Honestea Tag

 Hi everyone! Skye tagged me for this. 
This is gonna be super cringey, but hopefully in a fun way. 
The Rules
-No lies allowed. If the answer is too shameful, use a GIF instead. 
-There are optional bonus questions but they're not for the faint of heart
-If you complete the tag having answered every question + the bonus additions [no GIFS used] you are dubbed a certified tea chugger, and you deserve a badge to show the world that you are not afraid of a steaming hot cup of TRUTH. Tag at least one other person [a tea party with just one is not very fun, trust me]. Untagged persons are more than likely to fill it out as well [nothing cooler than crashing a tea party].
The Questions
What is a 'bad' [generally disliked] movie that most people hate but you love?
Well, it's not a movie, but I really like Glee. 
And, yes, I am aware that it has many problematic bits and there are so many plot holes, but I love it [and I think that it's not as bad as people make it sound]. 
What is your most shocking reading habit?
I dog-ear books. 
I always lose my bookmarks, and I need to find my place in the book I've been reading. 
Tell us the worst character name you ever thought up [bonus: share a character name you find ridiculous in a book/movie]?
I write a lot of fanfiction, so the characters are already named, but I remember one time when writing a book I named a character Jonah Shark. Just why? Worst character name in a book? Reneesemee. I never finished the Twilight series, but I watched Sarah Z's video about it, and it's just.....such a bad name?? 
What is the real reason you procrastinate writing? 
Uhhhhh, maybe if I'm just uninspired? Sometimes I get bored with my current writing projects. I don't really procrastinate writing, I procrastinate writing what I'm  supposed to write, or I write things that really have nothing to do with the main plot. 
What is a genre of music that you secretly love?
I don't really secretly love anything? Ummmm, I like a lot of pop music, and that's not really considered to be the greatest quality, but I'm not, like, ashamed of liking it. 
If you're a plotter, what do you really think of pantsters? If you're a pantster, what do you really think of plotters? 
I'm a pantster and I probably need to plan more before I start writing something. 
Share at least three lines of dialogue from one of your first writing projects? [bonus: give us the good stuff. Your most gruesome butchering of the English language]. 
I was fidgeting nervously in my chair, waiting for my interviewer to come in. 
Of course, I wasn't qualified to work for  NASA, so I hired Bosewick to make me a fake graduate certificate from M.I.T.
In other words, I was a good girl trying to make it into a bad girl world.
It was a very weird story, in case you couldn't tell.
I have butchered the English language many, many times. I used to spell house as hose and sweet as sweat, so clearly my seven-year-old spelling skills weren't great. 
Tell us the title and artist of the last song you listened to. 
Smoke and Fire-Sabrina Carpenter.
Which beloved book/movie character do you dislike and why? 
Kylo Ren. I know he has his fans, but he just annoys me and I have no idea why. 
Tell us the title and topic of a post you have left in draft
Let's Talk About LGBTQ+ Characters In Fiction. I think it's a good post idea, but it needs some editing. 
What is a book you pretend you've read/would like to read but know you never will?
I've definitely pretended to read books that I haven't before, but I can't think of anything at the moment. 
There are also sooooo many books that I want to read, but haven't. Six of Crows is one. I've started it but it was last June, so I had a lot of tests and school-related stuff and didn't have time to finish it before I had to return it to the library. One day I swear I'll finish it.
Tell us the title and the topic of the most embarrassing post you've ever written [bonus: include the link].
5 YA Books I Loved and 5 I Hated.
I don't necessarily disagree with all of my opinions in this post, but I trashed on some books that I don't hate because I was in my 'not like other girls' phase and since YA is a more female-dominated genre and contemporaries/romance are ''girly'' genres I couldn't like them because I was so ''cool and quirky''.
Alright, I tag
And everyone who wants to do it. 


  1. I love reading your answers, McKayla. :) I also dislike Kylo Ren, and because of that really didn't understand why people shipped him with Rey. Also, thank you so much for tagging me. :D

    1. Thanks! Yeah, I never understood the Reylo ship either. Not that I think there's anything wrong with shipping them, it's just not for me.
      No problem! I can't wait to see your answers!

  2. Thanks for tagging me Mckayla! This is a super cool tag, and I loved all your answers :)

    1. No problem! I can't wait to see your answers!

  3. 'I was a good girl trying to make it in a bad girl world' (after literally forging her way in) XD
    I love hearing people's old writing even though I, a complete hypocrite, delete everything.
    I don't think I would have guessed Kylo Ren for you, interesting. Yet it makes sense for some reason
    Loved hearing your answers!

    1. XD. Yeah, that story made no sense.
      I do too! It's so interesting to see how people's writing evolves over time.


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