Thoughts On Doctor Who {Part 1}

 Hi, friends! So, I've been wanting to make a post on Doctor Who for a long, long time.
As soon as I finished the first season, I wanted to make a post about it, and then I got sidetracked, and now I'm on Season Four. 
But I'm here now, so let's get started!
So, I'm assuming that you all know what Doctor Who is about, but, just in case you don't, it's about a time-lord called The Doctor [Christoper Ecclestion, David Tennant] who travels throughout space in time with a companion [Rose [Billie Piper], Martha [Freema Agyeman], and Donna [Catherine Tate]. 
My Thoughts:
Doctor Who is just one of those shows that just feels like it was written for me because it just has so many elements that I love in fiction. I've really liked the characters so far, and, while some of the episodes have been medicore for me, I love it a lot.
What I Liked:
-As I sort of mentioned earlier, I love the whole vibe of this show. First of all, it has time travel, which I love in fiction [what I especially love is that Doctor Who has episodes about traveling to the past and the future, so you get some historical parts, and some futuristic parts]. Second of all, not only is it sci-fi [which I also love], but it also has a whimsical fantasy vibe, which is amazing.
-The characters
I'll focus more on each of them, but I loved pretty much all the main characters. The Doctor is amazing, and I love him very much, and I love most of the companions, too. One thing that I think Doctor Who did really well is making the companions normal people who aren't overpowered but also aren't incompetent and actually help The Doctor [Martha Jones even freaking saved the world!].
-What I covered already was pretty much most of what I loved but in broad strokes, so I'll be going into the particulars here. 
-I love seeing various historical people that I know, and different people's interpretations of them [Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, Agatha Christie, etc.].
-I also really like the dynamics between The Doctor and each companion. The ''vibe'' between Rose and the Ninth Doctor is different from her and the Tenth Doctor, for example, and I think that was done really well. I think Donna and the Tenth Doctor's dynamic miiiiight be my favorite, but I like them all.
-Also, the Christmas specials. Enough said.
What I Disliked:
-As mentioned before, there are a few episodes that are just kind of ''meh'' in my opinion. There are also a few characters that just annoy me. 
-I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of anything at the moment. 
The  Ninth Doctor
He wasn't on the show for very long, but I did really like him. Christopher Eccleston did a really great job, and I wish I'd gotten to see more of 9. 
The Tenth Doctor

Ah, Ten. I love him. One of my absolute favorite things about him is how he gets so excited about things. I also just loved his personality, in general. He's smart, he's enthusiastic, and he's fun, but he has a bit of a dark side that comes out occasionally. Also, random, but I love that he wears Converse.
Rose Tyler
Rose is my cinnamon roll. She's sweet and adorable, and she's also so determined. Seriously, when that girl sets her mind to something, do not try to stop her. I love Rose. She is, without a doubt, one of the best examples of a normal person who gets pulled into fantastical situations. I just love her so much.
Martha Jones

I like Martha. She worked really well as a companion who was very different from Rose. She's smart, she's hardworking, and I did like her dynamic with Ten. Plus, at the end of Season Three, she was just amazing. And I did like getting to see her again in Season Four.
Donna Noble
As much as I really love Rose and Martha, I think Donna might be my favorite so far. Partly because David Tennant and Catherine Tate have amazing chemistry. Also, Donna's sassy and hilarious, and she also works really well as an ordinary person who gets swooped up in time travel. I also just love how much she changes and develops as a character. 
Captain Jack Harkness
Now Jack isn't a regular companion, really. Not in the same way that Rose, Donna and Martha are, but I like him, so I'm including him. The thing about Jack is that he's charming and he's just fun. And he adds some LGBTQ+ representation in the series [not that representation is essential for me to enjoy something, but, as a queer person, I do like seeing representation]. So, can we please have him in more episodes? 
My Favorite Episodes
So, here I'm basically just going to say a few of my favorite episodes from each season. I'm not going to expand on it here, but, if you like the idea, maybe I'll make a post with my ten favorite episodes. Just comment below if you want me to make that post.
My Favorite Season One Episodes: The End of the World, The Unquiet Dead, Dalek, Father's Day, The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances, Bad Wolf
My Favorite Season Two Episodes: The Christmas Invasion, New Earth, Tooth and Claw, School Reunion, The Girl in the Fireplace, The Idiot's Lantern, Doomsday
My Favorite Season Three Episodes: The Runaway Bride, Smith and Jones, The Shakespeare Code, Daleks in Manhatten, Evolution of the Daleks, Human Nature, The Family of Blood, Blink, The Sound of Drums, Last of the Time Lords
My Favorite Season Four Episodes [so far]: Partners In Crime, The Fires of Pompeii, Planet of the Ood, The Unicorn and the Wasp, Silence in the Library, Forest of the Dead
So, those were my thoughts on Doctor Who [of what I've seen so far, at least].
So, have you seen Doctor Who? If so, favorite version of The Doctor? And favorite companion? Should I do a top ten post? 


  1. Oh, yes I love Doctor Who too! And I agree it's neat seeing the show's interpretation of different historical figures. :)

    I can't wait to read part two,

  2. Ooh, it's cool that you're a Doctor Who fan, too!

    1. Who's your favorite doctor or doctors? :D I love 12, 11, and 13. :D
      You're welcome. :)

    2. So far I've only seen the seasons with 9 and 10, and, of those two, I prefer 10, but they're both great.

    3. 10 is awesome. :) Do you have a favorite companion?

    4. Agreed. Ooh, I'm not sure. I love so many of them. Maybe Donna? Or Rose. What about you?

    5. I like Captain Jack (I suppose he can be considered a companion), and Rose, I also like Amy, but she comes later. :)

    6. Captain Jack! I love him. And Rose is great.
      Yeah, I haven't gotten to Amy's seasons yet, but I'm looking forward to getting to them.

    7. Amy's season was sadly the last one I watched before it went off prime, but it is great. :D
      What's your favorite DW episode? I like the Weeping Angels one. :)

    8. Hmm, I'm not sure what my favorite episode would be. There's so many good ones. Blink is excellent, though.

  3. So excited your watching Doctor Who! It's so good, it's fun, then it rips your heart out and then it's fun again. And thus the cycle continues. I still need to get to the 12th Doctor.
    I loved hearing your thoughts!

    1. It's such a fantastic show! That is 100% the most accurate way I have ever heard Doctor Who described.
      Ooh, I think I'm close to the end of 10's time on the show.
      Thanks! And thank you for reading.

  4. So glad your loving it! It's such a good show!! Donna and the 10th doctor are electric together, I adore their dynamic too. I'm a big Rose and 10 shipper, but they are amazing too. Catherine Tate and David Tennant even starred in the play Much Ado About Nothing together and it's fantastic.

    1. It is! Agreed. Ooh, Rose and 10 is a really good ship.


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