August Recap

 Hello! How's your August been?
Mine's been nice, but it also felt really long. Like, the beginning of the month feels so long ago.
Books I Read in August

Movies/Shows I Watched In August

Seasons Four and Five

Seasons Three and Four, and a teeny bit of Season Five
Events of August
-I got to work so much on my book! It's really coming along, and it's over 260 pages by now. That may not be a lot for some people, but it's the longest novel I've written at this point, and it's not done yet.
-I baked a rainbow cake.
This is something I've been wanting to do for a really long time, and I think it turned out pretty well. 
-I also dyed my hair! I thought it turned out really well, and I like it a lot. Not sure if you can really see what my hair looks like, but, if not, you can at least see my Pride earrings in the second photo.

-I went to a wedding! My aunt's friend's son got married, so I was invited, and I thought it was pretty fun.
-Also, some friends came up to visit this month. I haven't seen them in forever, so that was fun.
-And now school has started, so I may have less time to blog, but I'll try to get a few posts in!
So, how was your month? What did you do? 


  1. Great post! I always love your month recap posts :)

  2. Also I must say that rainbow cake was one of the most delicious and prettiest cakes ever!

  3. Your hair and earrings look awesome. :) It sounds like you had a good August. :D

  4. I don't think I'll ever be over the Raven Cycle. So glad you read it/liked it!!
    Ooh! What did you think of the 11th Doctor? (also Amy and Rory of course) Do you have a favourite episode so far?
    The cake looks amazing! that must have been a lot of work, but it looks like it was worth it.

    1. I don't think I will either. It's so good!
      I love him! He's amazing! I really love Amy and Rory too. Ah, I'm not sure. I love so many of them.
      Thanks! It wasn't too bad, actually. It just took a few hours. And, yes, it was definitely worth it.

  5. That cake is amazing!! Your hair does look good, that color suits you really nicely:D your earring are fabulous ✨

    1. Thanks! Oh, thank you so much. Thanks! I'm mildly obsessed with Etsy jewelry.


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