Buffy the Vampire Slayer Book Tag
'Ello there, friends! In case you didn't know, I love books, and I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer, so I was destined to do this tag. I found this tag on this blog . The Questions Buffy-A Character Who Leads A Double Life Buffy is just such an icon and a fantastically written character. She's a great example of a chosen one character and she's just such a strong person [and not just because of her super strength], plus she's a fashion icon. It's been forever since I read it, but I remember the main character in the Rebel Magisters book led a double life. Xander-A Book With A Character Who Mostly Just Provides Comic Relief I don't think that Xander just provides comic relief. He does a lot of important things for the plot. He's not my favorite but I definitely enjoy his role as the heart of the Scoobies, as well as being one of the few character without any type of magical skill or super strength. The first person I thought of was Leo Valdez from the ...