Where I've Been + What I've Been Up To Lately

 Hi everyone! I know I've been MIA lately and there are reasons for that.

Mostly, I've just been really busy lately. My family recently moved, so that's been crazy. We're still unpacking, but I'm starting to get settled in.

I've also been busy with school and cross country [because of moving, I wasn't able to finish out the season, but I had an amazing time.

I've also been spending a lot of time with my friends! Several of them were able to come up to visit me, and I had a great time. 

This is a pretty short post, but I just wanted to give you all a little update.


  1. Where HAVE you been?! 😂 How dare you use moving as an excuse!!! 😝 But in all seriousness moving is stressful and hard. I hope you all get settled in soon! 😊❤️

    1. Haha, yeah sorry I was gone for so long. Yeah, moving is really crazy. Luckily we're getting settled!


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