The Sunshine Blogger Award

 Hello! Jani nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award, um, a LONG time ago, and I'm just now getting to it.  Thank you so much for nominating me!
The rules
-Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog
-Answer all the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you
-Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions
-List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your blog post
Jani's Questions:
What is the worst movie you've ever watched?
Ehhhhhh, I'm not sure. I tend to like most of the movies I watch.
I mean, I wouldn't say it's the worst, but I'm not a huge fan of High School Musical. They're not bad movies, per se, just not my thing.
What's your favourite food?
Pizza. I'm very basic, apparently.
Do you like the horror genre [in books, shows, movies]?
I haven't really read or watched much in the way of horror, so I don't know. I guess Stranger Things is as close as I've gotten.
Do you watch booktube? Why or why not?
Occasionally. I don't subscribe to any booktube channels, I'll sometimes watch a video or two, though. There isn't any reason as to why I don't. At least I don't think so. Now I'm going to overthink it.
Favourite action movie?
I like most of the Marvel movies, and I really like Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle and Jumanji: The Next Level. 
Name a book with a trope you love.
The Raven Boys, which has the found family trope [one of my favorites].
I was going to just put the book cover here, but this is better.
Who's the most cinnamon roll character you've met in a book?
Beth from Little Women. She's pretty much the definition of a cinnamon roll.
Do you play any musical instruments?
Not really. I can sort of carry a tune, but that's about it. 
Fairies or elves?
WHY MUST YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE? They're both fantastic. I'll start to say fairies....and then I'll remember all the great things about elves.  So, then I'll start to say elves....and then I'll remember all the great things about fairies. You see my problem?
Do you prefer historical fiction or science fiction?
I like both equally. As long as there's a good story, I'm happy with a book, no matter the genre. Maybe I prefer sci-fi by just a teeny, tiny bit.
What's a book with a twist that left you shocked for ages?
The Mystery of Alice had a pretty good twist. 
Also, any of the Pretty Little Liars books. 
Alright. Here are my questions:
What's your favorite weird flavor of ice cream?
Favorite character in The Raven Cycle [if you've read it]?
What's your favorite breakfast food?
Are there any movie/TV show adaptations you like better than the book they're based on? 
Favorite type of hat?
Would you rather be a mouse or a fish?
Favorite non-canon ships? 
Favorite breed of your favorite animal?
Favorite holiday and why?
What do you think is your most unpopular opinion?
Your opinion on High School Musical?
I tag anyone who'd like to do it. Feel free to answer in the comments if you want.


  1. I agree, it's so hard to choose between elves and fairies given that both are awesome. Also, I dislike High School Musical too.

    1. Yup, they're both so great! Oh, good, I'm not the only one.

  2. Thanks for doing the tag, I loved reading your answers!! I haven't watched high school musical but I don't think I'll like it haha.

    1. No problem! Thank you. Yeah, I'm not sure if you would either.

  3. Great answers!
    Pizza is amazing though.
    Love Jumanji!
    I think I'd choose fairies over elves but then again I probably wouldn't last all that long with either fae. I imagine elves might be a bit more forgiving.

    I'll have to come back and answer your questions later!

    1. Thanks!
      It is!
      They're great movies.
      Ooh, makes sense.
      Cool, I look forward to reading your answers.

  4. High School Musical wasn't really my thing either, but I quote it sometimes.

    1. I get that. I think there were some good quotes in those movies.


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