Q&A Announcement

 Hello! So, on May 12th it will be my 3rd blogoversary! So, I'll be doing a Q&A. So be free to ask me any questions you want and as many as you want. Also, I might film it as a video instead of making a blog post, so let me know if you'd like to see that. 


  1. What's something you really want to do this spring? favorite season? Favorite trope?

  2. My comment vanished for some reason. So I am going to post it again.. .
    1. Do you have a favorite singer?
    2. Who is your favorite fictional character?
    3. What is your Hogwarts house?
    4. What is your favorite holiday?
    5. What is your favorite book or book series?
    6. Who is your least favorite fictional character?

    1. P.S. A video would be awesome. :)

    2. Thanks for the questions! Huh. It's weird that it vanished.

  3. Happy almost blogaversairy

    1. Which Middle Earth race would you want to be? Why? Human, wizard, elf, dwarf, orc, hobbit, dragon, or wild card.

    2. Your making a music super group of all time (can include dead people). Whose in your group? What is the name of the group?

    3. What animal would you want to be able to transform into?

    4. What fantasy creature would you be?

    5. Ideal vacation would be to where, with who and doing what?

  4. I'm way too late to add anything to this (sorry about that!) but a few questions I do have on the off chance that you still want them are...
    Have you ever had a weird or unexplained experience?
    Is there a specific thing you want to add into a story? (example: I personally want to have a ghost cat for absolutely no reason except I want to have one)
    If you could wander into any classic 'children's' story for a day, what story would you choose?
    What is the last song lyric or line in something that hit you hard?

    1. Thanks for the questions!
      You're good! I definitely have time to answer your questions.


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