The Jolly Genre Jubilee Tag

 Hi! So, I know I've been doing a lot of tags lately, but this just looks SO FUN, so I wanted to do it. 
So, here's the post. 
The Rules
Thank the person who tagged you [ehehe, so I stole it, but I stole it from Becky's blog.
-Leave a link back to the creator [Kenzie created this tag, so you should thank her]
-Answer the questions honestly, and include at least one gif of a pelican [this is the most random rule ever, and I love it]
-Tag 3+ friends to do this tag on their blog [so I'm tagging SkyeElizabeth, Chloe the Movie Criticand Quinley, and anyone else who wants to do it]
Alright, onto the tag.
What is your favorite genre of fiction to write?
Fantasy! Fantasy, fantasy, fantasy, sooooo much fantasy! I love fantasy!
If I'm being specific, probably magical realism. I really love writing stories that are set in our world that has bits of magic and fantasy in it. 
What genre would you NEVER get caught writing.....EVER?
I just found this incredibly funny.
I have no idea? Like, every time I think of something, I think, ''But what if I would write this at some point?''
Maybe erotic fiction? I'm not opposed to writing sex scenes in books, but I think I'd get bored if that was alllllll the book included.
What fictional genre feels most like home to you?
Contemporaries! I love how cute and fluffy they are.
If you could transform your life into any genre of your choosing, what would it be?
Either mystery or supehero themed with a romantic subplot. Maybe I can combine them and make a superhero-related mystery. 
What genre does your real life resemble at the moment?
Kind of a sitcom, actually. I joke with my dad all the time that we could make a sitcom and put it on YouTube with my whole family playing ourselves. 
What's a genre you're interested in writing, even though you've never written it before?
Honestly? Paranormal romance. I plan on writing one at some point that combines the interesting mythology of vampires/werewolves/etc with some non-toxic romances.
What genre is your most recent plot bunny and where did it come from?
Um....well, my most recent plot bunny was about the sequel to the book I'm currently writing, so I guess magical realism? I came up with a new character, though, and I really like her, I think [it's just kind of a mess right now, but I love it, and I love all my precious babies [my characters]. It's really confusing, though, and it doesn't make a lot of sense.
How many genres have you written thus far in your writing journey?
I think maybe two? I've written fantasy and a few mysteries. Oh! And I wrote a sci-fi story once. I'm not terribly diverse when it comes to the genres I write.....yet. Maybe I will, once I achieve world domination.
I'm kidding. Taking over the world sounds super stressful, and I don't want it.
So, feel free to steal the tag if you want to [since I did because I'm evillllll].


  1. Thank you for tagging me. :D I agree Fantasy is an awesome genre, also I would read a paranormal romance written by you if you ever decided to write one. :)

    1. No problem! Fantasy is just the best.
      Oh, thank you. Maybe I'll try it out sometime.

  2. A superhero mystery life sounds pretty rocking, not gonna lie. Fantasy is quite a good time, too. Thanks for the tag!

    1. Right?
      It is! Most of the time at least.
      No problem!

  3. You also wrote a Christmas story way back in the day. If we did have a sitcom you would definitely be the high energy, strong and quirky character

    1. Oh, that's right. I'd forgotten about that.
      I'll trust your judgement on that.

  4. Thanks for the tag! This one looks fun although I don't know that I'll have many answers. My writing has been rather slim to none in all honesty and I'm including over time. Reading your answers was very entertaining though XD
    Honestly I think magical realism is my favourite too.

    1. No problem! I didn't think I would either. I mostly write fantasy. Thanks.
      It's such a good genre, and so much fun to write.

  5. Thanks for the tag! You should definitely write a paranormal romance. I love a good werewolf or vampire story too.

    1. No problem! I should. I've been meaning to, but haven't gotten the chance yet. They're so good!


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