The Bookworm's Tag

 Hi! Quinley nominated me for this tag. Thank you so much. 
The Rules
Thank and link the blogger who nominated you
Include the tag graphic in your post
Answer the ten questions the blogger asked
Nominate five to 10 bloggers
Ask your nominees 10 book-related questions
Don't feel obligated by these rules
Have fun
Quinley's Questions
What is your favorite sub-genre of fantasy and why?
Magical realism. I think I like it because well-written magical realism combines real-world problems with magical ones, and I like to see how magic works in our world.
What is your favorite book series? And why?
Ooh, I have a lot of favorite book series. At the moment, The Raven Cycle might be my favorite. 
I really like Maggie Stiefvater's writing style, and I adore the setting and all of the main characters, as well as most of the supporting characters.
Who is your favorite fictional character and who is your least favorite fictional character?
Well, that's a tricky question. I love so many characters. Um, my favorite at the moment is Nora O'Malley from Tess Sharpe's The Girls I've Been. She's a fascinating character, in an equally fascinating book. My least favorite is Patch from Hush, Hush. He is, without a doubt, the worst. 
Would you rather get stuck in the world of your favorite book and not be able to return to the real world or you're in the real world but you're stuck in the body of your favorite character?
Oh, geez. That's hard. I guess the second one? I think I could adjust to a new body, but I wouldn't want to be seperated from my family and friends forever. 
What's your favorite genre of books to read? What's your favorite book from that genre?
Fantasy is my favorite genre. Since I already used The Raven Boys, let's go with Howl's Moving Castle as my favorite fantasy book. 
What's your favorite fantasy trope? And why is it your favorite trope?
I have a lot of favorite tropes. Maybe the ordinary person suddenly gaining extraordinary powers trope. It's a bit basic, but it's a lot of fun, and, again. if well-written, it can be used really well for both comedy and drama.
Do you have a favorite myth or fairy tale? If so, what is it?
Honestly, it's been so long since I read mythology or fairytales [which I definitely want to read more of this year], but I used to really like Vasilisa the Beautiful.
What's your favorite novel? And what is the opening line in that novel?
My favorite novel is The Last Summer of The Garrett Girls. The opening line is Des has a morning routine.
What do you use for bookmarks? Random pieces of paper, hand-made bookmarks, something else?
Honestly? I dog-ear a lot of books. Probably because I'm very good at losing bookmarks.
Do you write annotations in your books? Why or why not?
Not really. Honestly, it's just never occurred to me to do it. 
I nominate anyone who likes cats/has a cat. 
My Questions
What's your favorite romance book? 
Are you on bookstagram?
What's a book that has some problematic elements that you still enjoy?
What's your favorite bookish fandom?
What are your favorite and least favorite book-to-movie adaptations?
What's your least favorite character archetype?
Who are some book characters you relate to?
Do you have any bookish merch?
Do you like nonfiction?
What's a book that means a lot to you?


  1. I loved reading your answers. :) Howl's Moving Castle is such a good book. :D And the ordinary person who gains extraordinary powers is such a fun trope to read. :)


    1. Thanks! It is! I know, it's so fun to read/watch.

  2. Ooh I love the favourite myth/fairytale question. I've been curious what people would answer for that if I ever asked so I'm excited someone else has.

    Same with the annotating books things. I love seeing what other people add and then I just don't really think about doing it myself
    Loved reading all your answers!

    1. I know. It's such a good question.
      Right, I find it interesting, but I wouldn't think to do it.


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