Explaining Myself Through GIFs Of My Favorite TV Shows

 Hello! It's been awhile since I've done one of these, but, a few months ago [apparently, it was last December, which is almost a year ago? What?], I did a post like this, but just with Riverdale GIFs. This time, I'll be describing my personality, emotions and opinions about things with GIFs from my favorite TV shows. So, let's get into it.
#1: When I First Finish A Writing Project
Whenever I finish anything writing-related, I feel like I'm on top of the world! I'm this super-cool professional writer. 
#2: And Then I Realize It's An Absolute Mess That Needs To Be Seriously Edited
Why didn't anyone tell me that this whole thing is a huge mess?
#3: Whenever I Get Really Obsessed With A New Fandom
I care way, way, way, way too much about pretty much everything.
#4: When I'm Trying To Avoid Seeing Spoilers Online
I don't think I really need to explain this one. You either read spoilers, or you avoid them like the plague.
#5: When A New Book I've Been Looking Forward To Finally Comes Out
#6: Whenever Someone Tries To Tell Me What To Do
Of course, this isn't referring to people, like bosses at work telling people how to do your job better. Or teachers helping with your school, or parents helping you with anything. This is referring to that one person we all know who seems to think it's their job to tell others how to live their lives when no-one asked them.
#7: When I'm Telling People The Best Parts of Birthdays
Cake is the best part of almost any type of party or celebrarion.
#8: How Both My Sister And I Feel About Each Other
We have a very strange friendship. 
#9: When I'm About To Write A Sad Scene In A Book
Look at her nails! They're so pretty.
Let me know in the comments, does sad music help you write sad scenes?
#10: When I'm Trying To Get People To Trust Me With Something Important
Not that I'm irresponsible, but it's always nice to play up how responsible I am.
#11: When Someone Tries To Look At My Computer
#12: Anytime I Embarrass Myself
To be fair, it's not very often, but, when it does, this is my reaction.
#13: When Someone Tells Me Writing Is A Waste of Time
Also, you can refer to #6 for a response.
#14: Whenever I Have A Cool Outfit On
''Look, everyone. I can walk in heels. This makes me cool.''
#15: Whenever Everything Is Random
You know how some people say their brain is like a little organized library? Mine is like a cross between a library and a file room if a hurricane came through it. 
#16: Whenever I Start On A Puzzle
I don't hate puzzles or anything. My brain just doesn't really work well with solving puzzles. Y'know?
#17: Whenever Another Bad Boy Gets A ''Redemption Arc''
I'm putting redemption arc in air quotes, because, most of the time, with this trope, it's done terribly [though there are some exceptions that I really like]. 
#18: Whenever Someone Has Watched a Show/Read A Book That I Recommended
#19: When I'm Looking Up Something For The Book I'm Writing
#20: And, Finally, When I Really Ship A Couple
This is a fan-made GIF, but I just had to include it.
So, do you relate to any of these? Oh, and, if you're a fan of any of these shows, you're a legend in my book. 


  1. I relate to #11 #3 and #1. :D

    1. Ooh, cool. I think I relate to those the most often.

  2. 2, 3, 4, and 5 are so much me I can't even tell you! I don't know any of these TV shows, but I just watched that episode in Glee so I know the last one, and it is a really funny fan made gif.

    1. Ah, yes. Those are some that I really relate to, too.
      It is an excellent fan-made GIF.
      So, #1, #13, and #21 are from Glee. #2 and #16 are from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, #3, #4, #9 and #14 are from Pretty Little Liars. #5 and #15 are from The Librarians. #6, #11and #20 are from Warehouse 13. #7 and #10 are from Doctor Who. #8, #12 and #17 are from Stranger Things. #18 is from Parks and Rec, and #19 is from Community.

  3. This post made me laugh so hard, and the last one about ships, so relatable to me

    1. I'm glad it made you laugh. It's so relatable, right?

  4. Gosh, it's the same for me for pretty much all of it XD
    I do love puzzles though not going to lie. I have the same compulsion to finish a puzzle when I see it sitting out as much as a classic vampire needs to count things
    She's our friend and she's crazy is pretty much how I want to be introduced in general.

    1. XD.
      I've tried puzzles a lot, but it just doesn't make sense to me. All of the pieces kind of look the same to me.
      Right. I think that's how all of my friends think of me.

  5. 1 and 2 always hit one after the other. 5 and 10 yesss!

    1. Right. It's like, ''Yay! I wrote a book. That's awesome.'' Then, ''Oh my gosh, this is a mess.''
      XD. I relate to those ones a lot.


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