December Recap + 2022 Recap

Well, folks. We're at the very end of 2022, which I genuinely cannot believe. The end of the year/new year always makes me kind of anxious, so let's get into the recap. 
What I Read in December

What I Watched in December

December Makeup Looks
I've basically made a new category. I hope you all don't mind. 

What I Did in December
A lot. I did a LOT this December. 
-First, my mom's birthday is at the beginning of December, so we went out to go shopping at a craft store she wanted to go to and out to lunch. It was very good. 
-Also, my siblings and I made gingerbread houses and we made Christmas cookies.
-A bunch of Christmas stuff in general. 
-I did a little bit more writing for a new WIP and I had a Writer's Group meeting. 
-I had martial arts a few times this month. 
-Christmas! It was a pretty good celebration this year. We opened some presents on Christmas Eve, then ate a bunch of junk food and watched The Polar Express. The next day we had a big group lunch with some extended family, played a murder mystery game and did a Secret Santa exchange, and then opened a few presents back at our house. 
My sister did come down with a sickness and then most of the rest of us got sick. I think it's mostly better now, so that's good. 
I'm not going to do a huge 2022 recap, but I'll say a few things. It was a pretty good year, and I got to try a lot of fun new things-------like track, That was definitely a highlight of the year. I also got more creative with makeup and definitely got more interested in art. There were a few hard parts of the year. 
Highlights of 2022
As a whole, 2022 was quite a good year. I had a bit of a rough summer, but the rest of the year was quite good. Here are some of my highlights of the year. 
-Going to see Hamiltton
My family and I went to see Hamilton back in February, and it was great to see it live. 
-Joining track/cross country
This year, I joined a sports team for the first time. I joined track and then cross country and it was fun. I love being part of a team, and getting to see people more often, plus there was a bunch of weird stuff that happened. 
-Seeing my friends more often
My sisters and I are friends with this other group of sisters and they've come to visit us a few times, and it's been so fun getting to see them more often.
-Getting Better at Makeup
I only really started wearing makeup in 2020, and this year I tried out a bunch of new techniques, and got more into it. 
-Making Art
I also got really into painting this year, and I've been making a lot more things and doing more art. 
-Joining a Writer's Group
Later this year, I joined a Writer's Group and it's been a lot of fun. 
So, I made a few goals for last year, so I thought I'd go through them and see if I achieved them. 
Take Better Care of Myself
Ish? I did pretty good with exercising, sleep was pretty good but kind of on-and-off, and I could've done better with eating healthier and taking better care of my mental health. So I'll say no, I didn't achieve this. 
Get More Into Reading and Writing Poetry
Yup. I read a few poetry books and wrote some more poetry than last year. 
Read More Books of Different Genres
Yes. This year I read a huge variety of genres------I even branched out into nonfiction!
Regularly Interact with more Bloggers
Eh, not really. I didn't achieve this one. 
Try More Extracurriculars
Yes! I did track and cross country for the first time this year. 
Publish A Book
Nope. There's always next year, though. 
With much thought, I've come up with a handful of things that I want to achieve next year. 
Improve My Sleep Schedule
I have had a horrible sleep schedule for about a year or two, and I really want to improve it and start getting more sleep. 
Get My Driver's License
Without saying my exact age. I've been able to get my license for a few years, and this year I actually want to do it. 
Try A New Hobby/Skill
So I've been wanting to try out learning something new, and I think I'd like to work on a new hobby. 
Read 12 Nonfiction Books
While I have read more nonfiction this year, I'd like to try reading more------at least one a month. 
Get Good Grades
Not that I'm a bad student or anything, but I want to work on getting better.
Work on Getting Published
I probably won't actually get anything published this year, but I'd like to work more on choosing which project I'd like to be published, and work on editing it more seriously, and trying to contact agents/editors. 

So, that was my December and my 2022. How was your month? Any New Year's Resolutions?



  1. All of those books you listed I've never heard of. The Time of the Fireflies and The Lost Girls look really good. I normally don't make new year's resolutions, but I am going to work more on my blogging and I'm also doing the Goodreads Reading Challenge as well.

    1. They're both great and very intriguing. Ooh, those sound like good resolutions.

  2. The Time of the Fireflies looks intriguing! I've never seen Die Hard, but one year it's going to happen.

    I'm sorry 2022 was rough in spots! I hope 2023 is better. I really want to get a better sleep schedule this year, too. In 2022 I pulled my first all-nighter and it was not fun. I love that you tried out some poetry!

    1. It is! It's such a good book. You totally should. It's a fun movie.
      Aw, thank you. As a whole, it was quite a good year. Yeah, it definitely need to work on sleeping better. Yeah, it was fun.

  3. Great recap and impressive you reached so many of your 2022 goals

  4. Sounds like you had an awesome 2022, I hope you have an amazing 2023.

  5. This is inspiring! Perhaps I should make some goals for this new year (I know, it's February already...) that I can work on achieving. :-D

    1. Aw, thank you! Ooh, yes, that would be really cool.


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