the questions
Ping back to the creator Ellyn
Nominate 5+ bloggers to do the tags
The Questions
Why did you start blogging, and why have you kept blogging?
Well. This is a long story.
So, a few years ago, I got interested in doll blogging [which is when you take pictures of dolls and make stories about them. It's hard to explain], and I wanted a doll blog. Later on, I decided I wanted a personal blog, too. It took awhile to get started, but I officially began both blogs on May 12th 2019. Over time, I realized that doll blogging was not where I ''fit'' best, partly because I'm not a great photographer, and partly because I didn't have enough time to run two blogs well. So, now, I stick to this one.
I've kept blogging, mostly because of the community! You guys are all so sweet and amazing, and I love getting to know all of you. It's also just fun, and gives me practice with my nonfiction writing abilities.
What is your favorite type of blog post to write?
You expect me to choose? Okay, fine, I really love making story-related posts. 
Reviews, character analysis [despite the fact that I've never done one....whoops], comparing things, writing about WIPs, personality types of various characters, 5 things lists, etc. All of those. 
What are your three favorite blog posts?
*bites lips* 
What are some of your favorite things to do to relax?
Read, watch movies and shows, journal, go out to our tire swing and swing and listen to music. Basically, whenever I can be fairly passive, and engaged with a story or my imagination.
What are three of your favorite things?
I really don't know. Definitely my laptop, and then I'm not sure. Maybe my skateboard or roller skates? My Kindle? All of my books? One of those.
What are your proudest blogging moments?
I don't know if it's necessarily my proudest blogging moment, but getting new followers always makes me happy.
What are your hobbies outside of blogging?
Reading, writing, watching movies/shows, listening to music, playing sports, anything outdoorsy. 
Describe your personality in three words?
Adventurous, sarcastic, and dramaginative [it's a hybrid word of dramatic and imaginative].
What are your top three pet peeves?
People interrupting me when I just want some alone time, thinking I've finished something really long and boring only to find out there's more of it, and when people are super harsh or rude for no apparent reason.
What's something your followers don't know about you?
Uhhhhhh......*racks brain for interesting facts*
I cannot do a cartwheel. I'm pretty athletic and fairly flexible, and I'm not even that bad at gymnastics, but, so far, it's a skill I haven't mastered..
It really is an unspeakable tragedy.
I tag anyone who hasn't done this before. Or if you have, and you want to do it again, go ahead. I don't mind.
Next, we have the Sunshine blogger Award, which I stole from Hamlette [with her permission. Does stealing even count as stealing if you get permission? Borrowing then?].
The Questions
Fantasy or sci-fi?
Fantasy! I love sci-fi, but fantasy is my all-time favorite genre. 
Tragedy or comedy?
Again, I love both, but probably comedy, because tragic endings break my heart into a million pieces and it is very very hard to repair [I did mention that I was dramatic, right?]. 
I like tragedies, but in moderation, whereas I could watch comedies almost every day [or at least an episode of a comedy show like Community or Parks and Recreation], so, yeah, comedy.
Fiction or nonfiction?
Yay, an easy one!

