The Give Thanks Tag

 Hello! My awesome sister, Hailey, nominated me for this award that she created. You should read her blog. She posts a lot of great things. 
The Rules
-Answer the questions truthfully
-Tag 1-10 friends
-Comment give thanks or be thankful and you can feature it on your blog post
-Tag the creator [Hailey at Hailey's Joyful Dolls and The Girl Behind the Camera]
The Questions
What is your favorite thing to do on Thaksgiving?
I mean, I always love getting a five-day weekend. The food is pretty great, too.
What do you eat on Thanksgiving?
Turkey, rolls, sweet potato casserole, green been casserole, mashed potatoes, Watergate salad, stuffing and pie [usually pumpkin and/or pecan]. Basically, lots of food.
What are you thankful for this year?
God, all of my friends and family, my cat, fandoms, my hobbies, and all of my blog followers. 
Did you enjoy this tag?
Yeah. It was great. Thanks so much for nominating me!
So, I'll nominate anyone who celebrates Thanksgiving or wants to do this tag.
Thanks, Hailey. That was a lot of fun. 


  1. I loved reading your answers. :D Pecan pie is so good. :)

  2. Love the Charlie Brown header.
    It takes a fellow awesome nerd to know one lol
    Pumpkin pie is the best!!


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