Cosplays I Want To Do In The Future

 Hi, everyone! I hope you're all having a great day. 
So, I love cosplaying. I don't do it a lot [because I don't have a lot of money or great sewing skills], but I want to do it more. Here are the top ten characters/outfits I want to cosplay at some point. 
Without further adieu, let's get into it. 
#1: Tara's Medieval Dress, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I like a lot of Tara's outfits, but this one is my favorite. I love the simple, kind of old-fashioned style of the dress and I love the corset. It's just a simple, cute outfit and I would love to wear something like that [not everyday, but every once-in-awhile]. I feel like this would be a fairly easy outfit to make, so I might actually get to do this one recently-ish. 
Also, I'm 100% singing ''Under Your Spell'' once I get to wear this cosplay. 
#2: Buffy's Prom Dress, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I'm just putting all the Buffy outfits together. This is another one I'd really like to cosplay. I love the blend of femininity and edge in this outfit, and it's also just such an iconic outfit. I feel like this one would be really fun to do, and, again, fairly easy to replecate [well, the dress and leather jacket would be. Maybe not the crossbow]. I feel like this one would be especially fun to do for a convention. 
#3: Faith's Leather Look, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Faith's style is the polar opposite of Buffy's. While Buffy likes miniskirts, bright colors and generally girlier clothes. Faith tends to prefer leather everything and darker colors and makeup. Honestly, the main reason I want to do this cosplay is 'cuz I really want to do a recreation of Faith's makeup, though her clothes are super cool, too. 
#4: Kaylee's Layer Cake Dress, Firefly
Look at it! It's so pretty and pink and ruffly and fluffy! 
One thing you might not know about me is that I love really frilly, elaborate dresses, and this is one of my favorites. I think I would just really enjoy wearing it. I think it would be fun to rock something so fancy. 
I probably couldn't make this dress, but my mom and Grandma are both really good at sewing, so maybe, with some help, I could pull it off. 
#5: Luna's Yellow Ruffle Dress, Harry Potter
I don't agree with any of J.K Rowling's transphobic comments, but I do still like Harry Potter, and I feel like this dress would be fun to cosplay. I love yellow and I love ruffles, so this would be perfect for me. 
Also, I love her hair, so if I could find a good quality wig that looks like that, it would be amazing. 
#6: Eleven's Pink Dress, Stranger Things
I don't know how I could get my hair like that, since I have long hair and I don't feel like cutting it that short, so if you have any ideas of what I could do, let me know. 
Again, I feel like this outfit would be fun to cosplay since the pink, frilly dress/blue jacket combo is so iconic, especially since Stranger Things is so famous and, if it's not clear by now, I love pink, frilly dresses. 
#7: Rose's '50s Look, Doctor Who
Rose's outfit here is just really cute! I love how pink it is, and it's just a fun outfit. I love the contrast between the pink, frilly girliness of most of the outfit and the leather jacket. I've kind of always wanted a '50s-style dress [don't ask where I would wear it because I have no idea. Maybe just around the house], plus it's a pretty recognizable look. 
#8: Lydia's Black Dress with Hat, Beetlejuice
Honestly, I feel like this would be a fun one to do. First of all, it's pretty recognizable, and I've always enjoyed people recognizing the character who I'm dressing up as. I also just really like the outfit. I also think it would be a fun one to wear because I wear so many bright colors, so I think it would be fun to wear something with darker colors.
#9: Cher's Yellow Suit, Clueless
First of all, it's such a pretty shade of yellow, and I genuinely like it as an outfit. It's also super iconic and, again, pretty recognizable. Honestly, the main reason I want to cosplay this outfit is because I like it [although isn't that a pretty good reason to cosplay?]. I also love the color yellow,and I'd like to start incorporating it into more of my outfits. 
#10: Kim's White Dress, Edward Scissorhands
I'm honestly surprised that there are two white dresses on this list because I don't usually wear white. Still, I think this dress is cute, and I think it would be a fun outfit to cosplay as, so it's one that I want to do. Honestly, I don't have any other reasons to cosplay this, except that I like it.
#11: Honestly any of Inara's outfits, Firefly

Overall, I think Inara had the best outfits on Firefly [although it's not like there's a lot of competition]. I like her style and her outfits look both really comfortable and stylish. I think any of them would be fun to cosplay-----though I am partial to the purple dress. 
So, this was my list of cosplays I want to do. Would you cosplay as any of these characters? What are some cosplays that you want to do?


  1. A Rose Tyler cosplay would be awesome, I agree her outfit is awesome. :)

    As for getting your hair short without cutting it, I recommend getting a wig that matches 11's hair along with a wig cap, because then you can hide your real hair underneath the cap and make it look as if you have 11's hair style. :)

    This was fun to read,

    1. It's just so cute, isn't it?
      That's a great suggestion! Thanks Quinley!

  2. Lots of possibilities. The cake dress would be spectacular

    1. I know. It would be super fun and would definitely stand out.

  3. This is such a fun post! Now I kind of want to do a post like it...

    Love these outfits! I totally would want to cosplay with all of the yellow ones. Cher, Luna, and Buffy even though I haven't seen that shoes show. I think you would kill it in the pink dresses.

    1. Thanks! You should. I'd love to see what outfits you'd have on your list.
      Yellow is just such a fun color.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ah, Love all of these! It's funny, I've seen lots of pink ruffles but I'm not sure I've seen yellow ruffles all that much. Really pretty though.
    Honestly this is a fantastic idea for a post. Would you mind if I stole it? I don't know if I'd actually get to it or not. I've been really bad at getting to and keeping up with things, but I love the idea.
    There's a few characters that I've been inspired by look wise just for my own personal thing. Eurydice from Hadestown being one big one for me

    1. Thanks! Ikr, there should be more yellow ruffles [and just ruffles in general].
      I don't mind at all! That would be such a fun post to read.

  6. Fantastic choices! Buffy's prom dress was one of my favorites.


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