Awards Part 2

 Hey, look, I'm doing this in a reasonable amount of time. *jazz hands* Yayyyyyyyyy. 
So, in my last post, I mentioned that I had some more tags to catch up on, so here they are.
First, Ivy nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. 
Thank you so much, Ivy!
The Rules
Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog
Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you
Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions
List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog
Her Questions
What book would you want to bring to life?
I think the Harry Potter books. How cool would it be to go to Hogwarts? And to live in a world full of magic? Except I'd want to find a way to turn back time so that I could be eleven again, and get to go to Hogwarts.
Are you more of an indoors or outdoors person?
As with lots of things, it really depends. I wouldn't want to watch TV outside, for example. However, I am pretty outdoorsy, and a little more into nature than your average person, so I'm more of an outdoors person.
Paris, London, Rome, or Prague?
Rome. Paris is a close second, though.
What three fictional characters would you want to be stuck on an elevator with?
Tara Maclay [Buffy the Vampire Slayer], Luna Lovegood [Harry Potter], and Abed Nadir [Community].
Tara's an absolute sweetheart, and she's very good at comforting people, which would be good while stuck  on an elevator. She's also a witch, and that could come in handy.
Luna also has magic, so, between her and Tara, maybe we could get the elevator moving faster. It would also be very interesting to have conversations with her while waiting.
And, with Abed, you could basically just talk about movies until the elevator was fixed, which would be fun. Plus, he'd probably remember a bunch of TV episodes where people get stuck on an elevator, and it would be awesome to see if his predictions come true.
What, in your opinion, is the most iconic moment in history?
I'm not sure. Probably Jesus's birth.
Would you rather read peoples' minds or be able to communicate with animals?
Communicate with animals. Mind reading sounds more appealing, but there are all kinds of movies/shows/books where people get overwhelmed or go crazy from reading minds, plus I'm not sure if I'd like to know some people's thoughts. I think it would be pretty cool to communicate with animals, though. I could finally know what all of my pets are thinking. 
Frozen yogurt or ice cream?
Frozen yogurt. 
Favorite TV show at the moment?
It's been Buffy the Vampire Slayer since October. 
However, recently, I've been getting into WandaVision, and I'm really enjoying it.
It's just so different from the rest of the MCU, and I love that. It's all about my girl, Wanda, and I really like the sitcom element, plus the mystery/sci-fi part.
Do you have a favorite superhero? If so, who is it and why?
Yup. Wanda's my favorite.
First of all, I feel bad for her, because she's endured so much trauma. I also admire how strong she is, and I just think she's interesting. 
Do you love weddings, or avoid them at all costs?
I haven't had much experience with weddings, so I don't know. 
That was fun. Thanks again, Ivy. 
I'm not tagging anyone, but if you want to do it, feel free to.
My Questions
Who do you prefer: Fred Weasley or George Weasley?
Favorite dangerous animal?
What was the last thing you became obsessed with?
What's your favorite type of sweater [if you like sweaters, that is]?
Who is your ultimate OTP? 
What color is your comforter?
If you were to go on an adventure, what fictional animal companion would you want with you?
Which fictional sidekick would you choose?
And which love interest?
What is something most people don't know about you [it doesn't have to be deep. It could be as simple as, ''I don't like soda.'']?
Do you have any pets? If so, please share pictures [I want to see all the cute little fluffs].
Now, Skye nominated me for the Would You Be tag. This looks really cool. Thank you, Skye!
The Rules
Link this post so everyone can see the descriptions
List only the names of the positions or beings at the beginning or the end of your post
Read each description carefully from each WIP category
Pick one position/being from each category. It can only be 1. More than 1 is not allowed.
Explain why you picked these
Tag people if you can
So, before I forget here is the link to Ribbon Ash's post. 
So, here are the options from the different world.
From the world of Snakeahara, you could be an assassin soldier, a dragon shapeshifter, a captain of the ocean, or a beast whisperer.
From the world of Nine Siblings, you could be a Kitsune, Willow, Swan Guardian, or a person with mysterious powers related to darkness.
From the world of FHE, you could be cyborg, cat's blood, flawless, or a silhouette.
From the world of Reflection, you could be a doppleganger, The Masked Man, a thief, or a famous hero.
From the world of The Silent Nation, you could be a mute rebel, a robot, a law keeper, or a person with mysterious origins.
From the world of Mind and Soul you could be a mind reader, mind mover, soul switcher, or teleporter.
So. Here are my answers
From the World of Snakeahara I would be a Beast Whisperer
Well, first of all, I like animals, so that appeals to me immediately. 
Also, I would absolutely hate both killing people and having no identity, so Assassin Soldier was out immediately, and I just can't see myself as a Dragon Shapeshifter or a Captain of the Ocean.
Plus, being able to tame all kinds of beasts would be amazing.
From the world of the Nine Siblings I would be a Willow.
I adore nature almost as much as I love animals, so being able to turn into a leaf or flower is really interesting to me. 
Seriously, how can you not like nature when you see pictures like this?
Plus, I'm curious about what exactly I would turn into since it's based on personality. And I think I'd like being able to heal faster than humans. That would come in handy. And, honestly, the name is really pretty.
From the world of FHE I would be a cyborg.
Just the skill set appeals to me the most [cat's blood would be a close second, though, since I love cats. Mine is currently sitting on me]. Being able to generate electricity would be pretty awesome, and having some robotic features and some human features sounds oddly aesthetically pleasing to me.
From the world of Reflection I would be a Doppleganger
I know, I know, I'm surprised that I didn't pick thief, since I love fictional thieves. 
When I was a small and innocent ok maybe not innocent child, I desperately wanted an identical twin sister. And having a doppleganger is pretty close to that, right? I also think I'd like having some type of deep, special connection to someone more than anyone else [even if we never meet]. I don't know. I just think I would like it.
Remember earlier when we were talking about twins? Here are my favorite fictional twins.
From the world of The Silent Nation I would be a person with mysterious origins
First of all, bright hair and tattoos? I would love that. Also, I like the idea that no one would know anything about me, like where I came from or where I went. *nods* 
From the world of Mind and Soul I would be a Mind Mover
Yes, I know this one sounds dangerous, so I'd have to be careful, but I've always wanted to move things with my mind [picture me at five years old, in my bedroom, trying to move my toys across the room with my mind]. I just like the idea of it. It would also be good for if I was just feeling lazy. I could get myself a book without having to move from my bed. 
Alright, that was fun. Again, I'm not tagging anyone, so if you want to do this one, go ahead. I'd love to see your answers.


