5 Favorite Female Characters Tag

 Hello! So, today, I'll be doing another tag post. I saw this one on Katie's blog, and I thought I'd do it. Because I love characters. Obviously, there are other reasons I like stories, but characters is a big one. Especially women. That's not to say that there aren't male characters that I love [Steve Harrington, Rupert Giles, etc.], but I tend to connect more to fictional women, which I used to think was a bad thing, but it's just the way I am. *shrugs* It's just me, I guess. I did a similar post about a year ago, and it's hard to narrow it down to five, but here are five female characters who mean a lot to me personally, and who I adore. 
So, let's get into it.
#1: Daisy Johnson, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
I don't understand why Agents of Shield isn't as famous as the rest of the MCU, when it's super good. I adore all of the characters------May, Coulson, Fitz, Simmons, Hunter, Bobbi, Yo-Yo, etc, but Daisy has always been my favorite. She's developed a lot over the seasons, and I've loved watching her grow. I loved her snarky and goofy personality at the beginning of the show, but what I love the most about her is how much she cares about people and justice and doing the right thing. That's been a crucial part of her personality ever since Season One. She always tries to stand up for the little guy, and do the right thing, and, while that doesn't always work out, at least she tries her best. There's also her search to find her identity, and who she really is. Firstly, it's finding out who her parents are, then it's adjusting to having superpowers. It may not be a particularly unique storyline, but I think it gave her more depth [or maybe Chloe Bennet is just a good actress?]. I both admire Daisy, and intensely relate to her. She may not be a popular Marvel character, but she's one of my favorites. 
#2: Jo March, Little Women
As I've gotten more into classic literature, I've loved a lot of different characters, but Jo will always be my favorite. There's just something about her that I love. I think part of the reason I love her so much is because I can relate to her a lot. She's a passionate, independent writer with a bit of a temper, who doesn't feel like she fits in with social standards. I just get her, if you know what I mean. I love how strong she is, but also how, at the end of the day, she's a caring person. Also, her devotion to her writing career inspires me. Basically, she's just one of my favorite characters.
#3: Anne Shirley, Anne of Green Gables
Anne is another one of my favorite classic literature characters. Her book was the first classic I ever read, when I was about eight or nine. Anne was another character that I relate to a lot-----especially when I was a kid. She's emotional, imaginative, a little dramatic, intelligent and extremely talkative, so a lot like how I was as a kid. i admire how ambitious and hardworking she is, and it's also just so entertaining to read about all of her various different adventures. 
#4: Veronica Sawyer, Heathers
I'm not sure what it is about Veronica that I like, but I do. She's one of my favorite movie/musical heroines [can we really call her that, though? She's not a great person]. Maybe I just find her psychologically interesting. She's a unique character, and I love getting her perspective on the story. She's intelligent and snarky, which I always like. She's a really complex character, which I really like. I can't put my finger on why I like her, but she's special to me. Also, I like her sense of style. 
#5: Faith Lehane, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Like with Agents of Shield, I adore most of the characters on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I love Cordy's character development, plus she's hilarious, I love Willow in all her glorious nerdiness, Tara's just an absolute cinnamon roll, and Buffy is just amazing in every way. But I've always been drawn to Faith ever since her first onscreen moment. I like how.....gritty she is, I guess. She hasn't had an easy life and that shows. It doesn't excuse all the horrible things she does, that's for sure, but she's interesting. Anyone looking to write morally grey characters should just look to Buffy the Vampire Slayer cuz we have both her and Spike and I actually sympathize with both of them and actively root for their redemption arcs [which RARELY happens for me]. I like her redemption arc and seeing her go from anti-hero to villain to hero. She's also just psychologically interesting [I can't be the only one who likes characters because I want to study how their minds work and why they do the things that they do, can I?]. 
So, that's the post. If you want to do the tag, feel free to do it. If you want to tell me five of your favorite female characters, please comment below, because I want to know.


  1. I think I'll steal this tag! Jo and Anne are fantastic. I'm not sure if I relate more to male or female characters myself, but I totally get when you mean. Is the 5th character named Faith or Cordy?

    1. You should! They're both marvelous, aren't they? Okay, good that it makes sense. Her name is Faith. Sorry if that was confusing.

  2. Great character overviews and what a diverse list

  3. Veronica is amazing! Love Jo and Anne too.

    1. She is! I adore her. Yup, they're my favorite classic literature heroines.


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