Movie Review: Austenland

 Hello, there! It feels like forever since I've done a review. As I've mentioned before, I haven't seen a whole lot of romance movies [though I'd like to see more. I've loved the ones I've seen. If you have recommendations, comment them below], but I thought I'd share a review of one I have seen. 
This is my second post for Cordy's Lovely Blog Party, by the way.
Austenland was written and directed by Jerusha Hess, and stars Keri Russell, JJ Feild, Bret McKenzie, Jennifer Coolidge, James Callis, Georgia King, Ricky Whittle, Rupert Vansittart and Jane Seymour. It was based on the book by Shannon Hale. 
Summary: Obsessed with Pride and Prejudice, a woman travels to a Jane Austen theme park in search for her own Mr. Darcy. 
My Thoughts: If you're a Jane Austen fan, this movie is for you. The main character [Jane] basically gets to experience living in the Regency era, which is very interesting to watch. I'd also recommend it if you want to watch something romantic or something just kind of silly and goofy.
What I Liked:
-Well, I love that it's all about Jane Austen and the Regency era. I'm a newer Austen fan, and it makes it more fun to watch if you're already a fan of her books. However, if you're not too into Jane Austen's books this can still be an enjoyable movie for you. The first time I saw it I hadn't read any of her books, and I think I'd only seen one movie adaptation. 
-Miss Charming.
Jennifer Coolidge's character, Miss Elizabeth Charming, is a huge part of what makes this movie so funny. She's a rich, lonely woman who's not too bright, but she means well, and her scenes are just the best. For example, she mistook ''taking a turn in the garden'' as ''turn me upside down in the garden.'' And there's the whole ''Every night, before bed, I put my face in the fire'' part. Or when she said, ''The British are coming'' when they're in England.
-The plot twist.
I won't spoil anything in case you haven't seen it, but I liked it.
-The dialogue. 
The dialogue in this movie is really good. JJ Feild's character gets some really good lines, in addition to pretty much all of Miss Charming's lines. Some of Jane's lines are really good, too.
Really, all the dialogue.
Sheesh, you didn't need to call me out like that, Jane.
-The costumes.
I mean, the costumes were designed to look like how people dressed in Jane Austin's time, so, obviously, they're gorgeous. 
-The scenery.
Ahhh, so much of the scenery was gorgeous, too! Made me want to jump right into the movie [although, let's be honest, I would be terrible at being a Regency-era lady].
What I Disliked:
-I'm sure there was something, but it's been too long since I've seen this movie for me to think of anything. I should really rewatch the whole thing.
I'd definitely recommend it if you're looking for something to watch. Both my mom and one of my sisters, who aren't big rom-com fans, like this one, too.
So, let's talk. Have you seen Austenland? Do you want to? What are your favorite romantic comedies? Is that GIF of Jane relatable or what?


  1. This one always makes me laugh, especially the fight at the airport in the end. If you can call it a fight. XD

  2. It's so funny, isn't it?
    Oh my gosh, yes! That's such a great scene.

  3. I've been meaning to watch this one. I'd actually forgotten about it before this post so this was a good reminder!

  4. I've read several good reviews about this movie and rom-coms are my favorite genre, so I might give it a watch.

  5. I think you might like it. It's a very fun movie.


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