November Recap

 How is it December? That seems insane to me. It's almost 2022, and I don't understand how and why time has been going by so fast. 
With that being said, let's get on with the recap. 
Books I Read In November

Movies/TV Shows I Watched In November
I finally finished Pretty Little Liars, and, wow, it was a wild ride. 

I watched season six and part of season seven.

I basically binged all the seasons, and I really liked it! It's not the type of thing I would usually watch, but i enjoyed it [and the costumes? Oh my word, they were amazing].

Events of November
-Thanksgiving! Several family members got to visit our house on Thanksgiving, and it was a really fun day. I also got a five-day weekend, which was great. 
-We also decorated the Christmas tree this month just after Thanksgiving, and that was also really fun.
-I got a little bit of Christmas planning done.
-I also got to go to a bookstore, which was great.
-I started editing one of my books, and finished up a novella I was writing.
-Just normal hobby stuff and school [y'all, I am so close to being done with my math program, so I get an extra week off of math before Christmas break. Yay!
So, how was your month? Which winter holidays do you celebrate, if any? 


  1. It sounds like you had a good November. And congrats on finishing the novella your writing, and I hope editing goes well for you. :D My November was good, I did NaNoWrimo and got to my goal, and I am excited for the winter holidays. :)

    1. I did! Aw, thank you! I'm glad your November was good. Hopefully your December is great, too.

  2. This was a very cool post, I always love your recap posts ❤️💕

  3. Sounds like you had a good November. I don't do Thanksgiving or even Christmas but I really like we get off work during those holidays. Bookstores are great - I haven't seen one in ages.

    I think I should rewatch Lord of the rings trilogy again - can't recall what happen. Spaceballs is a fun movie. Home Alone is fun but I don't really care much for the sequels.

    Have a happy December.

    1. I did! Getting time off from school/work is great. They are! I hadn't been to one in a long time.
      You should! They're good movies. It is. I'm not a fan of the sequels either.
      Thanks! You too.

  4. Sounds like you had a good November, I'm glad for that! And you're writing, eeeek, I hope you'll tell us more about that novella!

    1. I did! Thank you so much. Ooh, I'll be sure to make a post about it sometime.

  5. All those books makes me want to get back to my own reading. I have Cemetery Boys but haven't started it yet.

    1. Cemetery Boys is great! I think you would like it.

  6. I can't believe how far you are into Doctor Who! Glad you're liking it!
    I can't believe this year is almost over either I'm both freaked out and also in unbothered denial about that

    1. I know! I've watched so much. I am! It's been so good so far.
      I'm pretty much doing the same thing.


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