  1. I love your answers! And Wanda is amazing!

  2. Thanks! She really is. I love her.

  3. Oh, all of your choices are so good (tries not to fangirl about my own creations *coughs*)! I love your reasons behind them. Thank you for doing my tag!

  4. Thank you! *fangirls with you*
    Thank you for creating this tag! It was so much fun to do. And there were so many great options.

  5. It's no fun going to a magical school as an adult since I would know too much of the world to be fascinated by anything. I would also like to be an 10 or 11 year old if there is such place as Hogwarts.

    I love Luna Lovegood, she's my second favorite character in the series, after Harry. I still thing Luna should have ended up with Harry but that's just me. I'm not a fan of Ginny.

    I would also like to communicate with animals, people's thoughts aren't as interesting as people make it sounds.

    Have a lovely day.

  6. You're completely right. It would be so much fun going to a magical school, wouldn't it?
    Luna's definitely one of my favorites, too. I like Ginny, but I don't like her as much.
    Absolutely! I wonder what goes through animals' minds. I'm sure it would be so interesting to talk to them.
    Thanks! You too.

  7. Thanks for doing the tag! Love your answers!
    You and Wanda just casually flinging objects around with your mind.

  8. No problem. It was fun.
    XD, yesss.

  9. Loved all your answers!
    I started watching WandaVision, it's so good! Like you said, I love how different it is to any other MCU thing. I grew up watching a few older TV shows so it was fun to see that style being used again.

  10. Thanks!
    It is. Same. I watched a couple of old sitcoms as a little kid, so I thought it was a neat touch.


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