Random Facts About Me

 Hello everyone! So, I've been looking for things to blog about and today I just wanted to blog about some random facts about myself that you may or may not know. And there are a LOT of them. 
1: I love rodents. Rats, mice, guinea pigs, hamsters, all of them. Not wild ones, of course, but domesticated ones.
2: Related to the last point, I also like snakes. Of course I'd hate coming across a poisonous one, but I think most of them are really cool.
3: I crush on various celebrities and fictional characters extremely easily, and I have a looooong list of people I find attractive.
4: Despite that, I don't fall in love with real life people easily.
5: I used to be an extreme morning person, but now I'm more of a night owl. I don't think it really matters what time I wake up/fall asleep, but I enjoy having quiet time to myself
6: My primary love language is gifts, which makes sense to me since I really like planning out gifts to give people. and I really find it touching when I get a nice gift [it's not necessarily the ''getting things'' part but I love it when people take an interest in what I like].
7: I'm a natural collector, and I have a particular fascination with toys. Dolls, stuffed animals, action figures, model horses, etc.
8: I adore psychology, and I find it extremely fascinating to see how people interact with each other
9: I love stargazing and astronomy. I think it's so cool to look at all the different stars and planets and I feel extremely lucky that I get to live in an area where I can see so many stars.
10: I wrote poetry all the time when I was a preteen, then I stopped for several years, and now I've started writing poems and songs again. I'm not good at it, but I enjoy it
11: I find crime shows extremely relaxing to watch. It involves the same core group of characters that I love, with a similar story, yet it's just engaging enough to keep my mind awake. 
12: I'm always on the lookout for kindred spirits and I love meeting people who I can ''connect'' to. I love it when that happens with fictional characters, too. I don't know what it is, but it's just this internal sense of, ''I get you.''
13: I am obsessed with anything to do with the supernatural, anything from cute creatures like unicorns to monsters like the chupacabra.
14: I love goats because they're the most ridiculous animals ever.
15: One of my biggest insecurities for a long time was that I wasn't very intelligent because I struggle a lot with math
16: My favorite holiday is Halloween. I love dressing up as my favorite characters, and I love the spookiness of that time of the year.
17: I love words. I could spend hours reading the dictionary and just studying what different words mean.
18: I may be mildly addicted to Pinterest. 
19: My favorite instruments are the piano and the guitar.
20: I'm morbidly fascinated by anything related to true crime. I'm not sure what it is about it, but I find it interesting.
21: I hate dresses/skirts that are too tight. I like my skirts to be flowy and twirly.
22: I am a chronic overthinker.
23: I really love songs with a strong guitar beat and with good lyrics.
24: I love earrings, the funkier the better.
25: I like taking personality tests. Anything from stuff like Myers-Briggs to silly ones like ''Which Character Are You''
26: I've always wanted to own a snow globe
27: I am woefully bad at tech-related things
28: I love to dance. I love the musical aspect, it's a good way for me to get out my emotions, and I love the physical activity portion of it
29: I love puns and dad jokes
30: I think that fried chicken is one of the most incredible foods to ever exist
31: My biggest pet peeve is when people who should know better [i.e textbook writers] get a very simple fact wrong. That or when people don't listen to what I'm saying when I talk to them
32: I'm very passionate about equality and fairness, for both people and animals.
33: I'm very talkative and not particularly shy
34: I like my coffee to be as sugary as possible [just like my personality, hehe]
35: One of my favorite lazy-day activities is drawing while watching TV
36: I'm fascinated by anything gross, scary or gory
37: I love mythology and fairytales
38: My least favorite color is beige
39: I'm a hardcore perfectionist
40: I love sitting outside in the sun. I don't have to be doing anything in particular, I just love the feeling.
41: I think swords are the coolest weapon to have ever existed
42: I love swimming and just being in and around the water in general
43: My least favorite things are boring, menial, repetitive tasks
44: Despite the fact that I'm pretty outgoing, I can also be quite secretive about some things
45: Despite my dislike of math, I'm pretty good with money
46: Even though I'm definitely a daydreamer, I can also be more practical than you'd think. 
47: I am the worst sick/injured person ever because I find the whole process incredibly annoying and want to get back to the things I would normally do
48: I am usually a messy, spontaneous person, but I have a few things that I'm hyper-organized with. There is no in between.
49: I love it when people are passionate about something, even if it's something that I don't care at all about
50: My least favorite genre is probably romance. Don't get me wrong, there are absolutely romances that I love {like Jane Austen] and I love to ship characters together, but I often find stories focused on just romance to be boring. I don't know why
51: My favorite planets are Saturn and Venus
52: I love drawing humanized versions of random objects------mostly food
53: I've wanted tattoos since I was about eleven. I think they look really cool
54: For as long as I can remember, I've always been uncomfortable around babies and toddlers. I'm just not sure what to do with them
55: I love mushrooms. Not eating them, but I love studying the science behind them and drawing them
So, there we go, 55 random facts about me! Do you relate to any of them?


  1. Oh my goodness, I can relate to so many of these! ๐Ÿ˜„ I always had a feeling that we had a lot in common, but I wasn't sure what (until now). It's crazy to think that we've known each other for almost 4 years, but the six of us are still learning new things about each other all the time! Perhaps it's because we're always changing and learning new things about ourselves. For example, I recently discovered that I'm highly passionate about birds; feeding, identifying, photographing, and watching them.
    These are the ones on your list that I most definitely relate to and agree with: 1, 2, 8, 9, 10 (my "poetry" was more in the form of prophecies), 11, 12, 15, 17, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 32, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50 (I definitely feel the same way), 51 (oh my goodness, SAME), 54, & 55 (but I also love eating them).

    1. Wow, it's so cool that we have so much in common! I also think it's so cool that we're always learning new things about each other. Oh, birds are so interesting. Maybe you could do a post about them on your blog.

    2. Yes, that's a great idea! I'll definitely do that. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. Speaking of goats did you know there are these goats called 'fainting goats'? If you startle them they literally fall over and just pretend to be dead I guess.
    Weird facts.

    1. Weird facts being about the goats. Yours were fun lol

    2. I didn't know that, but that's so weird and cool! Thank you for telling me.
      Lol, thanks.


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