The Get To Know Me Tag [Writer's Edition]

 Greetings! It's been awhile since I did a tag and this one looked fun, so I decided to do it. 
The Rules
-Link back to the person who created the tag
-Thank the person who tagged you
-Share the tag graphic
-Tag eleven bloggers
I think I've already broken almost all of these rules, but, oh well. 
I'm putting this here because I've been bingeing Escape the Night recently, and I love it. If you've seen it, let me know. 
Vital Stats and Appearance
Name: McKayla Renee [I'm not sharing my last name, but here's my middle name as a consolation prize].
Nicknames: I don't think I have any.
Birthday: October 28th
Hair color and length: Blondish-brown and about chest length.
Eye color: Dark brown.
Braces/piercings/tattoos: One piercing in each ear [because I'm basic]. I had braces for a long time, but not anymore.
Righty or Lefty? This girl's a righty!
Ethnicity: I'm a mix of a lot of things. My ancestry is mostly English and Irish, but I also have some German, a little French, possibly some Scandinavian, and just a teeny bit of Native American.
First Novel Written: This Christmas story I wrote when I was about seven. It was short and horrible, and I didn't even finish it [I had a very, very short attention span], so then I had to go back in later and add the ending.....which is really obvious because I used pencil for most of it and blue crayon for the ending.
First Novel Completed: I guess that one? But I'm not sure it really counts as a ''novel.'' The first big one that I finished was The Killer Katana. It was a story about ninjas that I wrote when I was eleven. 
Award For Writing: None.
First Publication: Again, none, so far.
First Conference: None, yet again.
Query/Pitch: A few months after their parents meet a horrible fate, four adopted teen siblings gain a power that corresponds to their personality, and are quickly brought to an old mansion where a couple tells them why they were really adopted and teaches them how to properly use their new abilities and resist the temptation to use their powers for bad, all while dealing with their own personal issues and trying to defeat a malevolent villain.
I don't know how good of a pitch that is, but it's what I have.
Novel [that you wrote]: I think my last big project is my favorite. I worked really hard on it, and it means a lot to me. However, the novel that I pitched might end up being my favorite once I write more of it. 
Genre: Fantasy. probably, but I like a bit of everything. 
Author: Just one? Maybe Jane Austen? Or Rick Riordan. Or maybe Tess Sharpe. One of them.
Writing Music: It depends on what I'm writing. I listened to a lot of Avril Lavigne, Halsey and Fearless/Speak Now-era Taylor Swift for my last WIP.
Time to Write: Evenings, though I'm happy to write whenever I can squeeze it in. 
Writing Snack/Drink: I don't really snack while writing. 
Movie: Just one? That's impossible. I have too many favorites. 
Writing Memory: That one time where I stayed up until midnight to write [with NO idea that it was close to midnight. I thought it was still 10]. 'Twas very fun. 
Childhood Book: The entire Ramona Quimby series. I used to read those books over and over again. 
Reading: The Last Summer of the Garrett Girls by Jessica Spotswood. 
Writing: Said WIP that I pitched [it doesn't have a title yet]. 
Listening To: Bad Romance [Glee Cast Version]
Watching: Escape the Night. Also, Angel.
Learning: That I really need to sort through my stuff. I have a massive tower of books on one of my shelves, and my clothes drawers are overflowing. 
Want To be Published: Absolutely. 
Indie or Traditional: Hmmm....either or both. Whatever makes it easier to make a living off of. 
Wildest Goal: To make a living off of my books, and to have a movie made of one of them. 
Alright, that's it. I'm not going to nominate anyone. Just do it if you want to. 
So, let's chat. Do we have anything in common? Would you like to do this tag? Where are your ancestors from?


  1. Ooooh Interesting! And no writing snack? Now that I think about it, I don't really snack while writing either, I like to keep everything neat and tidy 😊. Do you right your books on the computer, or in an ordinary notebook? For me, it depends on what book and how I'm feeling.

  2. Thanks!
    Nope, not really. When I'm 'in the zone' for writing I kind of forget about everything else, so I just don't think about eating.
    Usually I type my books on the computer (mostly because my handwriting is awful, so I wouldn't be able to tell what I'd wrote).

  3. An October birthday is so cool!
    Not going to lie I snack a ton when I'm writing or reading.

  4. Thanks! It's a fun birthday month.
    There's nothing wrong with that. I just don't do it.

  5. I have a teensy bit of Native American in me too. Jane Austen is too good!

  6. Oh, that's cool. She is! I love her books.

  7. Your query is so good! That sounds like it is going to be an epic story!

  8. Thanks! I'm having a lot of fun writing it so far.


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