March Recap

 I can't believe that March is already over! It's a quarter of the way through 2022. That. Is. Insane. 
March has been a busy month for me. Most of it was good, but some of it was bad. 
Without further adieu, let's get into it. 
What I Read in March

March was a pretty good reading month. It could've been better, but I four of the books I read this month were classics, which usually take me longer to read. 
What I Watched This Month

Season Two

Season Three
What I Wrote This Month
I did a lot of editing for my fanfiction and for my novel. Both of those went pretty well. I think I'm becoming much better at editing. I used to never edit, and now I edit all the time. 
I also started writing the sequel to my novel and it's going.....fine. I always have trouble near the beginning of writing something, so it's not unusual and not bad either. 
What I Did This Month
-The main thing that I did this month was join a track team. My main event that I'm doing is shotput, but I'm also kind of interested in doing long jump. It's going good so far. It's busy, but it's fun, the other people on the team are nice and I enjoy doing it. 
-I also split dyed my hair for the first time. Now half of my hair is bright pink and half of it is a deep purple, and I love it. 
-Martial arts
There wasn't a lot of it, since the teacher is on a trip, but it's fun.
-Also, lots of school.
This is the not-so-fun part of this month. Especially math. That is definitely not my best subject. 
So, that was my March. How was yours?


  1. Ooh I'm loving the new hair!! It looks amazing on you!! I wish I was brave enough to dye my hair like that, I absolutely love how purple hair looks :') And oh you've read a lot of Jane Austen lately! I've only read Pride and Prejudice from her and I loved it, been meaning to read Persuasion for agesss
    My March was... Interesting lmao, I've been stuck indoors with covid for the past week, but at least I've had a chance to catch up with assignments 😂 hope you have a great April!!

    1. Thank you! You could maybe dye the tips or do just a streak or two if you like the idea but aren't sure if you'd like how it would end up.
      I did! Persuasion is pretty good. You should definitely give it a try.
      Oh no! COVID is no fun.
      Thanks! You too.

  2. Your hair looks amazing! Glad you had a good march.
    10 things I hate about you is one of my favorites.

  3. Stop reminding me that time is passing I'm already in a spiral. XD I've been working and watching Youtube and not much else
    Love your hair btw! What kind of hair dye do you use?
    10 Things I Hate About You is so good. Legally Blonde is one I've been meaning to see at some point.
    Good luck with the math course!

    1. XD. Sorry.
      Thanks! I use a variety of different hair dyes (I think the pink one was something related to unicorns) and don't remember what this specific one was called. Sorry.
      It is!
      You should watch it. It's such a fun, cute movie.

  4. Quarter of the way through the year, yikes!


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