Greetings! So, my blogaversary is in May, and I decided to do a Q&A to celebrate it (yes, yes, I'm incredibly basic, I know). I can't believe I've been blogging for almost two years. My life has changed so much because of it. 
So, go ahead and ask as many questions as you'd like about anything that you'd like (fandom questions are much appreciated, but you can ask me about all sorts of things).
If you ask me too personal, I won't be answering it (and by personal, I mean, like, what's your address. If you want to ask me about who my fictional crushes are or how I decided I wanted to be a writer or something, those are fine). 
I can't wait to see what you all come up with! 
Bye For Now,


  1. What movie can you not stand?
    Did someone introduce you to any of your fandoms? Or did you find most of them on your own?
    Do you have any siblings? (You don't have to answer if its too personal)
    What's your favorite song right now?
    Do you have any other hobbies besides writing and blogging and such?
    Are you on Spotify?

  2. Ooh, thanks for the questions! Those are great. I can't wait to answer them.

  3. I'm apologizing in advance, I had way too much fun thinking of questions. I should just start a tag or something honestly because I have a lot. Feel completely free to ignore all of them.

    Have you ever had an experience or interaction (or anything you want really) that sounds fake, but actually happened?

    Do you have a favourite cryptid? (if you have an interest in cryptids) if not, do you have a favourite kind of monster/creature?

    If you could trade places, or hang out with a fictional character for a day, who would you choose and why? (what would you do?)

    If you could live in any fictional town, where would you live?

    If you could throw a masquerade, what are five fictional characters you would invite?

    Is there an actor/actress that will make you watch something simply because they are in it?

    Do you have a favourite fairytale/myth?

    What are your current fictional crushes? Did you have any childhood fictional crushes?

    1. Ooh, great questions! And I did say to ask as many as you wanted, so it's all good.

    2. Also congrats on blogging for almost 2 years!

  4. Do you plan to or are you participating in Camp NaNoWrimo or NaNoWrimo?
    What's your favorite season?
    What's your current WIP about?
    What inspired it?
    What's your favorite TV show?
    What's your last favorite TV show?
    Are you on Goodreads?

  5. Great questions! I can't wait to answer them.

  6. What are some things you wish more people knew about? (can be anything)
    What is something your passionate about?
    2 years is awesome! Congrats!!

  7. Thanks for the questions!
    And, aw, thank you. It's certainly been fun.

  8. Congrats in advance on your blogoversary! (I actually...think ours are on the same day?? Which is kind of funny. I'm doing a Q&A for mine, too, as well as something else...but I'm not going to be asking for questions + things for the other [secret] thing until about a week ahead of time.)

    Are there any songs you've listened to so many times that you don't like them any more, even though you used to love them?
    Have you ever done something incredibly adventurous and probably crazy?
    What's your favorite biome?
    If you could only drink one beverage for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    Would you rather only read one book for the rest of your life, or never be able to reread a book?

  9. Thanks! I think they are, which is interesting. Ooh, that's cool. Can't wait to learn what the secret thing is.
    And thanks for all the fantastic questions!

  10. If you could enter any book what would it be? And what character would you be?

    If you could time travel where and when?

    What super power would you want?

    Zombie apocalypse what 3 fictional characters would you want on your survival team?

  11. What's your favorite Period Drama ?

    Your favorite song at the moment ?

    To which countries have you been ?

    What's your favorite season of the year ?

  12. Ooh, great questions! Can't wait to answer them.

  13. Why am I always so late to these things? Congrats on two years! That's awesome! Here are my questions, though they were hard to come up with because I feel that I already know a lot about you.:
    If you were a Disney character who would you want to be? Which one are you actually most like?

    Name a bad character or villain who you want to see redeemed.

    Do you have any pets? If not, what kind of pet would you want?

    If you were a teacher at Hogwarts what subject would you teach?

    What was the last song you listened to and what did you think of it?

    Which story (book/movie/tv show/other) disappointed you the most and which surprised you the most?

    What is a food you refuse to eat?

    Excited for your answers!

  14. Oh, no worries. I'm late to commenting on so many blog posts. Thanks!
    Ooh, great questions. I'm looking forward to answering them.


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