The Hogwarts Tag

 Greetings, witches and wizards! After having a Harry Potter marathon a little while ago, I've felt like making a post on it, which brings us to this tag. 
I stole this from Olivia, in case you were wondering.
Let's just get started [expect lots of fangirling and GIFs].
Are you a pureblood, a halfblood, or Muggle-born?
I am a pureblood! Both of my parents are Harry Potter fans, and read the books and saw the movies before I did. In fact, my dad read me the first Harry Potter book when I was six. 
Just, er, be sure to associate my family with the Weasleys instead of the Malfoys, okay?
Which wand chose you?
According to an online quiz, the one that chose me is 7 inch Cherry Wood with a Phoenix feather core. 
It says I'm destined for greatness, which would be very cool. 
Would you take a cat, an owl, or toad with you?
Being an animal lover, I would probably take all three, and then get overwhelmed taking care of all of them, XD. 
If I could only pick one, though, I'd pick a cat. Cats are probably my favorite animal, and they're a bit more cuddly than say, toads. Like, a cat could sleep in bed with you to keep you from getting lonely, for example. 
Crookshanks is so cute and fluffy! Look at that sweet wittle kitty face.
Where did the sorting hat put you?
I am in.....
Yup, I am a proud Gryffindor [according to numerous online tests, and my friends and family]. I value courage a lot, will always stand up for my friends, prioritize doing the ''right'' thing, and can be impulsive and short-tempered at times. 
My secondary house is Ravenclaw, if anyone's interested.
What lessons are your favorite and least favorite?
My favorite is Defense Against the Dark Arts, because I love the supernatural, so I'd like learning about werewolves and such, and I'd like knowing that I'd be able to defend myself if necessary.
My least favorite would probably be Potions. Science isn't a particular strength of mine, and I'd probably mix everything up. Plus, it'd be in the dungeon, and dungeons are cold, and I hate being cold.
What is your Patronus?
My patronus is the Stag, which is cool. Here, I'll just copy the quiz description here.
You got the stag, the same as Harry's and his father's, James Potter. Having the stag as one's Patronus symbolizes fearlessness and strength. You are very much an adventurer, who is always ready for action, but sometimes you take action without thinking. Although others may see you as reckless, your intuition has rarely steered you in the wrong direction. Your heart is pure, despite the many temptations that come your way. 
I'm not sure if that accurately describes me, but it sounds cool. 
What does your boggart look like?
One of my friends or family members getting hurt, and knowing that it was all my fault, and I could've helped them. 
Or being deep underwater, like scuba diving or in a submarine or something. I'm also not fond of needles, so maybe that? 
Do you partake in any hobbies or sports?
Why, yes! I'd definitely play Quidditch. 
I'm not sure what position I'd play. Maybe Chaser. 
Where would you spend your free time?
The library, Hogsmeade and the Gryffindor Common Room. I'd also spend a lot of time outdoors, and exploring new places that I'm not supposed to be, XD.
What would you most likely get detention for?
Exploring new places I'm not supposed to be. Or talking back to a mean teacher, or getting into a fight defending my friends. Something like that. 
No offence, Draco, but I really don't care what your father has to say.
What career would you want after graduating Hogwarts?
Could I still be a writer? No?
If not, then probably an Auror or a professional Quidditch player. Ooh, or a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. They need one that lasts for more than a year. 
And that concludes this tag. 
If you want to steal it, go ahead. I'd love to see your answers. 
What are your thoughts on Harry Potter? What's your Hogwarts house? What career would you want after graduating Hogwarts?


  1. I'm a Hufflepuff (though I've gotten a variety of houses from taking several quizzes one of which was Ravenclaw).
    Anyway I really liked reading your answers, and I agree cats are so cute.💙

  2. Hufflepuffs are so cool (yeah, sometimes different quizzes give you different answers).
    Thanks! Cats are so precious and adorable.

  3. Yes exploring places where you are not supposed to go seems like the best way to get in trouble! Love the snide comment to Malfoy's whining.

  4. I'd bring a cat too. I'm a Slytherin, haven't figured out my Patronus yet.
    Great answers!

  5. Cats make great companions. Cool. Slytherins are great. Really all of the houses are. There's a bunch of online quizzes that you can take to figure it out. Thanks!

  6. This is great because all of it matches you so well! I'm a Hufflepuff through and through.

  7. Thanks! It does, if you think about it.
    Yup. I can see it. Hufflepuffs are great.

  8. Loved your answers! I'm a Ravenclaw, which I was excited for. Skye once described me as a Ravenclaw that comes across as a Hufflepuff and has Slytherin tendencies which feels pretty accurate.
    Your Patronus is really cool!

  9. Thanks!
    Ooh, nice, Ravenclaw. I feel like we have some people from every house in the blogosphere. Yup. That does sound pretty accurate.
    Thanks! It's a really cool idea, in general.


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