The Fictional Character Tag
'Ello there everyone! Today I've decided to do another tag because tags are always fun. And this one is about fictional characters aka my favorite thing ever to talk about. I stole this from Michelle's blog because I can, and I'm evil. Yes, yes, yes, while I'm enjoying being in my villain phase, I should probably answer the questions. Which character was your first love? I'm assuming this means, like, romantic-type love? I don't think I've ever been in love with a character, but my first fictional crush was Lamia from The Librarians . Sure, she may be a little evil, but she's tough and intelligent and gorgeous and she fights with a freakin' katana, guys. How much cooler can you get? I also remember loving when her actress was on Lucifer and everyone online was gushing about how hot her character was, like, yup, eleven-year-old-me watching Librarians knew that. How would you describe all of the characters you love? I think I would say compl...