Fiction, for sure!
Snow or rain?
Rain. There's something dark and mysterious about it, plus where I live winter lasts from about October to March, so by now, I'm pretty sick of snow.
Orange juice or apple juice?
Orange juice.
Christmas or Easter?
Middle-earth or Narnia?
Mayyybe Narnia? I love both, though.
Marvel or DC?
Star Wars or Star Trek?
As I mentioned on Christine's blog, I'm not a huge fan of either. I mean, I like them both, but I don't love either of them. I've seen more of Star Wars, though, so we'll go with that. 
Old movies or new movies?
So, question first: how new are we talking? Like, movies that came out last year? Movies that aren't classic Hollywood? So, I'll say new movies on the condition that I can include '80s/90s movies in there.
Old books or new books?
Both. I read more new books, but I dearly love the classics that I have read, and could never give them up.
And then I stole this tag again from Rachel.
Her Questions
If you could pick one Disney movie to have a live-action remake done right, what would it be?
Hmmm, maybe Tangled. It's one of my favorite Disney movies, and it would pretty easy to make a live-action version without losing the magic of the original.
Who's your favorite actor?
Gosh, that's hard. Do Broadway actors count? But that doesn't really make it any easier. I don't know. There are so many talented actors who seem like a decent person, too. 
Who's your favorite actress?
Again, that's so hard! I like so many actresses. 
If you had to pick a song to play on repeat for a year, what song what you pick?
Ahhhhh, so hard. I like so many! Any of the songs from the musicals I like would be good. 
Currently, probably this Glee cover of Home. Rory is such an underrated character, and Damian McGinty is ridiculously talented.
What's the last thing you watched on YouTube?
This amazing Beronica edit.
What is your favorite thing by that channel?
Actually, that video. It's the best. If the link doesn't work just look up Betty and Veronica Because of You on YouTube. It's worth watching even if you're not a fan of the show.
Favorite Doctor Who companion?
I've never watched Doctor Who. I know, I know. My friend keeps saying I'll love it, so I intend to watch it sometime in 2021. Doctor Who fans, who do you think I'd like best?
Least favorite Doctor Who companion?
See my answer above.
What is your favorite classic book?
Little Women or Anne of Green Gables. I also like Pride and Prejudice, although I haven't finished it yet, so I'm not sure if that counts.
What type of cake do you consider yourself?
Maybe a lemon cake! They're kind of unusual, most people either love or hate them, they come on very strong, and they can be sweet or sour depending on the person.
And, finally, what is your favorite outfit in your closet?
This isn't really an outfit, but I love my Buffy The Vampire Slayer T-shirt. 
I'm not really going to tag anyone, so, if you like my questions, consider yourself nominated [if you want].
My Questions
What's your favorite primary color?
Favorite card/board game?
What's your Patronus?
Who's your favorite actor or actress who was most famous in another era? Why do you like him/her?
If you have siblings, which of them annoys you the most [or has been successful in annoying you the most in the past]?
What's one talent that you'd like to have?
Thoughts on WandaVision?
What color is your phone case?
If given the opportunity, would you be up for some time traveling?
What's your ultimate comfort show?
Are there any covers of songs that you prefer to the original [Gleeks, you have your work cut out for you]? 
So, let's talk. Did you agree with any of my answers? If you've seen Doctor Who, which companion do you think I'd like best? Are you dramaginative? What type of cake do you think you are?


  1. Hmm, if you watched Doctor Who, I can see you being a fan of Ace, Clara, or Bill. Nice answers!

    1. Ooh, cool. I do intend to watch Doctor Who at some point in the near future, so I'll have to let you know who I like. Thanks! And thanks for letting me do the tag.

  2. Very fun post to read! Your new word dramaginative is awesome. Hm, I kind of want to answer your questions because they sound really fun and they'll give me a chance to obsess over WandaVision, which I'm really enjoying! Have you seen it?

    1. Thanks! It describes me perfectly, XD.
      If you want to do the tag, go ahead! I'd love to see your answers.
      YES. I've seen it, and I am completely obsessed with it! It's amazing!

  3. It was fun to read your answers. :) I really like Anne of Green Gables too.

  4. Thanks!
    It's such a good book, isn't it?

    1. You're welcome.
      And it really is. :)

  5. Doll blogging - I haven't heard of it but it sounds like a lot of work - setting up and all that.

    I like the words you used to describe your personality especially 'dramaginative,' though it wouldn't describe me, well, maybe a little. Some of us can get a bit dramatic without much help.

    Tangled is so much fun to watch and I don't even like musicals.

    Have a lovely day.

  6. It is a lot of work. I admire people that can do that, and have it still be fun.
    It is. It's just a fun and sweet movie.
    Thanks! Same to you.

  7. I can't do a cartwheel either, and I hate it. XD

  8. Hey, I'm not the only one. One of these days I swear I'll learn, but it hasn't happened yet.

  9. Dramamaginative BRILLIANT! This is now my favorite new word.

  10. I had so much fun reading this! I might possibly do this for a post. I've been feeling a little bit tapped out lately and this could be a fun way to get back to it.

  11. Thanks! Oh, that'd be fun to read. Feel free to steal it if you want to.


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