Buffy the Vampire Slayer Book Tag

 'Ello there, friends! 
In case you didn't know, I love books, and I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer, so I was destined to do this tag. 
I found this tag on this blog.
The Questions
Buffy-A Character Who Leads A Double Life
Buffy is just such an icon and a fantastically written character. She's a great example of a chosen one character and she's just such a strong person [and not just because of her super strength], plus she's a fashion icon.
It's been forever since I read it, but I remember the main character in the Rebel Magisters book led a double life. 
Xander-A Book With A Character Who Mostly Just Provides Comic Relief
I don't think that Xander just provides comic relief. He does a lot of important things for the plot. He's not my favorite but I definitely enjoy his role as the heart of the Scoobies, as well as being one of the few character without any type of magical skill or super strength. 
The first person I thought of was Leo Valdez from the Heroes of Olympus series. He's mostly a comic relief character, but he does a lot of important things to the plot, too. 
Willow-A Book With a Badass Witch
Willow had such great character development. She started as a shy and timid nerdy girl and ended as a confident, proudly nerdy witch. 
My choice is These Witches Don't Burn. Hannah is one badass witch. 
Giles-A Book With A Character That Fills A Parental Role
Giles is one of my favorites. I love his awkwardness and his snark and his British-ness and how he's always there for the Scoobies, especially Buffy.
The Last Summer of the Garrett Girls. Des, the oldest sister, is sort of a parental substitute, since the girls are orphans. 
Oz-Name A Book With Werewolves
Who could forget about Oz? He's such a unique, friendly guy [and he and Willow are such a cute couple], and I love his sense of humor.
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater has werewolves in it. 
It's not my favorite book, but the only other book I could think of was Twilight, which I like even less.
Cordelia-A Book With A Character Who Goes Undergoes Major Growth
I eventually really liked Cordy. She's kind of mean at first, though still entertaining and she develops so much. She may be blunt, but she does grow to care about her friends. 
My first thought was Emma Woodhouse from Emma. She starts the book off being a spoiled, slightly manipulative queen bee and becomes much nicer over the course of the book.
Angel-Name A Book With A Character Who's Extremely Broody
I have mixed thoughts on Angel. He's not my favorite, but I do like him [though I like him better on his own show], and the Angel/Angelus plot is really interesting. 
Howl from Howl's Moving Castle. He's extremely moody and broody. 
Spike-Name A Book With A Character That Has A Huge Redemption Arc
Spike is just such a fun character, and he also develops so much over the course of the show [although he was always great, even when he was just a villain]. 
Tamsin from Sweet and Bitter Magic by Adrienne Tooley. It's not exactly a redemption arc, but she definitely becomes a lot nicer throughout this story.
Anya-A Book With A Character Who Grew On You
Anya is one of my faves and I don't know why more people don't talk about her. She's hilarious and awesome and we should appreciate her more.The most recent one I can think of is Ida from The Lost Girls. She's kind of prickly so I didn't like her that much at first, but I loved her by the end. 

Tara-A Book With An LGBTQ+ Relationship
I also like Tara a lot because she's just such a sweetheart, and she really cares so much about everyone. I also like how wise she is. 
I'll go with Pumpkin, which is a book I haven't talked about very much.
There are multiple queer relationships in this book, and it's very cute and fun. I highly recommend it.
Faith: A Book With A Character With Questionable Allegiances
Ah, yes, my super-awesome, morally grey Buffyverse crush. Can't forget about her. 
My first thought was pretty much every character from And Then There Were None. You never really know what's up with any of them. 

Dawn: A Book With Your Favorite Sibling Relationship
Okay, controversial opinion: I actually like Dawn. I know, I know. She's not my very favorite, but I enjoy her character and think she gets too much hate. 
Probably Little Women. That book has a lot of great sibling relationships in it. If I have to pick a favorite amongst the girls it would probably be Jo and Beth's, but they're all great.

Tagging time! I don't really know who to tag, so if you like Buffy and books, you are officially tagged by me.
Let's chat. Have you read any of these books? What were your thoughts on them? Favorite Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters [I'm partial to Buffy and Giles, but I like Anya and Tara, too. And Faith and Spike, of course]?


  1. This is such a cool tag! You picked perfect characters that fit with there roles and you made really great points :)

  2. I enjoyed reading your answers. :) I love the Heroes of Olympus and Howl's Moving Castle too!

    1. Thank you! Ooh, those two are both fantastic, aren't they?

  3. Oh this good idea for a tag! Loved your answers.
    Emma was a really good answer actually I wouldn't have thought of her but she's perfect. Not that the rest of them aren't good too that's just the one I got fixated on

    1. Thanks!
      Oh, thank you. I love Emma as a character partly because she grows so much as a person during the book, which is probably why I thought of her.


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