My Ten Favorite TV Halloween Specials

 Halloween is really, really close, and I'm so excited for it! I've got my costume picked out and everything. Halloween movies are really great, but I also really like Halloween specials in different TV shows. Below are ten of my favorites. 

#10: Pretty Little Liars: This Is A Dark Ride
While This Is A Dark Ride wouldn't make my top ten or top five PLL episodes list, it's still a solid episode. In it, the girls decide to dress up as classic movie characters, and go on a Halloween-themed ghost train. Of course, since this is PLL, A ends up attacking Aria, and locking her in a box on the edge of the train. Hanna, Emily and Spencer have to rescue her before she actually dies. Meanwhile, Hanna's mom entertains a creepy little girl at her house. 
This episode just has all of the spooky vibes, which is perfect for Halloween. Plus, it sets up a lot of suspense [which would be even better if they had done a better job explaining some of this, but I'm not here to complain], and some pretty exciting twists. Also, the costumes are all great [and, if you wanted to know who everyone is dressed as here is the complete list: Hanna is Marilyn Monroe, Emily is Barberella, Spencer is Marie ''Slim'' Browning and Toby is Harry Morgan, Caleb is the Phantom of the Opera, Aria is dressed up as Daisy Gatsby, Jason is James Dean in Rebel Without A Cause, and Paige is Marlene Dietrech]. Basically, this one isn't the best episode on this list, but it's quite good. 

#9: Glee: The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Again, this one isn't the best one, but it's very good. I mean, is it unrealistic that the school board would even consider letting the Glee Club put on a play of The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Yes, absolutely. Is it still a fun episode? Yes. There's a lot of really great Sue Sylvester quotes in this episode, as well as a few more of her iconic moments. Also, the music is really great! I love all of their covers in this episode. I'm not a big fan of the Will/Emma/Carl drama, but, aside from that, it's pretty good.
#8: Community: Epidemiology
This episode really showcases some of the best of Community: it's quirky, creative and random, with lots of movie references. In this episode, the Dean accidentally gives people tainted food which ends up making the people who eat it act like zombies. Oh, and its transferred by bite. This episode is great! It's odd, and it's hilarious, and it focuses very heavily on Troy and Abed [my two faves!], and it's just so entertaining! Also, there are so many other small things that I love in this episode [Chang dressing up as Peggy Fleming. That is all]. Basically, this whole thing is fantastic. I highly recommend it. 
#7: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Halloween
This episode is just perfection! In it, Buffy, Willow and Xander visits a costume shop run by Giles' nemesis, Ethan Rayne, who has enchanted the costumes, so it turns everyone who wears them into their characters [Buffy's a princess, Xander's a soldier, Willow's a witch, etc.]. The plot is very solid, and the actors all really get to showcase their skills playing characters who are very different from their usual ones [especially Sarah Michelle Geller]. Giles also got some really great moments in this episode. Angel and Willow did, too. This whole episode was great. 
#6: Lucifer: Monster
This is a really solid episode of Lucifer! The murder mystery is interesting, and there's a bit of a ''thriller'' vibe to this episode. There's also a lot of character development for Lucifer, and this is kind of an emotional episode. I liked the Amenadiel/Charlotte scenes, but the highlight of this episode is when Maze takes Trixie trick-or-treating. That scene is just excellent. 
#5: Pretty Little Liars: The First Secret
In my opinion, this is the best Halloween episode of Pretty Little Liars. Usually, there are flashbacks on PLL, but this whole episode is a flashback. It takes place on Halloween the year before Alison's disappearance. It mostly takes place from Alison's point of view, and it adds a new twist that A was stalking and attempting to kill Alison long before A tried that with the other liars. It's also really interesting to see the Liars when they were a little bit younger. 
#4: Stranger Things: Trick or Treat, Freak
First of all, let me just say, I love the Ghostbusters costumes! They all look so great. The plot in this episode is also really good [I mean, to be fair, most of the Stranger Things episodes are really good]. It's probably the spookiest one on this list, with all the stuff with Will and the Upside Down. It adds some tension and scary moments to this episode. With that being said, there are some lighter moments in this episode [mostly with Dustin, but some of the stuff with Bob and Joyce is a little bit more fun, too]. This is a peak Halloween episode. 
#3: Community: Horror Fiction In Seven Spooky Steps
This GIF out of context is so strange. XD. 
This is yet another great episode of Community. In it, Britta finds out that one person in their group has extreme mental issues. She decides to find out who it is by making all of them tell spooky stories to figure out who it is. Each story gets more and more weird, which makes this episode incredibly entertaining. I'll be honest, I think that Troy's is my favorite, even though they're all really great. 
#2: Parks and Recreation: Greg Pikitis
Ahhhh, this episode is amazing. Leslie's rivalry with Greg Pikitis is so funny. There are also so many great lines from this episode [''Would you like some boiling hot your face?'' ''Joke's on you, I'm not even in the FBI.'' ''Two words: peach pit.'']. My family quotes it all the time. The whole episode is just hilarious, and the deleted scenes from this episode are particularly great. Especially the Halloween PSA. Please watch it if you haven't already. I don't know what else to say about this episode other than that it's great.
Here's the PSA if you want to see it. 
#1: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Fear, Itself
Okay, this whole episode is soooo good! Buffy and her friends go to a party at a house that ends up being haunted. There are a lot of classic ''haunted house'' tropes, like bats, skeletons, talking heads, etc, etc, as well as some more unique elements such as each character's greatest fear coming to life. Also, Anya in a bunny suit as her ''scary costumes'' [though, actually all of the costumes in it are great]. That is the best part of the episode, and I will fight you on this.
So, have you seen any of these? Are there any that you want to see? What are some of your favorite Halloween episodes? 


  1. I haven't seen any of these, but I do really enjoy Halloween specials. One of my favorite Halloween specials is from the new Leverage, where they con people who are tricking people into believing their house is haunted. :)

    This was fun a post,

    1. Halloween specials are just so fun.
      Ooh, that sounds like a great episode!

  2. Love the Buffy and Community ones. Psych has some great ones too, like Tuesday the 17th.
    Stranger Things, such a good episode.

    1. They are pretty great, aren't they? I've never actually seen Psych, but I've heard a lot about it. I think I need to watch it sometime.
      It is! All of Stranger Things sort of fits, but that one is the only one set on Halloween, which is why it's on this list.

  3. I have seen quite a few of these Halloween specials and they are the best! I love Halloween and this post definitely makes me even more excited for Halloween :)

  4. Ooh, what's your costume going to be if you don't mind sharing it?
    I love all of these. I haven't seen some of them but the ones I have are all on point XD
    The gif of the dean being the devil waving a chainsaw never fails to make me laugh

    1. I'm sort of keeping it a secret for now, but I'll definitely make a post about it around Halloween.
      They're all great, right?
      Right. It's so funny.


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